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  Feb 2015 Antoinette G
Adam Flores
When your heart breaks at another's crying ; how many pieces would you give them?
The ones who need you the most ; only want you to be there for them.
If you can mend a wounded soul ; your words reach deeper than the physical.
The warmth of a gentle embrace ; opens your eyes, to the sharing of tears.
When you can show what's inside ; you'll find that we all suffer from a lack of care.
Thanks zoey spotting the missing word!
  Feb 2015 Antoinette G
Pablo Neruda
I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine
Antoinette G Feb 2015
Dear World,
Silently my hate grows
At first it was tears & enormous pain
Now it's grown into silent rage
Why are you always calling me out
Say mean things to me
Why do you not care
Pretend like I'm not there
And make me feel like there is something wrong with me
Now I can't stand to look in the mirror
Because I hate what I see
And I know no one will ever love me,
Care about me,
Be proud of me,
Or say that I am special
You did that to me,
You made me feel ugly,unwanted ,unloved
I sometimes feel like this can't go on
Why do you do this to me
Is it because I'm truly ugly
If so you don't have to tell me
I know
My Soul
Antoinette G Feb 2015
Life is tough they say to her
When she has things she needs to say
Things she need to say
Life is tough
They say
Every time they hurt her
Life is tough
She repeats to herself
But she learned that life is not only tough
It cold, cruel, and mean
So she finds release
She didn't know what she was doing the first time
She slowly pulled it across her leg
She made sure not to hit any arteries
Her mother expected her to be a doctor after all
As her blood dripped she felt all her stress flow away
At 12 she started
By 13 she was good at making sure her mother didn't notice
Even though she knew that she never really did look at her
Alone she carried out her ritual every day
Every night her silent tears lulled her to sleep
She longed  for her mother's affection
But her longing was never fulfilled
So she repeated life's tough every time she cut herself
By now they criss crossed her legs
From thigh to ankle
She wanted; no needed the release it gave her
All the pressure of perfection,hurt,and pain leaked out in her blood
It ran red for her alone
But life is tough so the girl keep coming back to her knife
To release her pain
Until she found that she could weave her pain into words
She explored with it
And found herself sitting performing a new ritual
She writes her pain, her stress into poems
But life is tough
But now the she has a way to toughen through it
All by herself
I never think much about the fact that I am black.
I know I am black.
Like I know I am a girl,
Like I know I am an American,
Like I know I am nineteen.
It is a fact; I am black.

I hate when people say I am not.
My parents are black.
Their parents are black.
We are black.
Look at my skin,
It's dark and it's beautiful.
How could I not be black?
I am black.

I hate when people say I don't 'act' black.
How does one act to be considered black?
How am I acting? How is it not black?
Look at my skin,
It's dark and it's beautiful.
How could I not act black?
I am black.

I hate when people say I speak like a white person.
A way of speaking is not exclusive to race.
I am not white.
I do not speak like a white person.
My words are coming out of my black mouth.
I speak properly,
The way my black parents raised me to.
Look at my skin,
Its dark and it's beautiful.
How could I not speak black?
I am black.

I HATE when people say I am a white person trapped in a black body.
I have NEVER heard anything more insulting.
I am NOT trapped.
This color is NOT a cell.
I wear it proudly.
Look at MY skin,
It is DARK and it is BEAUTIFUL!
How could I ever be trapped?
I am black.

I am in no way white,
Nor do I ever want to be.
I am black
And black is beautiful
I am black; that is never going to change.
Antoinette G Feb 2015
The girl stands in front of the world
She smiles and laughs
Frolics and plays
But there is a side of her wanting to be brave
This side wants to describe the feeling of the other
Fear, Abandoned, Lonely, Sad,and Scared
But the other side the one the girl lives in is to afraid
Afraid of the unknown
To afraid to stand up to the people who hurt her
Without fist or other forms of hurt
But with words
She feels that the words that they say must be true
These mean words were all she knew
Afraid to speak
Afraid to move
The world left her
So she waited
For someone, something to come and save her
To hold her
To love her the way they use to
She remembers the times
When someone cared
Someone held her when she cried
Now she watches as the one that uses to love her ignores her
Unless it's to insult or hurt her
She seems so perfect to others
But inside she's broken
They broke her
They left her and now
She's all alone
To suffer in silence
To sit alone and think of the words they say
She changes she tries to make herself better
To not be what all their lies say
She tries but
she's all alone
She feels out of place in her family
In her life and at home
They all pass her by
Leaving her all alone
All alone
That girl
That girl who everyone knows is all alone
They only see what she wants them to see
They see happily
They are happy to leave the girl all alone
All alone even when their are people around
The girl stand, sits, live, learns, and strives to fit their image
She tries but
They leave her all alone
Her heart has grown so cold
The girl that stand surrounded by friends is all alone
All alone

— The End —