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Lost in a sea of blue velvet
she dances, by the rhythm of aquamarine eyes
Beneath a parapet of stars where no one can foretell,
the sparkle of a smile is waving its goodbyes;
to loneliness
to sorrow
to solitude of morrow
Soft landings on the moon, they hold on to each other
as they twirl inside an ocean of cobalt blue;
Above, the heavens like birds of paradise soar  
dipping their hearts inside each others gold
until they are no more.  
The world falls away at their feet
as two star crossed lovers become love's paraclete
in a dreamers world
where fantasies curl
the azure blue hurl
of a boy and a girl.

By: Mystic Rose
I like to make lists more then I like finishing them.

More making.

more lists - makes me feel the way making and finishing a good list feels when its finally as easy to finish it as it is making it.

The only thing that feels close as good as the way finishing a lists feels is a good list finishin -            when
- you finish making it good and proper. ✓ x 100 % A+ ect,


I feel it's way easier to - make a new list
- to finish as it is. as it is to finish when the same list you where just finish

- ing  
- or
- are

making just to finish - something someone just put on The List - then it is to finish just 1 more chore - finish off the list.

- just as good as -
✓ finishing most of the list.

Is as good as the worst feeling things on them.

Make more : ✓
This is the goal.
Not Lists; making more lists.
✓ Making more : ✓

- It makes me feel just about the same way as when I just want to do more and more is what I
- Do
- Enjoy
After ten years we recommence,
old friends together again,
Picking right up where last we
left off. Laughing and endlessly
talking, swapping animated stories,
remembering and emotionally

Few friendships endure for
decades, this one formed by
two men, one from America,
the other from Down Under,
men more alike than not,
comrades at nearly first site
50 years ago, now grown
old and grey in these twilight

Visit over, parting now with
mixed emotions of happiness
and sincere sorrow, even a tear
or two, sensing the inescapable
reality that we may never meet
again. That life is truly a fleeting

Adieu and thanks for coming
old friend! My love to you and
your sweet wife Janet. It was
great having you both here.
It was my friend Marshal Gebbie
that led me to Hello Poetry in
2013, told me to pick up the pen.
I remain grateful to him for that
advise and his enduring friendship.
Next to my computer desk, a battery
driven wall clock audibly ticks away each
expired second, "Tick Tock, Tick Tock,"
In the silence of the room, it's every measure
clicking like muffled somber drumbeats.
Sitting today the clock a foot from my ear,
I placed my fingers on my neck and found
a perfectly matching heart pulse beating
"Thump-Thump, Thump-Thump repeated.
Clock and Heart together paired in perfect
synchronization, an inescapable reminder
of the fleeting precious time that remains.

Each second, minute, hour and day a
cherished gift.
Older people are perhaps more aware
of time, knowing as we do that it is
not forever.
 Sep 2023 Pagan Paul
‘Aren’t you afraid of my darkness, my dear?’ Hades asked with mischief in his eyes.
‘No.’ Persephone replied, ‘You haven’t seen mine yet.’
Do you know the story about Hades and Persephone?
you silence me
which is. more
than anyone
has ever done before
The tiny river in the gutter
  Flows inexorably  on
   Crossing over two wide streets
    In it’s determined journey to
     The storm drain in the cul de sac.

Rocks impose no barrier;
The river simply flows around,
  Creating little islands in the stream
   That make the water ripple in the sun.

The small end of a cigarette
  Becomes a tiny  boat
    I watch it as it sails along
     On a journey to oblivion.

I follow to the storm drain grate
  Where the falling water makes no sound,
   As it slips quietly down the maw
    To become part of some other flows.

Will it end up at the Waterworks
  To be freshly cleaned and sanitized
   And pumped back through those miles of pipes
    To quench thirst at the kitchen sink

Or will it join the other storm drains  
  Making their winding pilgrimage
   To join the nearby Colorado
     River and begin the trip again.
A few of my neighbors water their lawns til it overflows into the gutter. I live on a gentle hillside and I walk the neighborhood every morning. Some times I pass just as it starts running down the street towards the big flood channel at the bottom of the street below mine. Following it gives me a very leisurely walk, not the cardio pace I usually employ. I love it.
Twenty little sheets of paper
Some with one name, some with many.
Each a plea to God through Jesus
To be granted freedom from a need.

To be made well, to be set free,
To find the sun in a day of darkness,
To feel comforted in the wake of loss
To reach out and find a helping hand.

One at a time the names come in,
Sometimes maybe two or three.
Often their story is attached
But most assume that God will know.

My avocation is to pray for them
Unworthy as I know I am.
Why should Jesus listen to me
When I beg for things for someone else.

Weak and small as I seem to be
I offer prayer to meet their needs
And hope that Heaven answers us
And lifts me up with all the rest.
I firmly believe in that old saying:  Prayer Changes Things.
 Sep 2023 Pagan Paul
Why am I the August girl
always waiting
for the call?
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