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 4d Omni
poetic mf
                     of my mouth
                                           like droplets

f a l l i n g

 6d Omni
Cluttered table speaks,
tokens of a life lived loud,
calm in chaos found.

Cups of coffee cold,
wine glasses stained by night's touch,
ashtrays hold secrets.

Paint smears on paper,
incense curling through the air,
cameras frozen time.

Books and tickets stacked,
recipes lost in the mess,
pills stillness provide.

He hates the chaos,
but these remnants hold my world,
quiet battles fought.
So my kitchen table is a mess and my partner hates it but tolerates it because he knows what it means to me... I love him dearly
 6d Omni
If I attempted to expose
my many dysfunctions
with words that simply rhymed…

My heart would surely ache
as I committed to relate
the faults of my weary mind.

And so I stringently confess
between these lines
I have digressed.

And so I survive another day!
Traveler Tim

Re post
Lawrence Hall, HSG

           I Met a Man in Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital Parking Lot

He looked at my brand-new knock-off boonie hat
Pointed to himself, and said “1970”
He rattled on about “Come and Take It” flags
And the “stupid mother*s” who fly them

“The mother
ing VC wanted to do that
And so I shot them d
n’ mother*s”
His wife was waiting for him, impatiently
Sadly, sadly, heard-it-all-before-ly

For he had been no closer to Viet-Nam
Than some John Wayne movie
Re format: the computer is making a mess of the text, but you get the idea.
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                             The Bond Girls are Grannies Now

James Bond’s girlfriends are mostly grannies now
Sweatpants and sneaks instead of bikinis
The school run with the grandchildren, the grocery store
Volunteering at the public library

If one of them mentions that she once kissed Roger Moore
No one knows who he was – the Lone Ranger, maybe?
Adolescent hippie-color fantasies
Budgeting for the little kids’ new shoes

Didn’t you used to be somebody?
Well, yes - and you?
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