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NuurSeraph Feb 2015
Immaculate moments of Mystery,
be my thoughts for me as
I stay motionless in
your Magnificence,
Invisible in your Absence

Please guide my hands
to soothe and to heal,
my heart to know and to feel
with great Capacity
for the Totality in
the Essence of your Presence.

May I live with purposeful intent
beyond the confines of the self
to grasp with great intensity
the gravity of Eternal Love,
binding order in the Chaos,
Cohesion of the One....
Omnipresent Mind....
Incomprehensible Thought,
into You I swear to forever seek,
until Dual is undone and
the Heart shall rejoin,
before the beginning and
back to the One.*

Ishq Noor ~
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
I arrived into this world
already overwhelmed
unsteady, my eyes reflected deep pleading and worry,
"I'm not sure I'm ready, are you sweet mommy?
Either way we're stuck with each other, best of luck,"

said I to my mother.

I spent my childhood creating sanctuary
in my world of make-believe
so very often I would retreat
to my inner realm of fantasy.

I spent so much time just dancing around
to my own self composed symphonic sounds
I would improvise in my mind
but if not lost in that endeavor
I'd march about feeling clever
making up stories to speak on the spot
to read aloud from any book
cause I did not care what the words might read
I'd spin my own tale as I pleased

Still in this way , I overlay
a touch of magic into my days
it makes it possible
the supernatural ~
to coincide with what my eyes perceive
what my mind believes to be reality.

So when the night falls
gently over me, I lay peacefully
my body and the spirit of my soul departs easily
into the realm of innocence
where all that is has always been and always will be
th'ineffable thought of infinity.

When I wake to begin again
I understand the master plan
is co-creation
in the dance of Life.
Beautiful and tragic,
but always magic
nothing appears as it seems
when everything
is but a dream.
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
Deep Mystique in calico coat
Stealthy Strut as if to gloat

Diamond Eyes
to bend the world to her might
just enough to satisfy
her kitty curiosity

She's mindful and sharing
playful and daring
by winking and staring,
she puts her prey under her spells,
like Pavlov's dogs to ringing bells.

Be careful if you are guided in to cuddle or to coo
If she decides to change her mind, there's nothing you can do!
A tricky personality and god-like gusto
Never underestimate or you'll say, "Uh-Oh!!"

She's definitely a different breed
Not like all the others
I love my feisty feline,
She's my Cat of many Colors.
I adopted my first ever Calico cat last fall to join my little pride of Tabby cats. She definitely had her own style compared to tabby behavior. Of course she quickly took on the dominant role and showed the others how it's done...
  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
when the trees call staring down
       ask me what reason I am
walking alone among the pine cones
         dead brown
oak leaves laid about
          barefoot walk a path
that no one ever takes
          I go on walking listening
to them the trees
          they are older and strong
stronger than the asphalt
            where I have to shoe myself
to walk on
            going and listening
to nothing but cars
          loud shrieking brakes
and crashing
         I answer by walking right up to that tree
and kissing her or him
      hard to tell with a tree
right on its bark,
          sit near her or him and whisper
          my reason should be clear
to one older and stronger.
  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
GitacharYa VedaLa
P** owerful
O nslaught of
E motions with a (rhyming)
M eter
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