But not 'I love you.'
Any three, comforting, kind
yet cruel words other than 'I love you.'
because I love you has been tainted,
tainted with the distant cries of
in love with you.
Of the connotations
and the the lack of patience
that is;
'I'm in love with you'.
'Cause I love you was no longer casual, no longer friendly nor comfortable.
I love you was filled with
'why? why? why?'
and 'why nots?'
and kisses
not kisses -
not lips,
not touch,
not soft,
no whispers.
No 'I love yous,'
no 'I love you toos,'
just 'I'm here for yous'
and 'you're important to mes.'
And the painstakingly similar;
'I need you'
'I need you too.'
But not love,
never love.
Even in the midst
of a warm embrace,
or the brush of a hand upon a face -
no I love yous could be found in this place,
Not here.
Just confusion,
uncertainty, and fear