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117 · Mar 2021

ना जाने कौन सी मदिरा का मुझ पे असर छाया है,
जज़्बात उफान पर हैं और यादों का साया है,

तुम्हारी नशीली आंखें और नाजुक उंगलियों के एहसास,
जज़्बात यह मेरे बेकाबू हो चले हैं,

तुम्हारी तिरछी मुस्कान का जादू जो था,
आज भी अपना असर दिखा रहा है,

न जाने क्यों आज याद आ रहा है,
वोह गुजरा जमाना, वोह तुम्हारे संग गाना,

तुम्हारा कुछ न कहना बस सुनते रहना,
मेरा बेसिरपैर की गुफ्तगू करते रहना,

कितना दूर निकल आएं हैं,
बस यादें ही रह गई हैं,
हसीन भी, नासूर भी जैसी भी,
हैं तो सब यादें ही।

Sparkle In Wisdom
113 · Apr 2021
Caged Soul!

When someone hurts us,
They are more pained themselves,
We should try and forget and be strong to forgive them,
To let both grieving souls heal.

Hurting others is not the action of an individual,
It's the soul that is tortured,
The bird in the cage is restless,
Its flight strained and flutter endless,
Those who try to touch the caged bird
Be ready to get hurt, and hard
It's not the fault of the bird and so we don't fight the bird,
We know why we got hurt.

Know why someone hurts us with words
Let the caged soul be free and relaxed,
Let the healing take its course,
We will see the person happy again,
In their attempt to become free they might not know how many souls they had hit,
Don't remind them, don't hold grudges,
Give them the second chance to live,
In this journey of souls moving,
Let the free soul just live

Sparkle In Wisdom
112 · Feb 2019
तू नारी है
तू नारी है
तू शक्ति है
तू दुर्गा है
तू काली है
तू संहार करने वाली है
तू सबला है
तू ताकत है
तू चिंगारी है
तू रक्षक है

भूल ना तू कभी
इस देश की है
पहचान तू
भारत माता है तू
तिरंगे की जान है तू।

सीता का अभिमान है तू
द्रौपदी की ज़िद्द है तू
रानी पद्मिनी का मान है तू
रज़िया सुल्तान की शान है तू
वीर जिजाऊ है तू
जिसने शिवाजी को जन्मा था
रानी लक्ष्मबाई का प्रकोप है तू
जिसने अंग्रेजों को झकझोरा था
सरोजनी नायडू की ताकत है तू
जिसने आज़ादी का दम भरा था
इंद्रा की लोह पहचान है तू
जिसने पाकिस्तान को तोड़ा था।

हर जगह है छाई है तू
बस तेरी ताकत को पहचान तू।

दुखी ना कभी बैठी रहना तू
अन्याय ना कभी सेहना तू
इन वीरों की वंशज है तू
अपनी लड़ाई की हुंकार कर देना
नारी सिर्फ अबला नहीं तू
शक्ति है, चिंगारी है तू
दीप वही तू
जो जग रोशन करे
आग वही तू
जो जग सुलगाए
जब जैसी हो जरूरत
वैसे ही जल उठना तू।

तू दुर्गा है, तू काली
शक्ति का प्रतीक तू,

तू नारी है।

तू नारी है।

Sparkle In Wisdom
#girl power
You are a woman
109 · Mar 2021

Each time it rains
The memories of past flash backs again..

At the ending of the day,
The class ends,
The rain begins,
Heavy and forcing,
Rushing and gushing,

And she walks out carelessly ,
Starts her bike and rides in the tide,
Drenched, soaked, wet and refreshed,
In the rain, the memories ignite.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
जब सुनहरी किरण छुएगी
धरती का पहला छोर,
उस क्षण तेजोमय हो
झूम उठेगा धरा की कोर कोर
उस एक क्षण में नभ, आकाश, धरातल, पाताल सब तल्लीन हो एक ताल पर थिरक उठेंगे।

केसरिया सुनहरी आभा मानों धरती की हो अप्रतिम चीर,
नील जल बहती गंगा जैसी
निर्मल पवन गगन झील।

आसमान में उस पल पक्षियों
का कोलाहल होगा,
मानों सैकड़ों घुंघरू बांधे अब
नृत्त, नृत्य, नाट्य का
प्रचंड संगम होगा।

एक स्वर्णिम मरीचि की राह
जोहते सारी विभावरी रत्नगर्भा,
नक्षत्रों की चादर ओढ़े
ना झपके नयन पल भर भी।

नयी सुनहरी लालिमा की
हम सब भी हैं जोहते बाट,
कब आएगी वह पावन सुबह
भस्म करेगी सब विरक्त विचार।

यह जो कालिमा की बदरी है,
घनघोर विपदा छायी है,
शूलों के घातक प्रहार से
जन मानस में अक्रंद मचाई है,

यह रुदन को दूर हटाने को,
जड़ीभूत हो नि:शब्द अचला खड़ी।

मृदंग, ढोल, ताशे, ताल सजा कर,
घुंगरू पैरों में बाँध कर,
गूंजने के लिए गर्जन भारी
चीरती उसकी क्रंदन है,

तांडव अब यह थमना चाहिए,
बहुत हुआ✋🏻
यह उर्वी की चीत्कार है।

Sparkle In Wisdom
बच्चों को
खुद की आदतों से सिखाइए

बच्चों को
बांटना सिखाएं
देना नहीं,

सेहंशक्ती सिखाएं
जिद्द नहीं,

संभालना सिखाएं
फेंकना नहीं,

सहेजना सिखाएं
पसारना नहीं,

जोड़ना सिखाएं
तोड़ना नहीं,

मानना सिखाएं
रूठना नहीं,

प्यार सिखाएं
नफरत नहीं,

अपनाना सिखाएं
भेद भाव नहीं,

दिल की अमीरी
सिखाएं पैसों की नहीं,

बच्चों को इंसानियत सिखाएं
बेहतर इंसान
और बेहतर भविष्य
खुद बन जाएगा।

बदलाव कर के आएगा,
खुद को बदलके
खुद की आदतों को बदलके
बच्चों को सिखाइए।

बेहतर दुनिया बनाईए।

Sparkle In Wisdom
अगर तुम साथ दे देते,
तो मैं वफा कर जाता
बेवफा इस दुनिया में
तुम्हारा नाम कर जाता।

तुम्हारी एक हंसी के लिए
दुनिया से लड़ जाता,
अगर तुम हाथ पकड़ लेती,
मौत से भी भिड़ जाता।

अब तो बस अलविदा के पहले,
तुमको नज़र भर देख रहा हूं,
गुज़रे वक़्त के कई सवालों को
पूछने से रोक रहा हूं।

पर फिर भी,
तुम्हारी आंखें दगा दे रही है,
और इसीलिए,
यूं ठहर के बस एक ही सवाल है,
क्यूं यह नज़र शर्मसार है?

सिर्फ साथ मांगा था,
हर आज़ादी के साथ,
जो तुम साथ दे जाते,
दुनिया से लड़ जाता।

उम्र भर तुम्हारी आंखों में
ज़िन्दगी तलाशता रहा,
मेरी उम्र के अंतिम पड़ाव में
ख़ुशी झलक रही है उनमें।

जिस चिंगारी को उसकी नज़रों में अपने लिए तलाशा था,
वह मेरे गुजर जाने से आएंगी,
सोचा ना था।

क्या मांगा था तुमसे
सच्चा प्यार ही तो ना?
नहीं था तो कह देती,
यूं झूठी उम्मीद में तो ना रहता।

आज मर के भी सुकून नहीं,
जीते जी भी कहां सुकून था,
मोहब्बत खोजता रहा जिसमें
वह बेवफा निकली।

पूरी उम्र जिस शक्स से दिल लगा बैठा,
पूरी ज़िन्दगी में जिसमें जीने की चाह ढूंदा,
आज जा कर पाता चला,
वह तो पत्थर की गुड़िया निकली।

Sparkle In Wisdom
99 · Apr 2021
Dance of Death.

The dawn after the mayhem,
The life after the death of life,
The pain to see yourself alive,
after loosing every single family,
The heart seeks death yet the brain chooses to live,
The hunters are still there,
Searching for your body and soul,
They want you dead or burried alive,
And in that despair you crave to live.
To live to be able to search your loved ones,
They are dead all gone,
Yet, to find their remains and give them a final burial,
To be able to live through all this,
To survive and move on,
To see millions killed not by strangers but by own people,
By people whom you grew up,
The loss is more powerful,

The cries yet to come,
The hurt is intense,
The emotion yet
to settle in,
The change is indespnsable,
But to move on is yet
to register,
The killers calling your name,
You holed in the washroom,
Trying to save yourself,
Yet, cursing to be alive,
The bloodiest human action in current history,
But, life has to move on,
And yes, you need to live and move on...

Sparkle In Wisdom
(This is about Rawanda holocaust, I read a book by "Immaculée Ilibagiza
Left to tell"  in 2010, the pain kind of stayed with me forever.)
98 · Feb 2019
नया साल
ना हवा बदली
ना खुशबु
ना फिजा बदली
ना रूह
ना ख्वाहिशें बदली
ना शरारतें
ना बातें बदली
ना फुसफुाहटें
ना ठंड बदली
ना आसमा
ना जज्बात बदले
ना यादें।

पर कहीं कुछ तो जरूर बदलता है इस तारीख़ में
जब नया साल आता है
नई उममीदों का सैलाब उफनता है
जब नया साल आता है

नए रंग
नए लिबास
नए वादे
नए इरादे
उमड़ पड़ते हैं
जब नया साल आता है,

हर जगह नई सी मालूम पड़ती है
जब नया साल आता है

नए साल की नई सुबह को
नया नया सा
मेरा सलाम।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Jan 2019
#new year
95 · Nov 2020
Gone with the Soul !

A life lost,
A soul gone,
A relative of someone,
A parent of a child,
A spouse of someone,
A child,
of someone,

Somewhere around,
Unknown to me though.

The pain is real,
The pain is mine,
The pain I can feel,
The pain I can relate,
The loss I can imagine.

The year has broken families,
The year has written history,
Around the world the loss is real,
The world has come to stand still.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Pandemic diaries
94 · Apr 2020
Wisdom in Isolation!
Throw away the hatred
Fill the home with love,

Throw away the anger
Bring peace instead,

Throw away the pain
Heal your heart inturn,

Throw away the anxiety
Fulfill the dreams in return,

Throw away the guilt if any,
Just re-live again,

One day at a time
Cherish the moments in your mind,

Your never know who all will make it tomorrow
Don't keep grudges anymore.

Sparkle In Wisdom
93 · Mar 2020
Prayers for Calm!
Few hours from now
A new dawn will arise,

Few hours from now,
New hopes will blossom,

Few hours from now,
The whole gloom shall disappear

Few hours from now,
The world will be united in joy,

The world was never one,
The borders, the states, was created through civilization.

The shackles of names of countries
Disappearing under oneness.

So much love is around
All hatred disappeared,

People now have care
All selfishness gone.

No one can say I rule,
No one is spared

Even the crown Prince
Cannot claim his rule.

Let the dawn bring
And laughter

Coz' it hurts to see
Earth crumble up in despair.

Sparkle In Wisdom
It's a New year in most of India today.
Prince Charles tested positive for Covid 19 today.
I believe!

This very moment all will be well.

Abundance of
Smile, health,
prosperity and peace.

I call for good health
and tranquility.

Sparkle In Wisdom
91 · Oct 2020
Moving on
You were never mine,
I was always yours,
I moved away.

You never expressed your love,
I always did,

I have stopped.

You wanted a tissue,
I chose to be one,
I refuse.

Relationship was never equal,

It is!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Lots of girls/women in India are in this type of relationships, many post marriage.
91 · Mar 2021
Women - Raise Your Voice.
The females in the house,
Should rise and unite,


Break the shackles of slavery,

Revolt against the dominance,

Unite and shout out loud,

In Chorus and in lead,

Just one big voice,

A women should be free,
In letter and in spirit,

A women doesn't need a day,

All she needs is a LIFE,


Where she is allowed to live with her choice.

Sparkle In Wisdom


I was a Prince too,
Albeit, without the crown,

I was a sailor too,
My first love being sea forever,

But when we became one,
I chose to sail in your eyes till eternity,

Always by your side I remained with strong support,

Today, I am sorry dear,
I have to go.

Till we meet again,
See me in oceans and sky,
You will find me sailing through.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Rest in peace,
Prince Phillip Mountbatten.

ख़ामोशी इन फ़िज़ाओं में
है बहुत गहरी मगर,
इन हवाओं में तेरी मौजूदगी की ख़ुशबू भी है,
ना हिलाओ इन बहती हवा के झोंकों को अपने शोर से ओ पंछी,
उसकी सांसों की तरंगे हौले हौले मुझ तक पहुंच रही हैं

कहीं दूर से गुनगुनाती कोई आवाज़ आ रही है,
उसे सुनने से अजीब सा सुकून मिल रहा है,
ना मिलाओ अपनी आवाज़ों का शोर उसमें,
ओ दरख़्तों की घनी पत्तियों,
कुछ पल मुझे उसकी यादों में गुज़ार लेने दो

सूरजमुखी भी आज सूरज को नहीं देख रहा उस ओर से आती तेज़ किरणों की चमक उसे भी धोखा दे गई,
बादलों ज़रा सूरज को ढंक दो तुम,
मैं कुछ पल उसके चेहरे की चमक से ख़ुद को सेंक तो लूँ

एक अरसा हुआ उससे रूबरू हुए,
पर फिर भी उसकी पायल की खनक याद है मुझे,
यहीं कहीं कुछ घुँघरू बिखरे पड़े हैं,
शायद यहीं से कभी वो गुज़र के गई तो नहीं?

अपने रंग बिरंगे पंखों से
हमें यूं न सताओ तुम तितलियों,
उसकी पोशाकों के रंगों की फ़ेहरिस्त बड़ी लंबी है,
हमे बस उसी में खो जाने दो

ए चमन के ख़ूबसूरत फूल तुम्हारी शोख़ी से मुझे कोई शिकवा नहीं
बस अपनी ख़ुशबू को ज़रा कम कर लो यह गुज़ारिश है,
यहीं कहीं से आ रही है उसकी मौजूदगी की खुशबू,
हमें उसी की ख़ुशबू में सो जाने दो।

Sparkle In Wisdom
86 · Apr 2020
Prayers for the Young
Generation growing up today,
Feeling the pang inside,
Feeling the urge to do something,
That urge they never
felt until tonight.

The kids have seen it
all in one go,
Their history books recreating all scenes,
The epidemics of pasts
all zooming by,
The partition trauma they saw with immigrants moving,
The thousands of death
they saw happening,
No wonder they grew
a lot in a week,
Innocence making
conviction of becoming
something one day.

Kids today learnt the careers and career paths,
They understood the reason
to study,
to earn,
to contribute
to the society,
They have grown a lot tonight with clear meaning of purpose of being born.

The generation that
grew on technology,
Never really understood much of old beliefs,
Washing hands,
feets, mouth seemed
unreasonable burden,
To eat fresh veggies to increase immune system
was out of question,
Tonight they have become intelligent  that books
couldn't make them,
Immunity and germs they have learnt a lot.

I thus pray to God,
To let them be alive,
hail and healthy,
Let them be unscathed with this horrible disease,
These kids will become the future tomorrow,
They will read the history that He created,
Let them be least affected Dear God, for they can lead the human race forward,
Not many from us will
move forward in this
turbulent time,
But let the kids go forward and live a long life,
For we have given them all the knowledge,
that Noah might
have known on that ship
to create a fresh world!

Let them be happy and shiny,
For they have to believe You existed,
We have filled them with all the prayers,
They will carry the legacy of human kind forward.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Turbulent times.
At thirty-six,
What have you seen?

At thirteen,
What your child had seen?

At thirty-six,
What the world around you had seen in you?

At thirty-six,
What did you give to the world?

At thirty-six,
What dreams are there that you aspired to dream?

At thirty-six,
What is left after you left this world?

Gone too soon,
Taken by virus,

Corona has taken
smile away,

Each Home,
Each City,
Each State,
Each Country,
Each Continent.


What did it leave behind?


Sparkle In Wisdom
A life lost, a soul gone, unknown to me, a relative of my daughters teacher, but the pain is real, the pain is mine, the pain I can feel, the loss I can imagine.
79 · Oct 2018
Me too
Me too

A beginning of something that did not end well,

Someone, sometime had a different agenda,

Love didn't always turns with plans..

Agenda's fail..

#Metoo is born.
Me too support #Metoo...!
79 · Mar 2021
Fermentation of an Idea !

Idea to bloom and become a success,

Idea to materialise and make its history,

Idea to grow and become an identity,
Will take its own time.

Idea will
Ferment in the basement.

Let years be added to its creation,
Because when it will be bought out and exposed to the world,
It will be the timeless creation,
Aged to perfection,
With years added to its fermentation.

Like an age old wine
It shall too shine.
And with it it's creator too will shine.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Did few alterations to my poem Journey of an Idea.
78 · Jan 2021
Tomb Stone in Kabristan
When we met,
We fell in love,
For me you were the world,
For you I was the destination.

Our journey began against all odds,
We were separated by religion,
In the country we lived it was the biggest sin
To be Hindu and Muslim
To be in love
To marry
To Think of living together.
We did all!

We fought with the society,
We fought with our parents,
We made
New friends
New home
New life
Thus Began...

For you I was your destination,
For me you were my world.
For us we were complete.

That day too...
We were coming home,
In the train that ran at high speed and in rain,

I asked you again
Am I still beautiful?
You said, you know none better than me.

I asked you again, are there any regrets?
You said, none that you could pen.

I asked you again, am I still your final destination?
You said, you will never need a new one ever.

You hugged me,
Kissed me tight
Then suddenly you

Pushed me outside
I died on spot,
You moved away with train,
I was left in the rain.

You have made me a final destination indeed,
The Tomb stone in Kabristan!

Sparkle In Wisdom
I read in news a month ago, a Hindu-Muslim matter couple were travelling in a train(Mumbai local) and boy hugged and kissed the girl and pushed her to death. A lady saw this, called the police and boy was arrested at next strain. The girl died on the spot.

Kabristan is the name of  Muslim graveyard in India.

Rest is fiction.
76 · Mar 2021
Journey of an Idea!

Dear Idea,

You are born in an exhausted brain of a mother,
To see the light of the day you will have to wait a little longer.

A "mother" with an idea,
  undoubtedly will first become a dedicated parent,
Responsibilities of being a mom will make her push "her Idea"  deep in the basement.
"Idea" will have to wait for a long confinement.

Idea to bloom and become a success,

Idea to materialise and make its history,

Idea to grow and become an identity,
Will take its own time.

Wait till that day and you will see,
You shall be taking up your own journey.

Please wait till then
Dear Idea,
Ferment in the basement,
Let years be added to your creation,
Because when you will be brought out and exposed to the world,

You will be the timeless creation,
Aged to perfection,
With years added to your fermentation.

Like an age old wine
You shall too shine.
And with you a mother too will shine.

Sparkle In Wisdom
A note yesterday made me write, this. It said, if you have Idea and you don't work on it, you die with it.

Felt stabbed in my heart as my ideas are taking backseat because of being a dedicated parent.

Entrepreneur at heart, filled with ideas and a lady with love of being a mother...


There is always a you in him,
And a him in you,
I see a lot of him when I see you,
I see a lot of you when I remember him.
I become satisfied when I see you,

Because my eyes search for him,
I am searching for those glimpses that brings him out in you.

I am reaching out to your your cheeks,
In desperate attempts to feel him,

I look beyond your eyes, deep,
Just so that I can see him within.

You remind me of him,
I had one before you.

You complete me,
But he created me,
long before you came,

You fill me with emotion,
That he stirred in me,
long before you existed,

You make my life complete,
That he started with his footprints, long before God sent you,

You try to bring smile on my lips,
That he started to draw,
before he decided to call it quits and left us forever,

And so, my little angel,
You are now left to fill in for the two.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Siblings, one in heaven, another on Earth
75 · Mar 2021
Thought that Keeps ALIVE.
What do we call a thought,
That strucks morning afternoon & night?

What do we call a name one remembers every day in morning afternoon and night?

What do we call a emotion that keeps repeating this past 3 decades and still is going strong?

What do we call a process of remembrance that strengthens a spirit everyday?

What do we name a relation that do not have existence?

What do we call a bonding which today only exists in one's thought?

What do we call this existence of thoughts to be the lifeline of the thinker?

What do we call a thinker, a person living in illusion?

Call it anything,

But it's the only thing that keeps one to be

Had kept her alive for past 3 decades!

Sparkle In Wisdom
73 · Mar 2021

The agony of heart is,
It manages to live somehow !

When you were there it survived by your presence,

Now that you are not there,
It's managing with your memories...


Sparkle In Wisdom
72 · Mar 2021
If we really want to celebrate a women and her day,

Let her,
Have the power,
To be able to decide,

Plans to live
Wants to study
Choice of work place.

Partner to live with.
Live alone.

Her friends to mingle with
At whatever time.

Her movies to watch in theatre
Any show she wants.
If we really want to celebrate women and her day,

Please do not force her
To either live with
Father, Brother, Husband
or a Son.

Give her the liberties of equal.

Let her keep the feet up and declare

She is NOT
Doing laundry,

And see the works still happen smoothly,
Not just one day but everyday.

Let it be her choice!

And not a "favor done by  generous, helping, caring"  partner!

If we really want to celebrate women and her day,


Bind her in -

Duties, Let it be her choice!

Phrases like, "girls are always good, silent and well behaved",
and "boys are naughty".
Don't silent her before she starts talking.

Don't burden her with
Classes of

Just because girls "her age"  should know all this, Let it be her choice!

Let her decide,
The clothes she wear
A pair of jean
Mini skirt
Nothing at all, Let it be her choice!

Don't tell her to be soft spoken,
Let it be her choice!

If we really want to celebrate women and her day,

Girls should stop
Pulling girls,
Sympathizing with males,
Having double standards.

A separate rule for "husband"  and his family,
A separate one for "brother" and his family.

Let her be free and be able to


S­parkle In Wisdom
71 · Oct 2020
The Dreamers Paradise
Vast expanse of
Yellows and Reds,
Blazing Reds on greens
And greens becoming orange,
This magic occurs,
Under a clear blue sky
with white clean streaks.

Here Comes
Fall with
A loud cheerful greetings
A loving Hi, from beautiful natural bouquet.

The hiya and hellos
Of nature and beauty,
The valuable treasure
Of scene and dreams,
The serene paradise,
Of poets and painters,
The perfect blend of nature and imagination.

Welcome Fall,
Welcome Life,
Welcome Change,

Welcome to the Dreamers Paradise.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Inspired by a pic taken by my cousin of clean fall expanse in USA.
Lock down everywhere,
Quarantine is the word,
Nations cutting ties with other nations,
World at stand still,
Just trying to be safe.

Are we becoming a bordered state,
Turning borderless finally?

A world with no boundaries.
#covid 19.
It's time to be little considerate,

It's time to learn to accommodate,

It's time to teach empathy,

It's time to nurture giving,

It's time to heal from within,

It's time to practice sacrifice,

It's time to give the food
from our plate,

It's time to share smiles with tears flowing
on cheeks,

It's time to live life simple,

It's time to acknowledge our neighbours,

It's time to remember we are becoming part of history,

Where future will ask questions for our actions,

It's time to preserve our deeds,

It's time for Google to store the stories,

Of all the good the humanity did,

It's time to raise above all the past examples,

Of best deeds of mankind ever,

Just be kind,

...And the pain will go away!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Pandemic diaries
64 · Jul 2020
Be the ruler you are!

Let's not others
demean you,

Don't value them more
than yourself,

It's you who matters,
Rest all are trifle.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone,

You live for yourself
not for them,

Give yourself the
trust you deserve,

Pamper yourself
with your love,

Don't give anyone the power
To break or make you,

You are the ruler
of your life,
Don't let others control
your life.

If you don't want
to do anything,
Lie back and relax,

Take the rest your
body needs,
Take the nap your
mind needs,
Don't let others force
you to break your sleep,

And remember it's you
who chose to sleep.

And then,

When you have rested,
When you are fresh,
When you are calm,
Come out of your cocoon,
Bloom yourself in the beautiful human-being
you are,




Always be the ruler you are!

Because you deserve to be the ruler you are!

Sparkle In Wisdom.
60 · Aug 2020
It's about you and me.

It's about you and me.

It's not about why,
Ifs and buts,
It's about you and me
dear God

It's not about wrongs
and rights,
It's not about questions
and accusations,
It's not about reasons
and answers,
It's about my discussions with You,
It's just about you and me dear God.

It's not about wisdom and foolishness,
It's not about lying and cheating,
It's not about luck and lost,
It's not about dreams
and reality,
It's about trust I have in You,
It's just about you and me dear God

It's not about pride
and humility,
It's not about being
tough or rough,
It's not about the Belief
I have in you,
It's just about You and me.

Ignorant will raise doubts,
Intolerant will suppress anger of loss,
Doubters will doubt Your existence,
Non believers will question Your presence,
I exist because You existed,
I am because You created,
I behave in the way You crafted,
I devote my entire life in Your feets,
Where it's just You and me,
Because that is what only matters.

Sparkle In Wisdom
July 22,2020
57 · Jun 2020
Be Strong

Get up, get going,
It's not that tough.

Throw away, move away,
They are just thoughts.

Shut your ears,
Close your eyes,
Soak your voice,
Shout your heart,
Clear your mind,
Love yourself,
You deserve to be
RULER you are!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Fight the ugly thoughts away.
55 · Oct 2020
Dried Flowers!
In the corner of the room lies the old vase,
Always decked with freshest of flowers,

The old dried flowers
are removed from
the vase,
To adorn the dustbin outside the house.

Is it not how humans behave in
their own life too?

Only freshest
relations matters,
Old ones are always
shown the door!

Sparkle In Wisdom
55 · Oct 2020
Search for Success
Humans perform their best,
When they are at their worst.

The maximum shine comes,
When discarded from all sides.


The success reaches it's pinacle,
When all hopes are dead.

Sparkle In Wisdom
54 · Sep 2020
तानाशाह हो, शहंशाह हो,
अंग्रेज़ी हुकूमरान हो,
सरकार-ए-हिन्द हो,
सब को एक दिन सुपुर्द-ए-खाक़ होना है।

हर शक्स अपने चरम पे
मग़रूर था,
आख़िर समय में कफ़न में लिपटा
किसी के कंधों पर मजबूर बना था।

मेरे मुल्क ने ज्यादतियां देखी,
मग़रूर की मस्तियां देखी,
इतिहास गवाह है,
इन सब के बाद भी हिंदुस्तान ने
फिर से एक सुनहरी किरण देखी।

हुकूमते आयीं और चलीं गई,
मेरे मुल्क ने किसी को प्यासा नहीं भेजा,
जागीर लुटा के आने वालों को जागीरदार बनाया,
भिकारी को भी यहां तख्त से नवाज़ा।

आज का दौर भी गुजर जाएगा,
इतिहास बदला जाएगा,
बेजुबानों को सुनने वाला,
कोई ना कोई जल्द ही आएगा।

Sparkle In Wisdom


and everything
That happens in my life
Is created by the God.

All the goods I have,
All the bads that ever happened,
All was designed by God.

I cannot take credit
of my wisdom,
Nor I owe anything
to my ignorance.
All was destined
the way it's happened.

One can plan good for me,
I don't give them credit.
One can plan evil for me,
I don't blame them either.
They are just the mediator between God and me.

The time they spent on planning the good or evil,
I can assure them, God was with them at that moment.

In His presence they planned,
If they wished me well,
God might have blessed them too.
If they wished me ill,
God might have
written it for them.

They are just mediators
in the life I live,
They can benefit by
thinking about me,
Because when they
think about me,
God reaches them too, through my thought.

It's just not about me,
It's about everyone
walking on the road,
Dog, Ant, Fly, Lion,

Why be proud of achievements?
Why lose heart
over losses??

Sparkle In Wisdom
52 · Apr 2020
Prayers for the Young -2
I thus pray to God,

To let the kids be alive
hail and healthy,
Let them be unscathed with this horrible disease,
These kids will become the future tomorrow,
They will read the history that He created,
Let them be the least affected,
For they can lead the human race forward.

Not many from us will
move forward in this
turbulent time,
But let the kids go forward and live a long life,
For we have given them all the knowledge,
that Noah might
have known on that ship
to create a fresh world!

Let them be happy and shiny,
For they have to believe You existed,
We have filled them with all the prayers,
They will carry the legacy of human kind forward.

You just take care of them when we are gone away.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Last stanza of a long poem of mine.
50 · Oct 2020
World was supposed to become a better place to live,
Where humans will not **** humans for piece of land,
Where respect for making will prevail in highest form,
Where all will be equal with no queen and King,
Where it will be surrounded by peace, liberation and calm.

This could not be,
Civilisation taught us to be craving,
Craving for luxury,
Craving for better food,
Craving for better transportation,
Craving to reach the space,
Craving to be better than other tribe.

Had become a jugular a circus,
Had become unruly and tumultuous,
Had become unforgiving,
Had become painful,
Had become demanding,
Had become dominating,
Had become anything but loving.

Different borders are at war,
Threatens are heightened by super powers,
Global trade is politics,
Politics is economy,
Ruining a country is a flicker away,
Breaking a human a blink of an eye,
Trolls are everywhere,
Troubles for all,

Has become one platform,
But the love has just gone away.
The givers refuse to give,
The takers refuse to take,
Everyone want a say,
But don't want to share.

was imagined to be better place to live,
Imaginations has highly failed miserably.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Affected by "World news" on
France , US, Azerbaijan Armenia war, UK, India, Libiya, Mali, Chad, CHINA, Taiwan, Middle East.
Crime against women, crime in name of religion, racial crime.
49 · Apr 2020
Quarantine Blues
Hugging is that exercise
That melts the heart away,
Hug your child a little more
To melt those blues away.

Kiss the babies cheeks
A warm kiss on forehead,
Just to cheer that sullen face
And to pamper with all the love you have.

It's a tough time we are living in
No future prediction can be true,
Don't leave anything for tomorrow
Just finish all the task today.

Share the childhood
Pen the thoughts somewhere,
Let the world know,

That you are a fighter,
And the fighter you will be tomorrow.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Changed the last paragraph.
49 · Sep 2020
Life was at Peace!!

Miss those days,
When money

When simplicity
was treasured,

When luxury
was dreamt,

When ambition
was high,

When fire in the belly was brightest,

When nothing
was impossible,

Life was at peace.

Sparkle In Wisdom
44 · Sep 2020
Just wait..
Soon the
Time will come,


The sun will shine high again,

The world will know the bloom again,

The dreams will be fulfilled again,

The peace will prevail again,

The smiles will be real again,

The worries will be done and dusted,

World will be surrounded with happy times again.

Just wait...

Sparkle in Wisdom
Pandemic diaries

The effort should be to raise high,

Going lower is natural.

The effort should be to elevate in the higher vibration,

Drop is natural.

Sparkle In Wisdom
There's an apartment,
In front of my house,
All with balconies facing mine.

None has a green hand but one,
& that entresol is full of life.

A combination of frondescence brings life everywhere,
Pegions & birds sits on its roof,
Feasting my eyes and ears full.

A small 4'/6' space used so very intricately,
A garden in the edges,
It's a working space too,
With clothes line and washing machine.

Big green tomatoes,
Red peppers,
Lemon grass,
A big red Jasmine flower,
Abundant cherry tomatoes,
A small Mango tree,
A gooseberry tree,
A bamboo tree too
They all fill and fit in that small space.

The dedication of family amazes me,
Their empathy for plants fills me with gratitude,
They don't pluck anything,
All veggies and fruits ripe on plants,
A green cherry tomato turns red on the plant,
A green pepper turns shining red,
Jasmine blossoms on the tree till it withers,
It's an amazing thing,
It's patience and pristine.

The mezzanine in front of mine,
It's life in itself,
The otherwise dead apartment,
Comes alive just because of this foliage.

Sparkle In Wisdom
42 · Mar 2020
Moved on...
I have moved away
Far away from where
we left ages ago..

I have forgotten the
words you said,
I don't even remember the emotions,
That we shared ages ago.

I have spent hours of agony,
Cried till my eyes refused to shed tears,
I have no images of those memories
That we shared back then.

Today, you want to ignite
the flame
of left over relations,
How will fire burn on something that doesn't exist?
I don't even feel the pain that you gave me ages ago.

We had shared the best relation back then,
But then it withered
like dried flowers,

We had shared our emotions
Just by mere exchange
of glance,
But then we stopped
looking at each other,

Life had moved on,
So had I,
You left me back then,
Why try again?
I am not sorry
I have moved on.

The bread and butter that I eat,
The parties and fun that I treat,
The outings and gatherings that I visit,
Do not give me peace and solace.

Each day I see poor become poorer,
Each day I see pain in their eyes,
The house girls moving around,
Lost jobs due to pandemic,
Their husbands too have no work,
No construction happening anywhere!

When I plan to cook something luxurious,
I loose my appetite,
I feel the hunger felt by the poor,
I change my menu subconsciously to simple.

The guilt is deep in my heart,
How I wish I could help each one,
How can half of world celebrate
and other half left to die?
How can one part enjoy
and other part left to suffer?

Is not pandemic same for everyone,
Rich, poor, old and young?
Is not death a certain future?
Why then there's pain for some?
Enjoyment for another section?
Is not this time a reminder of our duty to share,
When country is surrounded by toughest time ever?
How can people laugh and enjoy,
party and roam around?
W are well aquainted with
The plight and sufferings of humans around!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Pandemic diaries

— The End —