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  Jan 21 Nobody
Khadi Alza
Soft, dark ringlets,
Scattered across your brow.
Your hands covered in trinkets
And holding a soft linen gown.

A crooked smile on your face
And deep dark eyes ablaze.
You, with the tie of lace,
The greatest thing to gaze.
Nobody Jan 21
i don't like myself
at all
i hate my body

i hate the was my stomach sticks out
when i sit
i hate the way my feminine structure looks
while wearing normal ****
i hate the way the skin
on my thighs sag
i hate the way i cover my body
with everything
anything i can find
because i'm not okay
i hate my body
Nobody Jan 14
there was a boy
who was nothing but ink
he would speak
and words would


out from his mouth
words that nobody wanted to hear
because he said too much
people don't want to know him
Nobody Jan 14
i'm breathing fast
i'm seeing the past
things i don't want to remember
hit me like a blast

anxiety rising
breath denying
i'm hearing their words
i feel like i'm dying

their words hit me like a stab
i crunch like a crab
that they stepped on
i feel a jab

words bleed out of my chest
as i remember what i don't want to
i'm not ready
wait... just let me

Nobody Jan 14
i can't believe i trusted you
you were so awful
you treated me like ****
but i cared about you

i didn't want to be friends
i hated you
but at the same time
i wanted to be best friends

i won't let you manipulate me again
i'm not some... some marionette
for you to hold the strings
and control

i can't believe i believed in you
when all you told me were lies
now, honestly you're one of the reasons
i want to die
Nobody Jan 12
and finally
i had my happy ending
even though
i was laying on the floor
with no mind to house my body
i must have been happy somewhere
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