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Exosphere Apr 2021
our interactions have become meaningless
in an irrelevant way
which is very compatible with my happiness
but there’s still hope for you in the grand scheme of things
I’m sure of it
Exosphere Mar 2021
I’ve experienced so much love and tenderness
in my life
my heart often feels bursting with gratitude
for all the loves
so much so
that I sometimes wonder if I’m not dying
because it feels like the culmination of something

but maybe that’s just the deepening intensity
of life
Exosphere Jul 2023
green bean
don’t be so mean
just come clean
I know you want to be seen

hiding under the leaves
don’t be such a tease
your song has been sung
it’s time to please
my tongue
Exosphere Mar 2021
I dreamed European airport tellers stole from me
five crisp new hundred dollar bills
smug old white men with smoke stained fingers and
invincible plexiglas protection
my mother appeared
brief and sympathetic
I appreciated her show of support
Exosphere Mar 2021
all that time I thought I was in love
I felt weightless
unbound by Newtonian theorems
limitless, I had tapped into the physics of
immortal love
that’s how it seems now
as I gaze into the night sky
back in the chains of gravity
Exosphere Mar 2021
I held myself at gun point
and gave in to all my demands
Exosphere Mar 2021
I’m only halfway back
it’s ok, it’s a meaningful journey
and I’m feeling optimistic
Exosphere Apr 2021
I have this amazing handle on reality now
you would be so proud of me
I carved it myself out of driftwood
it has horns and wings
and is painted ocean sunset colors with
glitter dried seaweed streamers
it is very practical
Exosphere Mar 2023
this weekend went way too fast
suspiciously fast
I believe I may have been a victim of hapless interaction with a temporal anomaly

or maybe aliens

both meander about
with gross disregard
for time, space  
or love
Exosphere Mar 2023
I had so much love this morning
I drowned my dog in it
now he’s following me everywhere close behind
staring at me with star glazed eyes
tail permanently raised as a flag of devotion
I’m the key to his happy portal
and somehow that makes him mine
I asked for love. Not what I had in mind.
But I’m not complaining. Anymore.
Exosphere Feb 2021
why are you so happy today
it’s very suspicious
I don’t like it one bit
Exosphere Feb 2021
we will find all the Pokémon downtown
we will catch them and battle them and other stuff
we will wear gloves and eat donuts
Exosphere Aug 2023
my body is the harp of an angel
under a light blanket of dreams
Exosphere Mar 2021
do you want to know something
I find outrageously funny
while culturally very different
Christians and Muslims are historically and philosophically
you couldn’t get much closer
to the exact same belief system
so get along people
get over the colors of yourselves
you’re not so long lost siblings
Exosphere Apr 2021
I wish you happy, playful feelings today
glow in the dark feelings
unicorn rainbow sticker feelings
the kind of gentle, innocent, inspiringly optimistic feelings I had when I kissed you goodbye on the cheek that time after you told me to stay on my side of the car but I snuck that kiss in anyway because I just couldn’t help it and I thought it would be sweet and encouraging

also, I want to have *** with you feelings
I’ll throw in some of those too
Exosphere Jan 2021
How I love your eyes
Sleepy heavy lidded
**** eyes
I like where they look
The way they look
I like the way you look
Exosphere Feb 2021
he wasn’t worth it, I know
I mean, jeez
have you SEEN me in a leotard?!?
Exosphere Apr 2023
I am a cattail
swaying in the wake of a lazy fish
Exosphere Jan 2021
I’m bored.
You’re interesting.
At a respectful distance.
Exosphere Mar 2021
I hope your day is good
and you’re not misunderstood
and your thoughts of me don’t give you too much wo...
Exosphere Apr 2021
we’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
year after year
running over the same old ground
and how we found
the same old fears
Pink Floyd
Exosphere Aug 2023
he couldn’t stop
and he wouldn’t start
nothing could prevent him from not doing it
Exosphere Sep 2023
he feels
he feels so much
when he’s not immersed in Hulu
or some other make believe ****
a few minutes every day
he feels
a lot
Exosphere May 2021
I am happy.

Thank you for your participation
in the Happy Evolution Human Experiment.
Exosphere Jan 2021
she’s got a demon
a fat, happy thing, making the most of easy street
and she’s not too bright
I suppose I should feel compassion
you certainly aren’t helping
but maybe it’s all tied together in your mind
that, or you’re a sick *******
ugh, compassion all around
alright then
here goes
this round’s on me everybody
Exosphere Feb 2021
I’ve lost them
the rest of the thoughts
I wanted to give you this moment
they’re gone
but they were wonderful
I assure you
they were...
but I’ve got more
for the rest of your life
I promise—
I’ve got more
Exosphere Mar 2021
it doesn’t matter
everything is moving in the right direction these days
but still
do it again
I will hide in the bushes
Exosphere Aug 2023
life is on his terms only
he is not built to share
Exosphere Feb 2021
it’s true, you are a terrible disappointment
a heartbreaking disappointment
I get my hopes up
time and time again...
couldn’t you please
just this once
this year
this day
this time
I beg you
just this once
get me the good chocolate
Happy V Day all you happy couples! Hope you get all the good stuff!
Exosphere Apr 2021
what is that on the horizon?
is it the shadow of Don Quixote?
or is it Loki the Asgard Coyote?
perhaps it is a simple tree
waving in the wind at me
Exosphere Apr 2021
arousal occurs at the oddest moments in your 40’s
like sometimes even when gardening
hormones are truly god’s gift to us all
Exosphere Apr 2021
sweet dreams
sweet screams
ice cream’s
melting in the sun
Exosphere Jun 2023
I can barely take care of my self
let alone this whole house
but I’m glad it exists
I like the space
I like not feeling claustrophobic
I like the long walk from the kitchen
through all the rooms
up the stairs
through all the rooms
to the bathroom

there’s lots of potential in all the spaces
I have plans for every corner
every wall
murals and tapestries and furniture that doesn’t exist
or at least I’ve never seen anything like it
what’s in my mind
it all exists in my mind
even if in reality it’s just blank

I think my self is a lot like this
Exosphere Mar 2021
I cannot sleep
I am greatly concerned with matters of equity
and social justice
plus, there is a St. Patrick’s Day sale
on wireless remote control vibrators
Exosphere Jan 2021
I don’t need to say anything
You don’t need to say anything
That’s how it is now
Exosphere Apr 2021
there are jelly beans that taste exactly like
buttered popcorn
which clearly means
you should never buy buttered popcorn

how would you ever know
if you got the real thing?
maybe you’re eating jelly bean flavored popcorn
Exosphere Mar 2021
and that’s how you do it
you say, no, you are wrong
I am not this person

unless you enjoy playing games with them,
being the object of their misplaced infatuation
stringing them along for years
which, whatever man,
to each his own
but you know,
that’s weak
Exosphere Jul 2023
I’ve got to respond
to protect myself
for the record
a woman can never relax
she has to try harder
the bar is higher
she’s constantly under scrutiny
and judgement
they can raise their voices
but she can’t
they can be disrespectful
but she can’t get frustrated
it used to be my happy place
now I can barely walk in the door
anxiety and panic daily
it’s time to go
I can’t stomach it any longer
I’m throwing up
I have hope though
there’s a better place
a safer place
and I have excellent references
Exosphere Jan 2021
are you upset I won’t make him leave?
the father of my son?
in the middle of this economic crisis covid thing?
when we all need all the support we can get?
hell, you wouldn’t even block some crazy *****
but had no trouble blocking me
when I asked for explanations
or your name
oh ****, I guess I am angry
Exosphere Jan 2021
I don’t want to be an *******
I really don’t...
I just —
can’t —
help it!
Exosphere Jan 2021
a lazy rambling rhyme
rolling scattershot with the tumbleweeds
across the skittering sands of time
Exosphere Jan 2021
I am not interested in stalkers
or stoners
or random dude ******
I am not interested in you
Exosphere Feb 2021
I was obsessed with him
so what
you were obsessed with me
so you know how it is
Exosphere Aug 2023
if I gave you a hug
would you feel a hug?
or a claustrophobic squeeze?
if I sent you a picture
would you see my need to connect?
or steal my soul with your eyes?
if I left you a flower
would you smell the sweetness of hope?
or the decay of lost possibilities?
if I kissed your lips
would you taste desire?
or fear?

if I said I love you
would you hear it?
Exosphere Feb 2021
I would have done anything for him
if he had said
“let’s try”

but when he finally said
“let’s try”
it wasn’t to me
Exosphere Jan 2021
if it isn’t you
if you’re not the one
you’ll be my biggest fan
and they’ll arrest you for stalking
Exosphere Mar 2021
I am the queen
with a hungry guillotine
come closer
Exosphere Apr 2021
I needed you then
I needed help
a smile
a hug
I needed your willingness
to be there for me
but I’ve got through it alone
don’t bother
if you ever did
Exosphere Jun 2023
there’s nothing in this world to count on
not even your own thoughts
each person is a boat lost in a sea of illusory context
the mast holds as long as the weather
sometimes there’s a fantastic sunset
sometimes there’s sharks
all you can do is touch the water
and tell yourself that you exist
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