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  Sep 2020 Acora
Bea Burnett
Do you see me?
When I look at you, and my hearts beating fast and my breaths caught in my throat
Do you hear me?
When I'm whispering softly into your sunny hair and against your smile
Do you feel me?
When I trace your skin with my fingertips wishing I could sink into you
Open to interpretation :)
Acora Sep 2020
Intimacy apparent in every word and gesture,
you wanted peaceable company.
I wanted flame and someone to love.
Yellow chrysanthemum= Friendship, but also illness and fading life.
Acora Sep 2020
Open-mouthed kisses
may turn it up
They weren’t blisses
but rather, corrupt
I needed ending
And that’s what I got
You needed something
So to you, good luck.
any other sapphic women experienced little to no attraction to a guy they were emotionally invested in? just me? ok.

Lilium bulbiferum (orange lilies): Contempt and pridefulness
Acora Sep 2020
I question myself:
Do I want a girl,
and the mind’s eye says it
could be you?
Perhaps it’s what we had,
and the legitimate possibility
of the lovely new?
Platanthera cristata (yellow orchid): New beginnings; associations with friendship
Acora Sep 2020
Soft arms,
eyes, and curves,
for bellies and for little ribs,
and thighs and voices higher up,
and the comfort she gives me.
And the excitement of the experience.
And warm lips, round cheeks,
a gentle touch,
and confiding in someone who understands
a bit more.
I love you but it’s hard to fare.
Sonchus oleraceus, or sow thistle, for intimately confiding in someone.

I love it when women
Acora Sep 2020
And very much not you.
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