Sure, take my heart.
Feel around it
For all the soft spots.
It's fragile, isn't it?
Go ahead.
Throw it.
See how wonderfully crisp
It sounds when it shatters.
Perhaps you'd like
To crush my windpipe as well?
They say it's painful,
But my tears are choking me anyway.
Come closer, dear.
Put your hand right here,
And squeeze.
Isn't it satisfying?
Look how poetic,
You took my breath away.
Would you like a knife, love?
To cut me apart, of course.
Here, push it into my stomach.
Now twist.
Do you feel that?
My organs shutting around it?
Isn't it lovely?
Now sit, my darling,
Sit back and enjoy
The final scene.
You have front row tickets
To my final breaths.
Thank you for destroying me.