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 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
Edmund black
i am beautiful.

i am kind.

i am a good soul.

i am kissing my scars.

i am happy.

i am not excusing bad behavior.

i am not accepting foul treatment.

i am ridding myself
of all people and all things toxic

i know my worth.

i am valuable.

i am excited about the possibilities.

i choose courage.

i choose positive thinking.

i choose adaptability.

i choose compassion.

i choose gratitude.

i choose love.

i choose humility.

i choose encouragement.

i choose wellness.

i choose healing.

i choose God.

i am moving forward
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 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
I don't get along
with my own rage
mostly I disassociate
rather then engage

Still my rage is in here
looking for a breach
of all my multi intelligence
rage is the hardest to teach!

Let me take a moment
to navigate this maze
there's so much more to living
than some festering heated rage

No one need reminding
rage can be quite blinding
but I am not a complete slave
I will keep my rage
(and off your page)
Traveler Tim
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
I feel as if I’ve died
All these emotions
Destroying me from inside
Keeping things bottled up
I’m bound to erupt
I walk the ledge
Dipping my fingers in and out of reality  
Trying to find pieces of myself  
Trying to keep balance
Trying to find beauty
In my ashes
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