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  Jul 2017 Nite
This is just a short rhyme for you out there
Sitting in the shadows plotting your schemes
You think you're so clever; no one's aware
But imma tell you now honey, we ain't all dim
So if you wanna play, take out le dictionnaire
'cos language is a hurdle for you it seems
(mis)using 4 syllable words, you're full of hot air
So be careful next when you spin your web of dreams
It could very well become a nightmare.
  Jun 2017 Nite
Like the mouse avoids the cheese in the trap
And the water avoids the flame
Like mosquitos avoid citronella
He avoids you all the same
Like the fish who avoids the hook and the line
And the grape avoids being plucked from the vine
I hope that you'll stop reading my rhyme
And wake up, he avoids you all the time.
Nite May 2017
Thought the sun was lost
Found it
When you
Nite Jan 2017
Two of life's simple pleasures
Are waking up
To the warm sun
Shining from the depths
Of your eyes
Accompanied by the smile
That chases all my nightmares away
Nite Dec 2016
We've laughed
We've cried

We've loved
We've definitely fought some epic fights

We've dreamt
We've planned

We've walked
We've seen some amazing sights


We will take on more steps
Journey to faraway lands

Dreaming of the things we'll do together
Make plans to broaden our horizons

We will love with a passion so colossal
That our fights will seem insignificant

We will laugh at all the silly things we do
We will cry at the things that hurt us

We will do all those things and more

You and I. We will
Nite Nov 2016
Petty mind
And a petty heart
Suits you just fine
Not really in the mood to socialise nowadays
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