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Raven Aug 2020
Mark my skin pricked with sin
Leave it bruised and scarred

******* lips ridden with secrets
Leave them red and hard

Touch my body marked by memory
Leave it red and carved

Take my hand ruled by demand
Leave it bleeding and broke

Take my heart
Take my soul
Leave them torn
Not whole
Raven Aug 2020
There's you
and there's him

He makes my insides
feel as though
they are on fire
and a storm has set in

You make my insides
grow butterflies
and feel as though
a calm has set in

He makes my face flush
with embarrassment
and pleasure

You make my face flush
with shyness
and warm weather

He humiliates me
and it makes me want
his touch
to a new degree

You praise me
and it makes me want
to stay in your arms

He likes me
but he doesn't know yet
to what he's agreed

You love me
but you don't yet know
what that'll mean

I love him
and you

But my heart burns with a completely different passion
for him
then for you

For he's a gentle storm

And you're a chaotic summer
Raven Aug 2020
You heat me up and make me warm

When you kiss my skin
I love the burn

You light me up as you die down
Not even my tears can make you drown
Raven Jun 2020
I can feel the damaged emotions
On the tips of your fingers

I can feel the whispered silence
On the cracks of your lips

I can taste the wasted innocence
On the tip of your tongue

I can feel the gentle heartbreak
On the smoothness of your chest

I can feel the damaged distance
On the edges of your words

You aren't perfect
And you aren't a beautiful poem
But you are what I've fallen for

I want to feel every inch
Of your heartbreak

I want to feel every second
Of your whispered truth

I want to feel
All of the broken
That you hold within

I want to take your broken soul
And hold it all together

I want to feel it on my lips
And on the tips of my fingers

I want to feel it in my heart
And as you run your hand along my body

I want your heart next to mine
Even if it's a disaster
Raven Jun 2020
I feel as though I'm falling
With no real destination

I feel as though I'm falling
With no plan on where to land

I feel as though I'm falling
In mind
And it heart

I'm falling for you
And I'm falling out of this
But into that

I'm falling with no real destination
But away
And forward

I'm falling away
From the things
You say

I'm falling away
From the things
You do

I'm falling away
From the I love yous

I'm falling away
Because you tell me you love me
Even though your faith fell away

I'm falling away
Because even though you tell me you care
You're efforts have gone astray

I'm falling away
Because I feel as though
You're falling away
From me

On the other hand

I'm falling for him
For the things he says

I'm falling for him
For the things he does

I'm falling toward
A possible I love you

I'm Falling for him
Because even though there's no love
The faith seems to be there
and hopefully will stay

I'm falling for him
Because he shows me he cares
Even without the words

I'm falling for him
Because when he holds me tight
My heart feels warm

I'm falling for him
Because when he looks in my eyes
I feel seen

I'm falling for him
Because I feel as though
He's falling towards me

I'm falling
With no real destination
But up and away
Down and forward
Around and around

Until eventually my thoughts
Have me drowned
Raven Jun 2020
When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even the strongest wind
Could knock me down

When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even the biggest waves
Could drown my thoughts

When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even the darkest nights
Could hide my smiles

When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even my worst thoughts
Could hide my feelings

When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even the harshest rain
Could dampen my emotions

When I'm with you
I feel as though
I can be free

I feel as though
I can be me

I feel as though
My hearts no longer trapped

For when I'm with you
I feel as though
Anything could be
Raven Jun 2020
I sit here and I think to myself
Are all the versions of me
Just captured pieces of the same personality?

I sit here and wonder
If Raven and River
Could see all the same
Would they eventually feel less pain?

I sit here and wonder
If Raven and Keara
Understood one another
Would we learn not to hate?

I sit here and wonder
If Raven and Rain
Could see eachother
Would we still be the same?

I sit here and wonder
What may happen
As we each grow and change

I sit here and wonder
Once we can all see
And communicate
Our pain

Be the same?
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