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268 · Jan 2019
Present Decides Future
One can conspire
And become one
Against the one
Who began the brood,

One can aspire
To break the bond
Against the one
Who bought around

One can inspire
It's future progeny
To become similar
When time comes,

One can desire
To save the wrath
Against the ill
He plans to act

One can be assured
Nothing of the sort
No mercy for
In the end,

Showing ignorance
Doesn't help either
Actions done on your
name are counted too

Make sure no one
uses one as tool
For one is responsible
For one's soul,

Hell and Heaven
Is both on Earth
One have to answer
All the questions here

When the time is good
Perform better deeds
When the time will come
Destiny will speak,

Deeds of past
Pay for the future .
Actions of today..
Decide Tomorrow


Sparkle In Wisdom
24 Jan 2019
Part of teaching series for young ones
वक़्त रुका है,घड़ी के कांटे रुके हैं,
हवा रुकी है, मौसम रुका है,
ना बीता एक लम्हा, ना गुज़री एक सांस
ना आयी अगली सुबह, ना आयी अगली शाम,
तेरे चले जाने के बाद मानो
धरती ठहर गयी है .....

हर वह ठहरा वक़्त आगे न बढ़ने का कारन बता रहा है  
वक़्त के पेहले तेरे चले जाने का कारन खोज रहा है,
ऐसा क्या हुआ के तू चला गया अचानक,
ऐसा क्या करें अब के  वक़्त चलने लगे
मानो तुझ से ही वक़्त आगे चलने की
अनुमती  मांग रहा है ......

तू था तो इस अम्बर में खुशबु थी
सुबह उठने की और रात को सोने की कोई वजह थी
तू था तो तेरे लिए कुछ कर गुजरने की चाह थी
तू था तो जो तेरे लिए नहीं कर पा  रहे थे
वही किसी और पे लुटाने की आरज़ू थी
अब तू नहीं, तो वह आरज़ू भी मानो यहाँ वहां भटकती
तुझ से रास्ता पूछ रही है....

क्या था मेरे पास बस एक तेरे सिवाय
तू ने सब ला  लिया अपने लिए  खुदा से मांग के
छोड़  गया सब कुछ मेरी झोली में डाल के
उसी खुदा के पास जहाँ से आया था
मेरे लिए खुद को मांग के……

बैठी  हू़ँ चौखट पे बस यही सोचती
जो अमानतें दे गया है लौटाऊँ किसे,
न्योछावर करूँ उन सब को किसपे,
ढूंढ़ती हैं आँखें कभी तेरे खुदा को कभी तुझे ,
मानो तुझ ही से पूछ रहीं हैं  
इन सब को लुटाऊं कैसे ....

Sparkle in Wisdom
On the loss of my baby... My son..!!!
266 · Jun 2021
Expiry Date

Loving care...
Sleep tight,
Or a
night sleep
after a fight..

This night we slept together,
In morning you are gone..

Life's so unpredictable,
It's hardly decipherable,
Difficult to digest
You are gone,
We will never fight again,
We will never cuddle again,
We will never laugh together again,

Why, is life like this?
Why don't we both with expiry date?
Why are we not prepared for the worst?
Why do we have to live alone?

Sparkle In Wisdom
The bad things happen & pass by,
Leaving behind the inumerable loss,
Leaving the tears for the left ones
Leaving the memories of good times....

The scar remains,
reminding each year,
of the horrid event ,
of the saddest moment,
Loss of parents,
loss of a child,
Loss of the home once built with so much love and pride.

Loved ones gone leaving the cherished moment spent together,
Contemplating the loss,
counting the worth,
The unseperable truth,
unchangeable destiny,
You are to live now to show the world
of pain the pain you felt,
To tell the tale of your once beautiful world...

Tsunami wiped it away,
9/11 smashed it away,
Major stebacks takes seconds to happen,
Seconds of horror leaving life time to live in its effect
but all this tells us
* Life has to move on...

There's always light after darkness,
There's always hope to live on..
Ee aren't God to design destiny,
But by smashing in pain we can glorify the destined

Pain has its effects & there's no pain-killer
But to move on us important,
Time is the best healer they say
To move on whilst adding a chapter to one's life
Is tough but a must taken decision,
Sorrows come and pass-by,
Times fades the pain,
You have memories to treasure..
you have to decide what to remember

To remember-
The merry time spent together,
Making relationships,
Building home to live,
The togetherness the love,
The laughter,
The fun..


To remember-
The black day,
the 'second' that ended everything...

Do not sulk over destined 'second'
Instead live with happy treasured Love-stories,
Love story of your relation with each member of your family,
Smiling or crying is one's self decision.....
But life has to move on....

Life can't be wasted on
Second That Shouldn't Matter!!!

Sparkle in Wisdom

All those catastrophe made me write this... I read about a man who lost his whole family, went on to adopt orphaned four kids of another family. Both the sets lost thr families in Tsunami.
264 · Nov 2018
My little One...
Shaping your life little one
Few tips I share
With these, if you follow
You become a star my little one ...!!

Mistakes are done every day,
Each new step you take
Might be right or might be incorrect
How you handle them will shape your being my little one...!!

At each mistake in your life .
Never say BECAUSE when you are wrong,
Stand up and face your mistakes

Never ask WHY when something is wrong
Search for possibilities
For better solution...
Don't try to ESCAPE a situation..
By blaming others to over come..
Try to stay calm, accept your wrong...

And remember each mistake is a learning step ..
Without them there's no learning...
Remember your wrongs and build your rights...
Grow to a better human being my little one...!!

One thing always you remember...
Never will you find me do a cover up....
For your mistakes or mine...

You will have to face your doing
I will not always be behind...
We come alone in this world
We learn,
We grow,
We create,
We design,
We become our own Identity..
Grow into a beautiful soul my little one...!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
Tips for my young one....
जीवनसाथी -1

घिसटती चली जा रही हूँ मैं,
तेरे पीछे
किसी रस्सी की तरह
निरीह, निर्जीव...

तू जिधर मुड़ा
मैं भी हो ली
बिन पहचान
गूंगी, बेजान।

तेरी मंज़िल तू जाने,
मैं जानूँ बस तुझे,
तू चले कुछ हासिल करने
बिन मक़सद चलूँ मैं।

मंज़िल ही मेरी
मक़सद ही मेरा
है तू?

अहसास क्या तुझे है
के मैं पीछे चली हूँ?
क्या सुन सकता है तू मेरी
ख़ामोश घिसटती सरसराहट?

क्यूँ पूछ रही हूँ मैं यह सब?
क्या मैं तेरे पीछे ख़ुद नहीं चली हूँ?

तू अपनी मंज़िल की ओर चला था,
मुकम्मल मक़ाम मैं थी ही नहीं तेरा,

फिर मेरे वजूद का
तेरी राह - ए - ज़िंदगी में
ज़िक्र ही क्यों हो?
तुझे मेरी तक़दीर बना दी
मेरे ज़िंदगी में तेरे अलावा
कोई और ही क्यों हो?

जीवन साथी - 2
तेरे होने का एहसास है मुझे,
तेरे होने से है वजूद मेरा,
तू पीछे सांस थामे चल रही है मेरे,
तेरे सांसों को गिन चल रहा हूँ मैं।

रफ़्तार से बढ़ रही है ज़िंदगी मेरी
ठहर के दो घड़ी आराम मुमकिन नहीं,
तेरे सांसों को उखड़ता हुआ सुनता हूं मैं
पर चलते हुए धीरे होना मुमकिन नहीं।

सच कहती है तू
मंज़िल तेरी मुझे बना चल पड़ी है तू
अभी तक पक्की सड़क पे इसीलिए चल रहा हूं मैं,
रास्तों में काँटे आएँगे आगे कभी,
पर कोशिश कर के लंबे पर साफ़ रास्तों से गुज़र रहा हूं मैं।

न कोई गिला न शिकवा तुझे है मुझसे,
न कोई सवाल न जवाब मेरा है तुझसे,
गुज़र जाएगी यूंही, ज़िंदगी तेरी - मेरी,
आगे मैं और पीछे सदा तू रहेगी मेरे,

संभाल के अपनी ताकत से
मुझे हौसला देती रहना
यूंही हँस के ख़ामोश
मुझ पे भरोसा करती रहना,
मेरी सफलता का श्रेय जाएगा तुझे,
तब मेरे पैरों को ज़मीन बनाए रखना तू।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Saw today a truck filled with goods secured with rope, which has gotten loose and dragging behind it... In hypothetical situation truck and rope are talking and when truck reaches destination they praise the secured rope for the things reaching safely

E same situation can be compared to a wife follows a husband,
Or a devoted girl friend Madly in love will tag along her love...

I also wrote the answer of the make lover... Jeevansathi 2
Have a English version too... By name

Life Partner 1 and 2
259 · Sep 2019
My country.
With proud and respect,
Lives the elders here,
With pride and head held high,
Lives youth here,
With dedication and devotion,
Farmers ploughs field here,
With confidence and sacrifice,
Fights the soldier here,
With love and laughter,
Grows the kids here,
With intimacy and simplicity,
Wives manages house here,
This is my country,
None other like this exists.

Slowly the country moves,
To become the golden bird again,
No enimity with any nation,
Making it's identity alone,
With peace and humility,
Becoming a symbol it stands high.

It has never divided nor will ever divide,
This is united India(country) of mine,
Built by Lord Krishna and Ram,
Dreamt by Maurya,
It didn't break when it was  ransacked,
Though weakened for a second,
But became stood rock solid and strong.

Each drop of blood flowing from,
the nerves of each individual here,
Shouts and recites loudly
Great is my country,
Great is my country.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Translated work from my Hindi poem,
Bharat desh mahan mera!
मतों को मत गिनिए साहब,
मौतों को गिनिए,
यह अब मत नहीं देंगे
अपना मत रखेंगे भी नहीं
पर मत आपको ही दिया था यह आप भूलिए नहीं।

इनके पीछे रह गए मासूम की आंखों के आंसू को देखिए,
यह कल अपना मत रखेंगे
जब मतदान करने जायेंगे,
मौत का तांडव याद कर कांप जायेंगे,
इनके बिखरे सपनो को देखिए,
जो आपके आज के सपनों से कहीं ज्यादा हैं,
कल जब आप इतिहास में होंगे,
इनके सपनो की तिलांजलि आपको मरने नहीं देगी
और इनके अधूरे सपने आपको जीने नहीं देंगे।

उस विधवा की सूनी आंखों को देखिए,
ना सपने बचे हैं ना हसरतें बची हैं,
वोह खोखली आंखें कब्र तक आप का पीछा करेंगी
जिन सांसों की सियासत आप खेल गए,
इनका सुहाग यूं उजाड़ गए,
वोह सवाल आपको चैन से बूडापे में धूप सेंकने नहीं देंगे।

आने वाली इतिहास की किताबों के पन्नो से डरिए,
उसपर आपकी करतूतें काली स्याही से लिखी होंगी,
आपकी आगे की नस्लें आप से सवाल करेंगी,
उन तोतली ज़बान से निकले सवालों से डरिए
जो आपको रातों को सोने नहीं देंगे।

उन अधूरी आत्माओं से डरिए जो भटक रही हैं,
भटकते रहेंगी,
सियासत के लिए जिनकी बली चढ़ गई,
सरकारों की रस्सा कशी में उनकी सुबह हमेशा के लिए खामोश हो गई।

जवान बच्चों की लाशों को कंधे पे उठाने वाले उन बूढ़े मां बाप की बद्दुआओं से डरिए,
जो अब अपने मरने के बाद का कफन जोड़ रहे हैं,
उन अधूरी सिसकियों से डरिए जो आज मेरे मुल्क के हर घर से निकल रही है।

आप इंसान हैं इंसानियत की जिम्मेदारी से जुड़िए,
वरना जिंदगी की हर सांस से डरना होगा,
जिंदगी की हर सुबह और शाम के सवालों से डरना होगा,
ज़मीर अपना बेदाग करने की कोशिश कीजिए साहब,
वरना इंसान होने का सबूत भी मुहिया करवाना होगा।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Right translation.

Don't count the votes sir,
Count the death bodies instead,
These people will not vote anymore,
Nor will keep their point of view,
But they had voted for you,
don't forget it.

See the tears in the eyes who are left behind by them,
They will cast their votes tomorrow,
When they will go for voting,
They will shiver by the thought of dance of death,
See their shattered dreams,
which are far bigger than your dreams of today,
Tomorrow when you will be at the threshold of history,
These shattered dreams of theirs will not let you die in peace,
their unfulfilled dreams will not let you live!

Look into the eyes of the widow,
There is neither dreams nor aspirations,
Those empty eyes will follow you till your grave,
The politics of  breadth that you had played,
Had taken their groom away,
Those questions will not let you enjoy the setting sun in your old age.

Be scared of the pages of history books that will come in future,
It will be filled with blackest ink with your adventures,
Your future generations will ask you questions,
be scared of those tiny tongues
Which will not let you sleep in nights to come.

Be scared of those haunted spirits,
Who are roaming and will keep roaming,
for the black politics and its aspirations, their life were cut short,
For your love for politics their mornings were silenced for ever.

Those who had carried the coffins of their young adults child,
be scared of the ill-wishes they will throw on you,
Those old people who are arranging the coffin for themselves,
Be scared of all those half cries that's coming out of each house of my beloved, torn and shattered country.

You are a human and should get connected with humanity,
Otherwise, you will be scared to breathe every single breadth each morning and each night,
Try to clear your conscience sir,
Otherwise you will have to search for certificate to prove yourself to be human!
253 · Jun 2019
Riches of palace were mistaken for home by you,
I gave away my life for relations that mattered.

The day you opened the gates of palace for people to visit my grave,
My spirits left the place without remorse.

The only difference in us was,

You thought richness to be life,
I found LIFE to be RICH!

Sparkle In Wisdom
249 · May 2018
The drought just ended,
Rains are flowing in,
Green pastures everywhere,
Life becoming to bloom,
Gloominess of the world ends,
With rain washing all sadness,
Darkness of uncertainty,
Cleared by the drops of rain,
Thoughts of world ending,
Erased by new flowers blooming,
The pain of being away
Fading with the joy I see around,
You will be mine in some time,
Soon we shall reunite for fun and smile,
Though this distance is painful,
But with each passing day,
It strengthens our love,
The more we are apart,
The more we become near,
These long days of loneliness,
Will make our life different,
Coz’ now we know the pain being away,
So we will cherish the moment of togetherness,
The joy of being with each other,
Can only be felt when being away,
You are more near me now,
Than you were when you were here,
I am more in your heart now,
Than, I was when we were together

Sparkle in Wisdom.
Sparkle in Wisdom will be my pen name here.... :)
245 · Sep 2019
Let my soul be free!
Your spirit have come today,
Covered in blood stains,
Questioning my intention,
with compassion.

Your spirit have come today,
To see me in prison,
Looking a lot tired,
Questioning about our
girls well-being,
Without accusations.

Your spirit have come today,
To finally "see" me,
All drained of anger,
Questioning my love for you,
with tender warmth.

Love got ruined,
Peace got robbed,
Neither you lived,
Nor am I free,

You punched me in on
my face,
I killed you in fit of rage,

In that moment our
lives shattered,
You gone,
Me in prison,
Our girls orphaned.

The time we loved each other,
Married defying all odds,
Did God write in lines of my palms,
I will ****** my beloved?
Did God plan your death
by the hands you once loved?
Did God plan for our girls
future a life without us around?

How will our girls live
without our love,
They who can't even cook,
Can't sleep without us,
They who must be afraid
in the big world,
Without us around
they will be so scared.

Your spirit have come today,
I guess,
To ask questions,
Of my actions,
Repent your actions,
Of discussing the life
That could have been
I wouldn't had acted
in rage,
The trust we both lost,
The love that became
Ego's and hurt,
Violence and pain,
Fights and anger,
Duties and Responsibilities,
Rights and wrongs,
Of finally,

You have come today
in your spirits and soul,
Wait till I come to you
to discuss these questions,
Let me be released and
set upon free,
Not from the prison but
from my rented body,

Let me be free..
Let my soul be free..
Let my soul match your soul.

My thoughts after a wife murdered her husband by kitchen knife, I knew the family personally, it hurts.
233 · Jun 2018
Modern Superstition...
When you have a important meeting to attend
you get stuck in traffic jam...

When your Director calls you to his office
its always the time when you get a call from home that the baby is crying...

When you have a sudden holiday next day,
you get up in morning with migrane...

When you have visitors coming over
your fridge suddenly is all empty...

When you have to make that one important call
your mobile credit is suddenly low...

When you have a friend waiting and you are already late
You definetly will have a burst tyre...

When you have a train to catch
your work never finishes till you almost miss the train...

When some guest come over as surprise
that is the when you lazied to clean the house....its the dirtiest to the core...

When you are fooling around on phone with a friend
you miss that one important call...

When you pack and fly off finally
its then you realise the most important
thing you needed is left behind...

When you want India to win, Sachin is on the crease strong
that very momen we loose a wicket and most often a match too...

When Ghana wanted that golden penalty
by the great Asomah Gyan
he hit the goal post, lost the match, lost the hope as well...

When you have a weekend planned
the weather shining the mood swinging
you get up in the morning to see its raining whole day and becomes messy..messing the whole feeling..

When you visit an uncle's place
they praise you delicious ice-creams and cakes
you decide to make some for them in good will and love
your perfect cake burns,
your soft ice-cream milk sticks to the pan, leaving the aroma behind in ice-cream,
in the family's minds and also in ur name..

When you mess certain thing
the people around you will always say they knew you will mess
but they never warn before...

Coincidences like these do happen too often,
Strange soon they will be termed as superstition ,
Modern day women have modern day problems,

Crisis factor are changing,
Panic attacks are the same..

Handling them is modern women achievements and
Tackling them is her trade mark,

Todays women are good at multi-tasking,
and situation like these makes them excellence at par...!!!

Mom's, Wife's, Sis in law s, Sister's Daughter's, Daughter in law s, Friends..
have successfully moved ahead...

Superstition dose'nt hamper their moving spirit,
Challenge each day is mile-stone..
To achieve and move on...To another day...another mile-stone
is the formula of perfect life..
is a formula for that perfect smile...!!!

Sparkle in Wisdom
आम लोगों की भीड़ में कुछ खास है तू
नाहक खुद को समझाने की कोशिश ना कर।

तेरी अच्छाइयों की फेहरिस्त इतनी लंबी है,
इनके समझने की ताकत उतनी गहरी नहीं।

तुझ में ऐब निकालना इनकी फितरत नहीं, इनके जीने की जरूरत है,
तुझ से तुलना करके तुझ जैसा बन पाना मुमकिन नहीं।

तुझे मिटा कर तुझ को इन जैसा
बनाना इनकी कोशिश है,
खुद को तुझ जैसा बनना नामुमकिन।

तू आम लोगों में कुछ खास है।
खुदा की बेहतरीन कारीगरी का नमूना है तू,

इतिहास गवाह है खास लोगों के पर्चे बड़ी शिद्दत से निकालता है खुदा।
तू बस उसी खुदा की बंदगी करते चल।
एक वक़्त आएगा जब उसके दरबार की तारीख निकलेगी
अदालत भी उसकी होगी,
दलील भी।
गवाही भी उसकी होगी,
पैरवी भी।
इलज़ाम भी उसके होंगे,
सज़ा भी।

आम लोगों की भीड़ में कुछ खास है तू,
ज़ाहिर है ज़िन्दगी में
मुश्किल भी
मशक्कत भी,
ज़िन्दगी इतनी आसान तो कभी ना होगी,
पर उस अदालत में बेशख़ फतेह तेरी ही होगी।

Sparkle In Wisdom
7 Feb 2019
English one - God's court!
232 · Jun 2021
Pain that unites.

Death is a loss of life,
A soul liberated, true!

But death is also pain, sadness and agony,
For those left behind.

Death is a death,
be it in
My house,
My City,
My State,
My County,
My continent,
Or yours!

I can't run away from that pain,
I can't turn a blind eye to loss thats not mine.

It's humanity that binds me to the suffering,
It's mankind that weaves us together.

It's more than religion,
It's WE together.

Covid bought a lot of pain,
But it united the world like never before.

Sparkle In Wisdom
228 · Jun 2021
Expiry Date at birth

Loving care...
Sleep tight,
Or a
night sleep
after a fight..

This night we slept together,
In morning you are gone..

Life's so unpredictable,
It's hardly decipherable,
Difficult to digest
You are gone,
We will never fight again,
We will never cuddle again,
We will never laugh together again,

Why, is life like this?
Why don't we both with expiry date?
Why are we not prepared for the worst?
Why do we have to live alone?

Sparkle In Wisdom
225 · Nov 2020

This Diwali,

**** the ego
Burn like the
Brighten the

Be the lamp,
that lights up

Be the smile,
That spreads joy

Be the perfume,
That spreads fragrance

Be the sunshine,
That brightens the world

Invoke the God within,
To see the beauty around

Raise your hand to give,
Praise the humanity

Happy Diwali.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Diwali - The festival of lights, sharing, giving.
224 · Nov 2018
Who was me??
A mute baby doll...
Just born...
To walk
To move
To fight
To win
To be free
To self-respect
To respect
You taught me
all this!!

You ..
Created me
Crafted me
Emblazoned me
Framed me
Into what I am today...!

Today we have to
recreate those moments,
Today we have to re-craft
Another mute little doll...
I am sending you
My little daughter,
To re-do the magic again...!!

Today I send you your grand daughter...
Make her fearless tigress..
Make her learn to win each fight...
Make her learn to achieve her dreams...
Make her learn to dream with open eyes..
Make her learn to believe in herself...

Make her
The beautiful soul...
The best in this world!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
Dedicated to my mom...
I believe she made me, and I truly believe she can remake my daughter...!
छत से देखा करते थे ,
पीछे की पहाड़ी को ,
जला रखा था किसी पीर बाबा ने ,
मंदिर में एक दिया जो ,
रोशनी नज़र आती थी ,
उस मंदिर की दूर से ,
घुप अँधेरे में दिशा बताती ,
पहाड़ी थो कहलाती गोगापीर थी ,
सुकून काफी देती थी वोह रोशनी आँखों को /

जब मन उथल पुथल करता था,
छत पे जा वहीँ निहार्थी थी मैं ,
जब तेज़ हवा चलती थी ,
दौड़ के जा कर रोशनी देख आती थी मैं ,
न तूफ़ान में, न बारिश में ,
न गर्मियों में न सर्दियों में ,
कोई एक दिन न गुज़रता था उस शमा के बगैर /

वीरान से इलाके में कौन पीर रहते थे?
न जाने कैसे उतना ऊपर चढ़ के रौशनी वोह कर जाते थे ?
हर समय यह एक सवाल मन में रहता था ,
कौन सी शक्ति उनमें है जो ,
मंदिर को रोशन कर जाते थे ?
एक बार सोचा मैं ने ,
जा के देखूं वहां ,
बीहड़ इलाका पार कर के ,
गोगापीर के नीचे पहुंची मैं ,
उतनी ही शांति थी वहां जो छत से महसूस की थी ,
रूहानी शांति हवा में छाही थी ,
धीरे धीरे पहाड़ी चढ़ी ,
मंदिर के दरवाजे पे पहुंची,
दिया अब भी जल रहा था,
दिन था इसीलिए नज़र नहीं आया दूर से /

कुछ देर बैठने पे एहसास हुआ
की यहाँ कोई पीर अब है ही नहीं
दिया यूँही जलता है कोई जलाता  नहीं !
पीर बाबा का मज़ार नीचे था
कोई पंडित कोई इंसान का वजूद तक न था
मंदिर का दिया टीम- टीमाता  हुआ
मंदिर और मज़ार  को रोशनी  दे रहा था
किसने कहा रूह  नहीं होती ,
मंदिर की रोशनी  रूहानी थी ,
हर देखने वाले के मन को शांत करने वाली ,
वोह पीर बाबा की लगायी बरसों पुरानी  थी /

कई बरस बीत गए
घर बदल गया .......

पुराने घर जब जाती हूँ ,
छत पर अब भी जाती हूँ ,
दिया अब भी टीम टिमाता है ,
अब भी वही शांति महसूस होती है ,
लेकिन अब नतमस्तक हो जाती हूँ ,

उस रूह के लिए जिसने इतनी शांति दी ...
उस रूह के लिए जिसने मुझे वोह रोशनी  दी ....!!!
The poem is written in my mother tongue... From the country I come from... India.

It's about a small hill that was behind my house... Some miles away.. But in the evening from the roof of the house one could see the hill, and a small lamp use the burn thr each night.... Just like a light house!!
216 · Nov 2020
Celebrations in Heavens!
Heavens celebrate
Silver gates,
Silver flowers,
Silver crowns,
Silver tiaras,

Silver curtains,
Silver gowns,
Silver capes,
Silver drapes,

Shining blossoms,
Fragrance filled,
Echoing smiles,
Pearly clouds,

Angels clad in
brightest silver,
Fairies dancing around,
Harp with it's
silver strands,
Playing it's tune and sound.
Flute echoing from
far behind,
The ambience full
of cheer.

Stars assembled to bedazzle each and
every turn,
Moon brightens the nook and corner of the big heaven,
You are running around in the pristine silver attire.
Today's your 16th birthday,
Celebrations are planned in heaven, my dear!

All the Gods and Goddesses are invited,
Cakes are bigger than the tallest tree,
Trees are laden with chocolates and truffles,
Eateries bright and silvery too.
Making the atmosphere prestine and pure.

It's your birthday
dear son,
Celebrations are planned in Heavens!
Mom & Dad sends you love, hugs and kisses,
They wish you the
best of today
Lots of love travels  your way down here from,
The Earth.
Celebrations are planned for your birthday in Heavens.

Sparkle In Wisdom
My son Aayush had his birthday today.
He left for heaven 5 years ago.
209 · Sep 2019
Gift of Politics
For them life is to,

Show off,

This is an identity of politics.

Sparkle In Wisdom
205 · Jun 2021
CP 💖

The journey is never ending
yet each day is filled with love.

Treasures unfold daily.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Life of a CP child & their parents.
Many firsts - smile, sitting, turning, rolling, crawling, crooning... And so much more.. ❤️💕
बचपन की आंखों से देखा
था शाशक्त सपना,
देशभक्ति की ज्वाला
अपने अंदर भरे,
बन कर फौजी देशप्रेम
यह वादा खुद से कर के
चल पड़ा,

फौजी की जिम्मेदारी भी
सर्वशक्ति  निभाया था,
देश पर मर मिटने की कसम भी
ना तोड़ पाया था,
जिस देश पे गर्व और गौरव
से दिल भरा था,
आज उसी देश के तिरंगे में
मैं विदा हो रहा था।

सपना मेरे बाद भी जीवंत था,
मैं दुबारा फौजी बनने के लिए
फिर एक बार
जन्मने को तैयार था।

Sparkle In Wisdom
27 Feb 2019.

विपदा का है अंधकार भरा,
तू सिर्फ आने वाली रोशनी पर ध्यान लगा दे,
आपदा के अवसर मैं तू सिर्फ परमात्मा में ध्यान लगा ले।

किसका रब बड़ा किसका छोटा,
इन सब बातों में क्या रखा है?
जितने हैं हाथ उठा ऊपर नतमस्तक हो ले,

कितने बचे, कितने जिए, कौन रहा, कौन गया,
क्या कर लेगा गिनती कर के?
अपने होने का शुक्रिया अदा कर,
जब तक है तब तक बस तू उसकी खिदमत कर ले,

इंसान बनाया है तुझको, इंसान जन्म का कर्ज़ उतार ले,
इंसानियत की मिसाल बन के,
हर जिंदगी आबाद कर दे।

अपने कल के लिए बेकार के सवाल ना बना,
ना जाने कल कौन फरिश्ता मदत के लिए आएगा,
माफ़ी की फेहरिस्त यूंही न बढ़ा ले।

वक्त बहुत नाज़ुक आया है,
गीता, बाइबल, कुरान, गुरुमुखी सब तू पढ़ ले,
बेज़ूबान की भी हो सके तो थोड़ी मदत कर दे।

किसी कि ताजपोशी के लिए किसी को मज़ाक ना बना तू,
किसी की कहानी का मसखरा किरदार ना बन तू,
अपनी कहानी लिखने का वक्त आया है,
अपनी क़िताब के पन्ने अमन और मोहोब्बत की श्याही से भर ले।

जीवन मिला है शुक्रगुजार बन,
मालिक के गले लग ले
जितना हो पाए तू उन्हीं के नाम का जप कर ले।

Sparkle In Wisdom
197 · Jun 2021

Parents never leave us ...
They reside in us,

We don't know
How and when,
We have just become them.

Your mom had not gone ANYWHERE,
She had just settled in you now.

You will see her in the works you do,
And the reactions you give,

You will see her in the way you care,
For her loved ones and yours,

You will feel her inside you,
As you were once inside her,

Just be vigilant and you will find her everywhere,
You will never know when you have become her.


Sparkle In Wisdom
Written to motivate a friend who lost her mother to Covid.
195 · Apr 2019
Random Thoughts
And .....

This is the charm of an artist...

Give him a stone and he will return a Gem.


This is the greatness of a poet...

Give him philosophy he will return a necklace.


This is the beauty of special child,

Give him smile he returns it unconditional.

Sparkle In Wisdom
उनके लिए ज़िन्दगी

दिखावा है,
छलावा है,
बेहलावा है,
धोका है,
दर्द है,
नफरत है,
जुनून है,
झूट है,
सनक है,
फरेब है,
रोष है,
जोश है,
द्वेष है,

राजनीति की यही तो पहचान है।

जो इन बेहकावों में गिरफ्त हुआ,
उसका समझो काम तमाम हुआ,

ना यारी- दोस्ती पर विश्वास रहा,
ना समाज का डर रहा,

इनकी भक्ति करने वालों का भी
बुखार से बुरा हाल रहा,

अपनों का साथ छोड़ दिया,
राजनेताओं पर विश्वास हुआ,

जब घर आयी विपदा तब,
गलती का एहसास हुआ,

जब राजनेताओं से मिली यह सौगात,
तब अपनों का साथ रास हुआ!

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Devoted to politics, politicians, supporters and specially to friends fighting over politics.
Translation Gift of politics.
For them life is to,

Show off,

This is an identity of politics.
189 · Mar 2021

दिल का क्या है जनाब
लग ही जाता है,

तुम थे, तो तुम्हारे सहारे,

अब,तुम नहीं, तो तुम्हारी यादों के सहारे,

वक्त गुज़र ही जाता है।




The agony of heart is,
It manages to live somehow !

When you were there it survived by your presence,

Now that you are not there,
It's managing with your memories...


Sparkle In Wisdom
इतना सा फर्क है !
जीवन के मझधार में ,
सोच के ताना बना में,
धरा प्रवाह बहते  विचारों में ,
उधेड़ बुन है इतनी, विचलित है मेरा मन |

तुम्हारे ख्यालों में तुम्हारे एहसास में,
दूर बैठी मैं निहार्थी हूँ आसमान को,
नीला निराकार  आकाश का नीला रंग,
गहरा है मेरे विचारों की तरह,
ख्यालों के अंत में खो जाती हूँ नींद  के आगोश में |

तुम्हारे साथ ही सोती हूँ उठती हूँ तुम्हारे साथ,
तुम नहीं होते पास मेरे,

बस  इतना सा फर्क है |

आँख खुलते ही तुम्हारा मासूम मुस्कुराता चेहरा तो होता है,
पर उसे स्पर्श करने पर छूने का एहसास नहीं हो पाता,

बस इतना सा फर्क है |

आंसू तो बहते हैं आँखों से,
सर भी तुम्हारे सीने पर,होने का एहसास तो है,
पर मेरे सर को सहलाते तुम्हारे हाथो का,
स्पर्श महसूस नहीं होता,
बस इतना सा फर्क है |

तुम हो कर भी नहीं हो,
बस इतना सा फर्क है |

मेरे खोये चेहरे पर हंसी लाने की तुम्हारी चेष्ठा तो है ,
पर उस हंसी को तुम्हारी नज़रें देख न पाएंगी,

बस इतना सा फर्क है |

इतना सा फर्क है ....

Sparkle in Wisdom
Will publish English version too... Later tomorrow..

This one was written in 2009,
About a journey of a mother of a quadriplegic child, a baby born and termed as vegetable by doctors... Given to her with words for development.. like "time will tell"

The baby who has a eyesight of power -9/10... Unsure of what he sees..

The baby who can touch his mother but not the 'touch' she long s for... His is just brushing of skin...

The baby who laughs on his own... Sure laughs with him too.. but alas he cannot see her smile.. nor can he make her smile..
181 · Feb 2019
चल पड़ा
जाने कितने
तूफान आए
चल पड़ा में
सपना लिए,
ना रुका
ना झुका
ना थका
बस बढ़

आवाज़ें सुनाई दी


चल पड़ा में
सपने पाने
बढ़ चला में
राह अनजाने।

ना मोड़
की खबर
ना पहाड़ों
की चिंता
हासिल करने
मुमकिन इरादों
से भरा
चल पड़ा
बिन रुके
बिन झुके
बिन सोचे।

चल पड़ा
चल पड़ा।

Sparkle In Wisdom
178 · Apr 2019

Passing through the greenery,
I felt,
That not everything is dull and dry,
That after every dry phase there's life again,
That "hope" in life makes person live,
The belief became stronger with each passing turn.

My life may not be in the best phase,
But soon the season may change,
I had lived all through this,
Can't I wait a little more
For brightness to shine again.

Dreams I have plenty,
And some day they may get through,
Though today everything that happens is turning out wrong,
But soon my dreams will flourish,
Soon I will get all the felicity
And I will also be the cause of joy for all.

Sparkle In Wisdom
175 · May 2020

For the first born of the family,
For the one who led the stock,
For the first born who a set the bar high,
For the naughty siblings to try,
For the first born who taught us to smile,
On all occasions big or trifle,
For the first born who cared for all,
Be it elders or small,
For the first born who have a naughty chuckle,
Always filled with mischief and tickle,
For the first born who full- filled our wishes,
No matter the extent of dreams we dreamt,
You, the first born had done it all,
That a elder sibling can ever do!

Here's a direct wish from heart,
For the first born of the house,
With whom were born Mom and Dad,
Who created Uncles and Aunts,
Who made the Grand parents proud to be called by their names,

A wish for a sweet happy birthday,
A wish for good health and joy,
A wish for name, fame, success and shine,
May all your wishes come true with time.

Happy birthday dear eldest,
Happy birthday dear sister!
Love you loads,

Love you always for everything you did.

Sparkle In Wisdom
172 · Mar 2021

ले के दाद उनकी
कुछ यूं सुकून मिला,

हम अकेले नहीं इस
जहां में,
जो हैं यादों के गिरफ्त में।


Sparkle In Wisdom
Translation -
By getting their praise for my poem on memories,

I felt eternal peace thinking I am not alone as prisoner of  memories.
167 · Oct 2019
Making of a Soul.

To listen to evil is not in
one’s control,
To react is.

To give a cold shoulder to the
evil doer is not in one's control,
To believe is.

To pacify the evildoer
is not in one's control,
To judge is.

Use thy wisdom to
maintain the balance,
Use thy power to control
the emotions to be neutral,

Be on the right side
of the thin line,
That separates thee
with the evil doer.

Always be in command
of thy tongue.

Pacify one can,
Accuse thou shouldn't.

To be a support is one's nature,
To take a side will determine thy character.

The belief will become one's soul,
On it, your future generations will remember thee.

Sparkle In Wisdom.

Think and act wisely.
हम इंसान ही इंसान का अस्तित्व मिटा रहे हैं
जानवरों को ख़तम करने में भी हम इंसान का साया है,
रेशम, सूती, खादी को हम ही मिटा रहे हैं,
शहद का स्वाद अब बच्चों को भाता नहीं है,
फलों को खाना नहीं बल्कि पीना उन्हें आता है,
घर में गरम खाना बनना अब दुर्लभ हो गया है,
रास्ते से आते-आते पार्सल लाना अब आम हो गया है,
टीवी,मोबाइल, कंप्यूटर, एफम  रेडियो
अब १६ घंटे ले लेते हैं,
बच्चों के लिए अब किताबों की जगह डिजिटल  नोटबुक ले रहे हैं,
इंसान के पास सोचने का समय ही नहीं है,
इंसान के लिए बनायीं चीज़ों का इंसान आज खुद गुलाम है |

खाली ज़मीन पर पेढ़  लगाना किसी को नहीं सुहाता,
ज़ू में जा कर जानवरों को दाना खिलाना १६ घंटों की गुलामी में मुमकिन हो नहीं पाता,
नाते रिश्तेदारों को घर बुलाना अब सालाना त्यौहार है,
दोस्तों से मिलना मिलाना अब फेसबुक और इे मेल पर निर्भर है ,
पैदल चलना, चुढ़ीयों की चहचाहट सुनना अब सपना लगता है,
फिर भी इंसान खुद को पहले से ज्यादा व्यस्त समझता है |

बच्चे घर के बहार नहीं अन्दर बढे हो रहे हैं,
उनकी लम्बाई भी रुक कर चौड़ाई में तब्दील हो रही है,
०-१० साल तक बच्चों का दिमाग बढता रहता है,
वोह जो खाते हैं, करते हैं जीवन भर याद रहता है,
चलना, हँसना, सोचना, खेलना, खाना वोह इसी उम्र में सीखते हैं,
विडम्बना यह है के इसी समय पर माँ का करियर और पापा का प्रोमोशन निर्भर है,
चाहे अनचाहे जाने अनजाने ही हम बच्चों के दिमाग में अंकुश लगा रहे हैं,
विडियो गेम के हवाले हम आने वाले भविष्य की अर्थी चड़ा रहे हैं,
हम इंसान ही इंसान का अस्तित्व मिटा रहे हैं,
हम इंसान ही इंसान का अस्तित्व मिटा रहे हैं |
The original Hindi one written in 2010... I feels it fits today more than then
161 · Sep 2021
Visit to school
School felt a bit happy,
The walls felt a bit loved,
The benches felt the touch of little fingers,
The ambience was full of chatter,

School is missing it's main ingredients,
The laughter,
the banter,
the hushing of teachers,

The queues,
the assembly,
the prayers in morning and in noon,

The lunch area is missing the smell of delicious food,
the craving,
the raving and the steps coming in and moving out,

for few moments at least,
The place felt loved and lively again,
The new girl who is not too new now,
felt welcoming and believed the school is hers in true sense.

The cheers were real,
The friendship bloomed,
Never to end,
A relationship began.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Went to school yesterday to collect papers, went with the daughter and her friends came too, after seeing the love in kids after the meeting, wrote these extempore lines but seeing their love.
157 · Feb 2019
धरती भी उस दिन रोयी थी,
जब मानवता ने मुँह मोड़ा था,
अजनमी बच्ची का जिस दिन,
इंसानो ने दम घोटा था।

मानवजाति शर्मसार हुई थी,
पैगंबर, पीर, संत, महात्मा की धरती पर,
जिस दिन मानवता के रखवालों ने बेटे का नाम बढ़ाया था,
जिस दिन वंश का बीज बेटे के नाम करवाया था,
उसी दिन मानवजाति के रखवालों ने 'कोख़ को किराए' पर उठाया था।

धरती उस दिन फूट पड़ी थी अपनी ही विपदा पर,
जब उसकी जनमी संतानो ने उसका अधिकार छीना था,
जब उसकी ही जनमी संतानो ने उसके बच्चों का दम घोटा था।

मानवता ने इंसान का सर्वोत्तम जनम माना था,
सही गलत की पहचान और भाषा का ग्यान सिखलाया था,
कब धरती की यह संतान वहशी हो गई अंजाने में,
पूछ रही माता जननी हर लड़की की कोख उजड़ने में।

जानवर भी मानवजाति से ज्यादा बुद्धिमान तब हो गए,
जब वंशवाद में मनुष्य ने हत्या की अजनमी बेटीयों की,
जानवर भी मादाओं को नहीं मारते कुनबे में,
अग्यानी है जानवर फिर भी सच यह जानता है,
माता नहीं होगी तो वंश कैसे आगे बढे़गा?
वंश बढ़ाने की कोख ना होगी तो वंशबीज कहाँ अंकुरित होगा।

धरती माँ ने तब जरूर रो-रो के पूछा होगा,
प्रहलाद, राम,कृष्ण की वंश बेला नाम बताओ,
क्या हुआ उनके वंश का और कीरती कहाँ तक रही बताओ,
धरती माँ ने जरूर प्रश्न पूछा यह होगा-
अगर ना होती माता तो क्या जन्म लेते भगवान बताओ?

माँ से निकली मानवता इस धरती की कोख से,
मातृभूमि, मातृभाषा, मानवजाति सब धरती माँ के जाये हैं,

फिर कब और कयों वंश पिता का साम्राज्य बन गया माँ कहा गुम हो गई?

लड़का कब कुलदीपक और लड़का ना जन्मने वाली कब कुलनाशिनी हो गई?

पिता कब वंशज हो गया और माँ न बन पाने वाली कब बाँझ हो गई?

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2017
#girl power
Proud to be girl
154 · Jul 2018
ENDLESS waiting
Week after week
Waiting continues...
And then... .
More waiting...

कभी ना खत्म होने वाला इंतेज़ार.....

हफ्ते दर हफ्ते इंतेज़ार
और फिर
और इंतेज़ार...

Sparkle In Wisdom'
153 · Dec 2020

is not
by bricks.

made by
we speak!


uttered in





are the
Building blocks
of a


Build the
solid foundation,

future generation,

Create the
harmonious structure,

which is
then remembered
generations and generations.

Use words - wisely,
Use words - sparingly,
Use words with - well defined meanings,

to have the
of your home.

Sparkle in Wisdom
150 · Feb 2021
Girl- Just Live your Life!
Grow up and become what ever you want,
Just belive in God.

Don't bother the size of your dress,

Don't bother if you laugh out loud,

Don't bother the decible of your voice,

Don't bother the gap in your legs,

Don't bother about the weight you gain,

Don't bother to please your elders,

Don't bother the shade of your lip gloss,

Don't bother the glow on your cheek,

Don't bother the demands of your boyfriend,

Don't bother before you unfriend toxic people,

Don't bother to explain your actions,

Don't bother even if you are wrong,

Don't bother about anything if you feel you are happy,

Be happy for yourself,
Satisfy yourself,
Dream for yourself,
Just live for yourself.

Don't cheat yourself.
Don't cheat anyone.

Sparkle In Wisdom
146 · Aug 2019
सामान का तो एक बार
हिसाब लगा भी लेंगे,
उन जज़्बातों का क्या जो
बाढ़ में तबाह हो गए।

कितने पुराने किस्से थे
जो स्याह से सफा हो गए,
उन खतों का क्या को
बाढ़ में सफेद हो गए।

लोग रो रहे हैं अपना
बसेरा लुटा के।
हम तो अपन अपना घरौंदा
बरसों पहले बिखेर आए थे,

किताबी रिश्ते निभा रहे हैं
मुद्दातों से,
अपना सब कुछ तो पहले
ही लुटा आए थे।

जिम्मेदारियों के बोझ में
ऐसे फंसे थे,
यादों को याद करने का वक्त
ही नहीं रहा।

आज पूरा शहर पानी में
डूबा है,
लोग रो रहे है लुट जाने के
सदमे से।

उजड़ उनके नग्मे, ग़ज़लें,
खतों का पिटारा गया है,
अश्कों का सैलाब हमारा
अब उमड़ा है,

बरसों पहले बिखरे रिश्तों को
जल समाधि आज मिली है,
उमर के उस हिस्से के लिए खुल
के रोने की आज़ादी आज मिली है।

Sparkle In Wisdom

The loss of long stored things, old clothes of loved one, old letters, first dress of baby, first toy... Etc... Loses like these are painful, very hurting, compared to loss of valuable items from the house flooded with water in monsoon.
141 · Mar 2019
The Chosen One!!

I see a special child,
Then I see another one again,
Then I miss my own
Which brings so much pain.

I try to find the story
Behind the complexities of the child,
I try to share the agony
The parents bear daily.

I try to convince them
They are not alone,
There are many like there kids
Hidden in this big world, shadowed.

I go to them and talk with them
Try bring solace,
They are blessed to have a child
As beautiful as there own, with grace.

I want them to believe me
How blessed they really are,
For the beauty in there child is
Not in the insane words they speak.

But the beauty lies,
In the eyes of the child,
In the smile of the baby,
In the trust she exerts,
In the belief they have.

The beauty of there child is,

Having the blessings of the God,
In being the chosen one,
The one who God bestows
His choicest trust,
In belief of the parent to be
capable to handle the child as
God's gift to the world.

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2019
#Specialchildren #innocent
139 · Jan 2019
.. That One Last Time..
We met not so long ago
But I can call them ages away

We grew closer
We talked like buddies
Endless questions
Full of emotion

The memory so vivid
The fragrance rigid
You owe me nothing,
No grudges,
No parting whispers,
We just drifted away
As if we never met

But today I tell you
That one last thought...
That passed through my mind,
When I saw you from distance..
I knew that moment
We will not meet again
I knew that day back then..
It's going to be last time..
I will never see you again

I wanted to tell you
I wanted to warn you..
Then you always laughed
at my intuition,
I also wanted you to part happy,
With no tension of good byes ..
The emotional things you disliked,
The love in your eyes,
The smile on your lips,
The care in your voice,
The pain in your embrace,
All vividly,
Rigidly etched in my heart

I so wanted it to end that way,
As all those would also be YOUR last memories...
Wherever you are,
With whom so ever,
I am sure when ever you
remember me,
And you do remember me, I know,
I am sure you still smile on the silly songs I liked ...
I wanted this ending to be just like it happened
Though I did not time it that way
But nature takes it own course...!

With no warning we parted our ways...
Let me say you GOOD BYE...
That one last time

Sparkle In Wisdom
17 Jan 2019
134 · Dec 2020
Good bye 2020

The year,
was a mixed
of emotions.

From virus being
few thousands km away to
keeping the virus
at bay.

From Namaste Trump🙏 to
bye bye Trump.

From heightened
China 🇨🇳 threat
Israel-UAE friendship.

From Shinzo Abe🇯🇵 stepping down
Joe Biden stepping in.

From Oli 🇳🇵stepping down
Nana🇬🇭 re-elected.

From Covid old
& Covid new
Covid Vaccines.

From being busy
being at home.

From being selfish
being caring.

From being practical
risen empathy.

The year
has shown it all.

This year has been
the biggest teacher
all times.

This year has bought lives closer
world wide.

This year has made world indeed with
No boundaries.

Welcome 2021.

Hope it's not same as 2020😭😂❤️

Sparkle In Wisdom
130 · Jan 2021
World of Hello Poetry
🌍🌎 of HP

I was a visitor on
For my sister who was there
For whom I did care..
I came and read work of her,
Enjoyed the links and the flavour.

Then I joined and became a member,
Did not think it will be this fun time together.

Three years on and still counting
Two daily's and still enjoying,
Never thought it will be this much fun..

It's a cosmic connection,
World with no boundaries and
so rare,
Met so many people,
so many nationalities,
So many names
So many poems,
And yet,
It doesn't matter anymore,
All are connected with heart of writing,
Poems flow through veins and arteries,
And love oozes out in comments and likes..
Never thought the journey will be so much fun.

Thank you everyone
You make this platform a perfect body with no disease.
A body with glow and charm of its own.


Sparkle In Wisdom
हम यहां कवि और कविता
का मिलन रखते हैं,

हम यहां कवि और कविता
का आगाज़ रखते हैं,

अर्ज़ किया है अब पुराना हो गया
"हेल्लो" से संवाद रखते हैं,

इरशाद अब नहीं whoa
केह के आगाज़ करते हैं,

वाह वाह अब कम और रॉक ऑन,
once more ज्यादा कहते हैं,

कवि सम्मेलन अब कम सब
Hello poetry पे दस्तक देते हैं।

Sparkle In Wisdom
16 Feb 2019
We arrange here meeting
of poets and poems,

Let me present had
changed to "hello" now,

Let' here has changed
to whoa,

Superb has changed
to once more,

Poets don't go to poets
meet now,
they knock the door of
"Hello Poetry"

127 · Jan 2021
Defy Defination of Beauty
Who gives the adjectives of beauty?

Fair, slim, slender, beautiful says who?

We have seen dark girls getting married,

We have seen fair girls house being broken,

We have seen short, fat, thin, tall, curly haired, silky haired all getting married with time.

We have also seen girls being victim of defination of beauty.

We have seen Girls being victimized for being ugly at birth,

We have seen plain featured ladies taunting and finding faults in young girls.

We have heard remedies for fairness in turmeric, gram flour, saffron, almonds, potato, lime sandal,

We had heard the stories of Cleopatra and her beauty,

We had seen Rani Padmini dying in fire for beauty that she had,

We had seen girls being victim of acid attacks,

We had seen fights and wars for a beautiful dame,

We had also seen
An unseen beauty of
A five year old
16 year old
50 year old
90 year old
A goat
A cow
Being *****, tortured and killed,

Powder, cream, glow for face, acne on face and scars on face, bloated belly are these adjectives to bringing remedies for beauty correct?
Who gave the right for these even to be labelled?

It's high time we should kick the definitions of beauty.

It's time to change the defination of beauty,

Do what the heart says and create own "defination of beauty".

Sparkle In Wisdom
126 · Jul 2019
Leaving Imprint.

Try to talk with everyone

Not because other person demands respect,

But because it's your way to leave your imprint on the world,

It's your way to leave with
your identity for others to remember you as,


Sparkle In Wisdom
122 · May 2021
Praise the lord.

World is filled with darkness of troubles, you just wait for the light at end of tunnel, Taking clue on terror you just remember the God almighty.

Whose God is big, whose small, what's the point in these talks?
As many hands you find, just raise them folded, head bowed.

How many left, hour many died, who is alive, who gone, what will you do by these counting anyways?
Just be thankful that you are still there,
and till you are there just praise the Lord.

You are born a human being,
repay your debts of being one,
Be a ideal of humanity and raise the bar by caring for lives of all.

Don't raise questions for your tomorrow,
You never know who will come to help you in your times of need,
Do not make your list of forgiveness long unnecessarily.(1

Times are too tough,
Read all the books Gita, bible, kuran and Gurmukhi,(2)
If possible try and help the animals too.

Don't become a joke for someone's coronation,(3
Don't become meaningless character in someone's book,
It's time to write your own story,
Full your own book with ink of peace and love.

You have got to live, be thank full,
Embrace the lord,
As much as you live recite the name of God.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
(1* Thinking about religion and I've is great other is not, maybe the one you hated will come to your help in need)
(2*Books of religion - Gita- Hindu, gurumukhi - sikh)
(3* Don't support politician and politics.)
120 · Oct 2018
Me too

Me too

A beginning of something that did not end well,

Someone, sometime had a different agenda,

Love doesn't always turns with plans..

Agenda's fail..

#Metoo is born.
Me too support #Metoo...!

बिछड़ते हुए,
जो मांगी उन्होंने एक आखिरी मुस्कान,
आंसू उमड़ पड़े सैलाब बन के,

जिनके दीदार भर से गुज़र जाते थे दिन और रातें,
उन्हीं से दूर होते हुए हम कंगाल हो निकले,

इतने तंग दिल मेरे हालात हो गए,
यादों पर शक और सबूतों की ख़ाक भी मेरे पास न थे,

जब अब याद करना जो चाहें वोह जज़्बात,वोह ज़माना कभी,
बस कुछ दीवारें खोखली सी, कुछ हवाऐं सन सनाती सी थीं,

कुछ उनकी आवाज़ की बेरुखी,
कुछ हमारी पायल की खनक भर ही थी,

ना इल्म ही रहा हमें बिछड़े इश्क की यादों का,
जो कभी इन्हीं गलियों में रोशन हुआ करता था,

कभी यादों पर कभी हकीक़त पर शक हो उठता है,

बूडापे की दहलीज पे जनाब,
शायद सब अब खयाली ख़वाब का माजरा भर लगता है।

Sparkle In Wisdom
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