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It's time to be little considerate,

It's time to learn to accommodate,

It's time to teach empathy,

It's time to nurture giving,

It's time to heal from within,

It's time to practice sacrifice,

It's time to give the food
from our plate,

It's time to share smiles with tears flowing
on cheeks,

It's time to live life simple,

It's time to acknowledge our neighbours,

It's time to remember we are becoming part of history,

Where future will ask questions for our actions,

It's time to preserve our deeds,

It's time for Google to store the stories,

Of all the good the humanity did,

It's time to raise above all the past examples,

Of best deeds of mankind ever,

Just be kind,

...And the pain will go away!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Pandemic diaries
Sep 2020 · 44
Just wait..
Soon the
Time will come,


The sun will shine high again,

The world will know the bloom again,

The dreams will be fulfilled again,

The peace will prevail again,

The smiles will be real again,

The worries will be done and dusted,

World will be surrounded with happy times again.

Just wait...

Sparkle in Wisdom
Pandemic diaries
Aug 2020 · 60
It's about you and me.

It's about you and me.

It's not about why,
Ifs and buts,
It's about you and me
dear God

It's not about wrongs
and rights,
It's not about questions
and accusations,
It's not about reasons
and answers,
It's about my discussions with You,
It's just about you and me dear God.

It's not about wisdom and foolishness,
It's not about lying and cheating,
It's not about luck and lost,
It's not about dreams
and reality,
It's about trust I have in You,
It's just about you and me dear God

It's not about pride
and humility,
It's not about being
tough or rough,
It's not about the Belief
I have in you,
It's just about You and me.

Ignorant will raise doubts,
Intolerant will suppress anger of loss,
Doubters will doubt Your existence,
Non believers will question Your presence,
I exist because You existed,
I am because You created,
I behave in the way You crafted,
I devote my entire life in Your feets,
Where it's just You and me,
Because that is what only matters.

Sparkle In Wisdom
July 22,2020

and everything
That happens in my life
Is created by the God.

All the goods I have,
All the bads that ever happened,
All was designed by God.

I cannot take credit
of my wisdom,
Nor I owe anything
to my ignorance.
All was destined
the way it's happened.

One can plan good for me,
I don't give them credit.
One can plan evil for me,
I don't blame them either.
They are just the mediator between God and me.

The time they spent on planning the good or evil,
I can assure them, God was with them at that moment.

In His presence they planned,
If they wished me well,
God might have blessed them too.
If they wished me ill,
God might have
written it for them.

They are just mediators
in the life I live,
They can benefit by
thinking about me,
Because when they
think about me,
God reaches them too, through my thought.

It's just not about me,
It's about everyone
walking on the road,
Dog, Ant, Fly, Lion,

Why be proud of achievements?
Why lose heart
over losses??

Sparkle In Wisdom
Jul 2020 · 64
Be the ruler you are!

Let's not others
demean you,

Don't value them more
than yourself,

It's you who matters,
Rest all are trifle.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone,

You live for yourself
not for them,

Give yourself the
trust you deserve,

Pamper yourself
with your love,

Don't give anyone the power
To break or make you,

You are the ruler
of your life,
Don't let others control
your life.

If you don't want
to do anything,
Lie back and relax,

Take the rest your
body needs,
Take the nap your
mind needs,
Don't let others force
you to break your sleep,

And remember it's you
who chose to sleep.

And then,

When you have rested,
When you are fresh,
When you are calm,
Come out of your cocoon,
Bloom yourself in the beautiful human-being
you are,




Always be the ruler you are!

Because you deserve to be the ruler you are!

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Jul 2020 · 651
Relations in Isolation!!

Orange hue of Gulmohar,
Saffron colored palash
Hanging golden laburnum,
The beauty I had lost!

Blazing sunrise,
Golden sunsets,
Silent lakes,
Nature I
took for granted!

Family meetings,
Friends get-togethers,
Laughter and fun,
I wish, I had attended
some more.

Lockdowns, Isolation and
Bought reality in my thoughts,
Small frictions and meaningless anger,
Busy earning the useless money,
Stole my days of life once lived,
My carefree time enjoying
nature & its beauty!

I promise, now the priorities will change,
Life will never ever be in the back seat again!

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Gulmohar and Palash are Indian ornamental flowering trees both referred to as Flame-of -the-forest. Both have intense golden orange colored blossom flower just like cherry blossoms.

Gulmohar - Royal poinciana,
Palash - ******* teak, Parrot tree.
Jun 2020 · 57
Be Strong

Get up, get going,
It's not that tough.

Throw away, move away,
They are just thoughts.

Shut your ears,
Close your eyes,
Soak your voice,
Shout your heart,
Clear your mind,
Love yourself,
You deserve to be
RULER you are!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Fight the ugly thoughts away.
May 2020 · 175

For the first born of the family,
For the one who led the stock,
For the first born who a set the bar high,
For the naughty siblings to try,
For the first born who taught us to smile,
On all occasions big or trifle,
For the first born who cared for all,
Be it elders or small,
For the first born who have a naughty chuckle,
Always filled with mischief and tickle,
For the first born who full- filled our wishes,
No matter the extent of dreams we dreamt,
You, the first born had done it all,
That a elder sibling can ever do!

Here's a direct wish from heart,
For the first born of the house,
With whom were born Mom and Dad,
Who created Uncles and Aunts,
Who made the Grand parents proud to be called by their names,

A wish for a sweet happy birthday,
A wish for good health and joy,
A wish for name, fame, success and shine,
May all your wishes come true with time.

Happy birthday dear eldest,
Happy birthday dear sister!
Love you loads,

Love you always for everything you did.

Sparkle In Wisdom
अगर तुम साथ दे देते,
तो मैं वफा कर जाता
बेवफा इस दुनिया में
तुम्हारा नाम कर जाता।

तुम्हारी एक हंसी के लिए
दुनिया से लड़ जाता,
अगर तुम हाथ पकड़ लेती,
मौत से भी भिड़ जाता।

अब तो बस अलविदा के पहले,
तुमको नज़र भर देख रहा हूं,
गुज़रे वक़्त के कई सवालों को
पूछने से रोक रहा हूं।

पर फिर भी,
तुम्हारी आंखें दगा दे रही है,
और इसीलिए,
यूं ठहर के बस एक ही सवाल है,
क्यूं यह नज़र शर्मसार है?

सिर्फ साथ मांगा था,
हर आज़ादी के साथ,
जो तुम साथ दे जाते,
दुनिया से लड़ जाता।

उम्र भर तुम्हारी आंखों में
ज़िन्दगी तलाशता रहा,
मेरी उम्र के अंतिम पड़ाव में
ख़ुशी झलक रही है उनमें।

जिस चिंगारी को उसकी नज़रों में अपने लिए तलाशा था,
वह मेरे गुजर जाने से आएंगी,
सोचा ना था।

क्या मांगा था तुमसे
सच्चा प्यार ही तो ना?
नहीं था तो कह देती,
यूं झूठी उम्मीद में तो ना रहता।

आज मर के भी सुकून नहीं,
जीते जी भी कहां सुकून था,
मोहब्बत खोजता रहा जिसमें
वह बेवफा निकली।

पूरी उम्र जिस शक्स से दिल लगा बैठा,
पूरी ज़िन्दगी में जिसमें जीने की चाह ढूंदा,
आज जा कर पाता चला,
वह तो पत्थर की गुड़िया निकली।

Sparkle In Wisdom
जब सुनहरी किरण छुएगी
धरती का पहला छोर,
उस क्षण तेजोमय हो
झूम उठेगा धरा की कोर कोर
उस एक क्षण में नभ, आकाश, धरातल, पाताल सब तल्लीन हो एक ताल पर थिरक उठेंगे।

केसरिया सुनहरी आभा मानों धरती की हो अप्रतिम चीर,
नील जल बहती गंगा जैसी
निर्मल पवन गगन झील।

आसमान में उस पल पक्षियों
का कोलाहल होगा,
मानों सैकड़ों घुंघरू बांधे अब
नृत्त, नृत्य, नाट्य का
प्रचंड संगम होगा।

एक स्वर्णिम मरीचि की राह
जोहते सारी विभावरी रत्नगर्भा,
नक्षत्रों की चादर ओढ़े
ना झपके नयन पल भर भी।

नयी सुनहरी लालिमा की
हम सब भी हैं जोहते बाट,
कब आएगी वह पावन सुबह
भस्म करेगी सब विरक्त विचार।

यह जो कालिमा की बदरी है,
घनघोर विपदा छायी है,
शूलों के घातक प्रहार से
जन मानस में अक्रंद मचाई है,

यह रुदन को दूर हटाने को,
जड़ीभूत हो नि:शब्द अचला खड़ी।

मृदंग, ढोल, ताशे, ताल सजा कर,
घुंगरू पैरों में बाँध कर,
गूंजने के लिए गर्जन भारी
चीरती उसकी क्रंदन है,

तांडव अब यह थमना चाहिए,
बहुत हुआ✋🏻
यह उर्वी की चीत्कार है।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Apr 2020 · 94
Wisdom in Isolation!
Throw away the hatred
Fill the home with love,

Throw away the anger
Bring peace instead,

Throw away the pain
Heal your heart inturn,

Throw away the anxiety
Fulfill the dreams in return,

Throw away the guilt if any,
Just re-live again,

One day at a time
Cherish the moments in your mind,

Your never know who all will make it tomorrow
Don't keep grudges anymore.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Apr 2020 · 49
Quarantine Blues
Hugging is that exercise
That melts the heart away,
Hug your child a little more
To melt those blues away.

Kiss the babies cheeks
A warm kiss on forehead,
Just to cheer that sullen face
And to pamper with all the love you have.

It's a tough time we are living in
No future prediction can be true,
Don't leave anything for tomorrow
Just finish all the task today.

Share the childhood
Pen the thoughts somewhere,
Let the world know,

That you are a fighter,
And the fighter you will be tomorrow.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Changed the last paragraph.
Apr 2020 · 52
Prayers for the Young -2
I thus pray to God,

To let the kids be alive
hail and healthy,
Let them be unscathed with this horrible disease,
These kids will become the future tomorrow,
They will read the history that He created,
Let them be the least affected,
For they can lead the human race forward.

Not many from us will
move forward in this
turbulent time,
But let the kids go forward and live a long life,
For we have given them all the knowledge,
that Noah might
have known on that ship
to create a fresh world!

Let them be happy and shiny,
For they have to believe You existed,
We have filled them with all the prayers,
They will carry the legacy of human kind forward.

You just take care of them when we are gone away.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Last stanza of a long poem of mine.
Apr 2020 · 86
Prayers for the Young
Generation growing up today,
Feeling the pang inside,
Feeling the urge to do something,
That urge they never
felt until tonight.

The kids have seen it
all in one go,
Their history books recreating all scenes,
The epidemics of pasts
all zooming by,
The partition trauma they saw with immigrants moving,
The thousands of death
they saw happening,
No wonder they grew
a lot in a week,
Innocence making
conviction of becoming
something one day.

Kids today learnt the careers and career paths,
They understood the reason
to study,
to earn,
to contribute
to the society,
They have grown a lot tonight with clear meaning of purpose of being born.

The generation that
grew on technology,
Never really understood much of old beliefs,
Washing hands,
feets, mouth seemed
unreasonable burden,
To eat fresh veggies to increase immune system
was out of question,
Tonight they have become intelligent  that books
couldn't make them,
Immunity and germs they have learnt a lot.

I thus pray to God,
To let them be alive,
hail and healthy,
Let them be unscathed with this horrible disease,
These kids will become the future tomorrow,
They will read the history that He created,
Let them be least affected Dear God, for they can lead the human race forward,
Not many from us will
move forward in this
turbulent time,
But let the kids go forward and live a long life,
For we have given them all the knowledge,
that Noah might
have known on that ship
to create a fresh world!

Let them be happy and shiny,
For they have to believe You existed,
We have filled them with all the prayers,
They will carry the legacy of human kind forward.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Turbulent times.
Mar 2020 · 93
Prayers for Calm!
Few hours from now
A new dawn will arise,

Few hours from now,
New hopes will blossom,

Few hours from now,
The whole gloom shall disappear

Few hours from now,
The world will be united in joy,

The world was never one,
The borders, the states, was created through civilization.

The shackles of names of countries
Disappearing under oneness.

So much love is around
All hatred disappeared,

People now have care
All selfishness gone.

No one can say I rule,
No one is spared

Even the crown Prince
Cannot claim his rule.

Let the dawn bring
And laughter

Coz' it hurts to see
Earth crumble up in despair.

Sparkle In Wisdom
It's a New year in most of India today.
Prince Charles tested positive for Covid 19 today.
Lock down everywhere,
Quarantine is the word,
Nations cutting ties with other nations,
World at stand still,
Just trying to be safe.

Are we becoming a bordered state,
Turning borderless finally?

A world with no boundaries.
#covid 19.
Mar 2020 · 42
Moved on...
I have moved away
Far away from where
we left ages ago..

I have forgotten the
words you said,
I don't even remember the emotions,
That we shared ages ago.

I have spent hours of agony,
Cried till my eyes refused to shed tears,
I have no images of those memories
That we shared back then.

Today, you want to ignite
the flame
of left over relations,
How will fire burn on something that doesn't exist?
I don't even feel the pain that you gave me ages ago.

We had shared the best relation back then,
But then it withered
like dried flowers,

We had shared our emotions
Just by mere exchange
of glance,
But then we stopped
looking at each other,

Life had moved on,
So had I,
You left me back then,
Why try again?
I am not sorry
I have moved on.


There is always a you in him,
And a him in you,
I see a lot of him when I see you,
I see a lot of you when I remember him.
I become satisfied when I see you,

Because my eyes search for him,
I am searching for those glimpses that brings him out in you.

I am reaching out to your your cheeks,
In desperate attempts to feel him,

I look beyond your eyes, deep,
Just so that I can see him within.

You remind me of him,
I had one before you.

You complete me,
But he created me,
long before you came,

You fill me with emotion,
That he stirred in me,
long before you existed,

You make my life complete,
That he started with his footprints, long before God sent you,

You try to bring smile on my lips,
That he started to draw,
before he decided to call it quits and left us forever,

And so, my little angel,
You are now left to fill in for the two.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Siblings, one in heaven, another on Earth
I need to share today a post dedicated to special mothers. The MOTHERS OF DIFFERENTLY ABLED KIDS

Today is the day a special mom was born.
I want to tell the world that when a special child is born, the mother doesn't know anything of his/her needs. She learns, she grows with the baby.

When a special need child is born, doctors don't know the future, the baby doesn't tick the parameters, the child doesn't bother to follow rules set by normal people, accepted by world, a special mom learns it all by experience.

When a special need child is born depending on severity the doctor pronounce the verdict, considering themselves nothing less than God, they declare the child will be
Vegetable.(I was told this for my son, when he was 9 days old... I WAS A NINE DAYS OLD MOM!)
Mild­ delayed.
Time will tell.
Etc, etc...
Just like routine

Imagine and feel, when a doctor tells a new mom all this, little do they think that the mom was a girl few months back, she don't even know how to care for "so called normal child" keep apart caring for a special need child.

The mom learns, the mom grows.

Respect and love special need mothers.

No compassion, no sympathy, empathy may be.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
A small tribute to Special Mom, for them the world revolves around their special need child.
Oct 2019 · 167
Making of a Soul.

To listen to evil is not in
one’s control,
To react is.

To give a cold shoulder to the
evil doer is not in one's control,
To believe is.

To pacify the evildoer
is not in one's control,
To judge is.

Use thy wisdom to
maintain the balance,
Use thy power to control
the emotions to be neutral,

Be on the right side
of the thin line,
That separates thee
with the evil doer.

Always be in command
of thy tongue.

Pacify one can,
Accuse thou shouldn't.

To be a support is one's nature,
To take a side will determine thy character.

The belief will become one's soul,
On it, your future generations will remember thee.

Sparkle In Wisdom.

Think and act wisely.
Oct 2019 · 495
Love has been on this
planet for long,
We should not own
it as ours,

It's a feeling on
the earth,
From time beyond
and bygone,

Love resonates in flowers,
trees and animals,
In Sun, Moon,
Sky and Sea,

Love shines in
Venus and Mars,
In beauty of rocks,
River and breeze,

Love has been on this planet
before me and you were born,

Don't judge it,
Don't name it,
Don't bracket it,
Don't command it,
Don't demand it,


Sparkle In Wisdom
Oct 2019 · 290
Wilted Flowers
Wileted Rose,
Dried Jasmine
Shredded marigolds,
Age defying,

The moments of life aging so soon,
From bud to bloom and sundried gloom.

A fast forward take on passing time,
A thing to learn from aging and dying..

The flowers life teaches to spread-

Sparkle In Wisdom
Sep 2019 · 209
Gift of Politics
For them life is to,

Show off,

This is an identity of politics.

Sparkle In Wisdom
उनके लिए ज़िन्दगी

दिखावा है,
छलावा है,
बेहलावा है,
धोका है,
दर्द है,
नफरत है,
जुनून है,
झूट है,
सनक है,
फरेब है,
रोष है,
जोश है,
द्वेष है,

राजनीति की यही तो पहचान है।

जो इन बेहकावों में गिरफ्त हुआ,
उसका समझो काम तमाम हुआ,

ना यारी- दोस्ती पर विश्वास रहा,
ना समाज का डर रहा,

इनकी भक्ति करने वालों का भी
बुखार से बुरा हाल रहा,

अपनों का साथ छोड़ दिया,
राजनेताओं पर विश्वास हुआ,

जब घर आयी विपदा तब,
गलती का एहसास हुआ,

जब राजनेताओं से मिली यह सौगात,
तब अपनों का साथ रास हुआ!

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Devoted to politics, politicians, supporters and specially to friends fighting over politics.
Translation Gift of politics.
For them life is to,

Show off,

This is an identity of politics.
Sep 2019 · 259
My country.
With proud and respect,
Lives the elders here,
With pride and head held high,
Lives youth here,
With dedication and devotion,
Farmers ploughs field here,
With confidence and sacrifice,
Fights the soldier here,
With love and laughter,
Grows the kids here,
With intimacy and simplicity,
Wives manages house here,
This is my country,
None other like this exists.

Slowly the country moves,
To become the golden bird again,
No enimity with any nation,
Making it's identity alone,
With peace and humility,
Becoming a symbol it stands high.

It has never divided nor will ever divide,
This is united India(country) of mine,
Built by Lord Krishna and Ram,
Dreamt by Maurya,
It didn't break when it was  ransacked,
Though weakened for a second,
But became stood rock solid and strong.

Each drop of blood flowing from,
the nerves of each individual here,
Shouts and recites loudly
Great is my country,
Great is my country.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Translated work from my Hindi poem,
Bharat desh mahan mera!
गर्व से सम्मान से,
जी रहे बुज़ुर्ग यहां,
गौरव से अभिमान से
जी रहे युवा यहां,
समर्पण से त्याग से
सींच रहा किसान यहां,
आत्मा विश्वास से, बलिदान से
लड़ रहा जवान यहां,
उल्लाहस से प्यार से
बढ़ रहा बच्चा यहां,
अपनेपन से सादगी से
संभाल रही गृहणी घर यहां,
यह भारत देश है मेरा
मिसाल इस जैसी कहां।

धीरे धीरे बढ़ रहे कदम,
बनने चिड़िया सोने की यहां,
किसी मुल्क से जंग नहीं
अपनी पहचान खुद बना,
अमन से शांति से
बन प्रतीक यह खड़ा यहां।

ना बटा है ना बटेगा,
यह अखंड भारत महान मेरा,
निर्माण राम - कृष्ण का,
सपना मौर्य का,
टूटा नहीं जब लूट मचाया,
कमज़ोर हुआ क्षण भर को,
पर चट्टान सा मज़बूत बना,

हर शक्स के अंतरमन में बह रहा
जज़्बात यहां,
हर धधकती धमनियों के
रक्त में ज्वार यहां,
चीख कर शोर मचा हर ओर
यह एक यहां,,
भारत देश मेरा महान,

भारत देश मेरा महान।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Translation tried in notes section.
With proud and respect,
Lives the elders here,
With pride and head held high,
Lives youth here,
With dedication and devotion,
Farmers ploughs field here,
With confidence and sacrifice,
Fights the soldier here,
With love and laughter,
Grows the kids here,
With intimacy and simplicity,
Wives manages house here,
This is my country,
None other like this exists.

Slowly the country moves,
To become the golden bird again,
No fight with any nation,
Making it's identity alone,
With peace and humility,
It stands high becoming a symbol.

It has never divided nor will ever divide,
This is united India of mine,
Built by Lord Krishna and Ram,
Dreamt by Maurya,
It didn't break when it was  ransacked,
Though weakened for a second,
But became stood rock solid and strong.

Each drop of blood flowing from,
the nerves of each individual here,
Shouts and recites loudly
Great is my country,
Great is my country!!
Sep 2019 · 245
Let my soul be free!
Your spirit have come today,
Covered in blood stains,
Questioning my intention,
with compassion.

Your spirit have come today,
To see me in prison,
Looking a lot tired,
Questioning about our
girls well-being,
Without accusations.

Your spirit have come today,
To finally "see" me,
All drained of anger,
Questioning my love for you,
with tender warmth.

Love got ruined,
Peace got robbed,
Neither you lived,
Nor am I free,

You punched me in on
my face,
I killed you in fit of rage,

In that moment our
lives shattered,
You gone,
Me in prison,
Our girls orphaned.

The time we loved each other,
Married defying all odds,
Did God write in lines of my palms,
I will ****** my beloved?
Did God plan your death
by the hands you once loved?
Did God plan for our girls
future a life without us around?

How will our girls live
without our love,
They who can't even cook,
Can't sleep without us,
They who must be afraid
in the big world,
Without us around
they will be so scared.

Your spirit have come today,
I guess,
To ask questions,
Of my actions,
Repent your actions,
Of discussing the life
That could have been
I wouldn't had acted
in rage,
The trust we both lost,
The love that became
Ego's and hurt,
Violence and pain,
Fights and anger,
Duties and Responsibilities,
Rights and wrongs,
Of finally,

You have come today
in your spirits and soul,
Wait till I come to you
to discuss these questions,
Let me be released and
set upon free,
Not from the prison but
from my rented body,

Let me be free..
Let my soul be free..
Let my soul match your soul.

My thoughts after a wife murdered her husband by kitchen knife, I knew the family personally, it hurts.
Sep 2019 · 274
That feeling of anxiety,
When the intution is strong,
Of something wrong
About to happen,
Somewhere, unseen,
but close enough to hurt,

When mind goes
topsy turvy,
Heart skipping a
The nerves on
restless path,
The feeling that takes away
the calm,
The endless walking,
The thoughts going berserk,
It kills the smiles,
It makes life hell.

Spiritual readings,
Diverting of thoughts,
And still the
Palpitations continues..

And then
One day,
Sanity returns,
Flutter ends,
Silence prevails,
Storm has gone
No harm done,
that day


Sparkle In Wisdom
Sep 2019 · 663
The loss of worldly things can be calculated,

What about those emotions that went with those stored things.

The ink on letters were erased away in flood,
The old stored letters washed away too.

People are crying for the loss of
their house,
I had left my heart long ago.

I had been living a life of
Love, I had left long ago.

I was engrossed in life full of responsibilities,
Did not had time to remember my memories.

Today the whole city is filled with flood,
They are crying for their loss.

But I had lost my beloved's letters, poems, memories,
And today I am crying for the loss
of him.

The relation was lost long ago,
Emotions got water burial today,
For that loss of mine
I got the freedom to cry today.

Sparkle In Wisdom
(A translation of Hindi poem Sailab)
(The speaker parted ways with her beloved, got married and was living with adjustments in new life for years, in flood she loses all her belongings but the most painful was loosing old letters of her beloved.
She did not get freedom to cry when she left her beloved, today under the disguise of crying for lost worldly things, she is actually crying for her long lost relationship)
Aug 2019 · 514
You charm around the crowd
They start branding you,

You sparkle in brilliance
They start cornering you,

You shine among the people
They start breaking you,

You listen to them more
The more they weaken you,

You change for them more
The more they tame you,

You begin to understand them
They start manipulating you,

You start feeling yourself worthless
They start being generous with you,

You embrace the thought of dependency
They begin to treat you like Royalty,

You start enjoying being pampered
They start criticizing you,

You start accepting bullying
They start torturing you,

You speak their language
They call you foolish,

You shrink in wisdom
They brand you invalid,

You changed your perception,
They thought you were dumb.

This is a life of women,
Don't let this happen to you,

Don't change your thinking,
Overpowered by anyone,
Listen to all but,
Speak as you want,
Don't give back but,
don't listen harsh

You have a brain of yourself,
You always had,
Use it harder.

Women, you are half of the world,
The better world holds you strong,

Don't wait for anyone to
Your beautiful presence on PLANET.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Aug 2019 · 986

Lightens the tension,
Relieves the pain
Brightens the spirits,
Heightens the desires,
Power of rain,
Restores the life,
In purest form,
Abundance of greens,
Purity sublimes.
Soaking in rain,
Love the rain drops,
Drowning the face,
Walk with nature,
Energises the soul,
Beauty of nature,
Paints the sketch,
With brushes of freshness,
Blossoms the life,
With colors unlimited,

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Aug 2019 · 146
सामान का तो एक बार
हिसाब लगा भी लेंगे,
उन जज़्बातों का क्या जो
बाढ़ में तबाह हो गए।

कितने पुराने किस्से थे
जो स्याह से सफा हो गए,
उन खतों का क्या को
बाढ़ में सफेद हो गए।

लोग रो रहे हैं अपना
बसेरा लुटा के।
हम तो अपन अपना घरौंदा
बरसों पहले बिखेर आए थे,

किताबी रिश्ते निभा रहे हैं
मुद्दातों से,
अपना सब कुछ तो पहले
ही लुटा आए थे।

जिम्मेदारियों के बोझ में
ऐसे फंसे थे,
यादों को याद करने का वक्त
ही नहीं रहा।

आज पूरा शहर पानी में
डूबा है,
लोग रो रहे है लुट जाने के
सदमे से।

उजड़ उनके नग्मे, ग़ज़लें,
खतों का पिटारा गया है,
अश्कों का सैलाब हमारा
अब उमड़ा है,

बरसों पहले बिखरे रिश्तों को
जल समाधि आज मिली है,
उमर के उस हिस्से के लिए खुल
के रोने की आज़ादी आज मिली है।

Sparkle In Wisdom

The loss of long stored things, old clothes of loved one, old letters, first dress of baby, first toy... Etc... Loses like these are painful, very hurting, compared to loss of valuable items from the house flooded with water in monsoon.
Aug 2019 · 281
I remember my rides
With high speeds ..
The thrills, the adventure in rain, hail and shine..
I remember my days spent wandering...
In countryside and beyond..
I remember heavy rains..
Made sudden urge for drive...
The unplanned long drives,
The eating out was always a norm..
And junk food was so much fun...

The speed kills, never detested my love to ride back then,
Life was so much fun...

The adventure is all changed now,
Since my daughter came along,
I started to watch my speed,
And 30-40km/hr became a check point in my life,
Rain became a slippery mess,
And I became a careful rider..

I cannot meet an accident,
Getting injured or sick is out of question,
Being healthy is a compulsion..
And life cannot be taken for granted,
Cause I have to take care of my little one.

I cannot be a careless mess,
I cannot eat burger for lunch..
My daughter demands pizza and fries,
I serve her baked veggies topped with sunshine..(fried egg)..
She give me a harsh look to ****..
I give back her a smile..
She knows her gaze did not ****..
She attack her food with no fun...

All my ABC's start with veggies and fruits..
Cautious me is always in a fret..
A bit cold makes me a nurse,
I wrap my daughter in coat doubled of woolen.

When she overhears my adventure days,
She can't believe her ears and feels all untrue..
One day she saw my album of old pics..
Questioning eyes, accusing eyes all was on her face..
The pic had me..
Riding fast..ending on a pizza joint, with spirits in my hands ..
And now,
I have a sheepish smile to hide my fear.
Trying time of explaining stuff that had been a distant past..

Next thing on my list was,
To hide the album deep,
For never to be found again till she becomes a parent, a mom....!

The adventure of being a mom are too high...

Mom can't have a drink and sleep carefree...
But with sleepless nights, she become a zombie.
Mom can't go for long drive , can't spend night- outs with her friends,
And she ends up with tension high degree, When daughter doesn't return from her friend's birthday celebration.
Mom can't spend time on the foolish talks with her friends on phone ...
For the energy drains with arguments with daughter for rights and wrongs
And for the now that's wrongs, which was once right .

Being a Mom is toughest thing...
To live a life with example is the adventure in itself.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Jul 2019 · 1.5k
By the way someone
reacts to our loved ones..


Don't be judgemental,
Don't look at the world
by someone's eyes,
Remember there's
always another side,


Take time out to,
in others..


Let it be justified !

Sparkle In Wisdom
Jul 2019 · 126
Leaving Imprint.

Try to talk with everyone

Not because other person demands respect,

But because it's your way to leave your imprint on the world,

It's your way to leave with
your identity for others to remember you as,


Sparkle In Wisdom
Jun 2019 · 253
Riches of palace were mistaken for home by you,
I gave away my life for relations that mattered.

The day you opened the gates of palace for people to visit my grave,
My spirits left the place without remorse.

The only difference in us was,

You thought richness to be life,
I found LIFE to be RICH!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Jun 2019 · 284
महलों की चारदीवारी को क्या तुम मकान मान बैठे,
हम बिना उफ्फ किए, जज्बातों में जान दे गए।

जिस दिन महलों को तुमने तमशबिनो के लिए खुला मकबरा बना दिया,
रूह भी हमारी वहां से रुखसत हो गई।

फकत एक फर्क था तुम्हारी हमारी सोच में,

तुम रईसी को ज़िन्दगी मान बैठे,
हम ज़िन्दगी में रईसी ढूंढ बैठे।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Riches of palace were mistaken for home by you,
I gave away my life for relations that mattered

The day you opened the gates of palace for people to visit my grave,

My spirits left the place without remorse.

The only difference in us was,

You thought richness to be life,
I found life to be rich!
Apr 2019 · 178

Passing through the greenery,
I felt,
That not everything is dull and dry,
That after every dry phase there's life again,
That "hope" in life makes person live,
The belief became stronger with each passing turn.

My life may not be in the best phase,
But soon the season may change,
I had lived all through this,
Can't I wait a little more
For brightness to shine again.

Dreams I have plenty,
And some day they may get through,
Though today everything that happens is turning out wrong,
But soon my dreams will flourish,
Soon I will get all the felicity
And I will also be the cause of joy for all.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Apr 2019 · 195
Random Thoughts
And .....

This is the charm of an artist...

Give him a stone and he will return a Gem.


This is the greatness of a poet...

Give him philosophy he will return a necklace.


This is the beauty of special child,

Give him smile he returns it unconditional.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Apr 2019 · 578

Small word,
Hard to gain,
Harder to maintain,
Think hard
Before giving it to someone!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Apr 2019 · 531

When I touch my bed,
Lights go off,
My heart starts beating,
My mind stops working,
My eyes doesn't close,
Still I dream,
I dream of you...!

When loneliness covers me,
When darkness surrounds me,
The silence of night around me,
The sound of insects chirping aloud,
In this silence my heart speaks aloud,
Your name it shouts,
for you it calls...!

When I start to sleep,
My eyes start to rain,

I just keep thinking how CLOSE we were,
I just keep thinking how FAR we are,
Yet I believe one day we will meet
And in that meet eternal bliss will be  till eternity...!

Dreams are something I live on,
With open eyes I dream of you,
Thoughts betray me,
Love kills me,
Distance destroy me,
Rules bind me,
Loving you is the best thing ever happened to me,
To be loved by you would have been divine...!

Wait is what is written in my destiny,
Wait is what I will do,
May it be week,
Still,till infinty my eyes won't sleep,
My heart won't stop dreaming,
My thoughts will always have you in them,
And as the night falls,
And the lights goes off,
My head will touch the pillow,
My eyes will flood for no one to see.....!

You are my life,
my soul,
My soulmate,
You are everything I have,
You are everything I want to have,
You made me complete,
You made me woman....
You made me woman madly in love,
My destiny will change to occupy you,
My wait will be fruitful
Some how,
We shall definitely meet.....!

Till then...
Live well..
My soul,
My soulmate..!

Sparkle In Wisdom
3rd june 2008..
Apr 2019 · 376
Come back

Mood swings from bright to dull,
As is the weather today,
Raining like my eyes, smiling like my lips,
Standing here, I can say, nature and me are same today.

The reason of my lost smile is unknown,
Why my eyes are wet is yet a question,
My thoughts moving around my past,
Where there was happiness, joy, and love spread everywhere.

Today even after years have passed,
I feel those memories afresh,
His face calm, sweet and charming,
His laughter echoes in my eyes with his eyes assuring.

I know we will not meet again,
Will his memories bring the shine again,
The loneliness of my house and my dreams,
Will it be filled with his essence again.

His thoughts are always with me, confronting me,
His caring words are always there fir me to lean upon,
His warm touch on my hand is still alive,
If, not he, his presence is always felt with his fragrance filled deep in me.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Apr 2019 · 426
In this big world
Of beauties and dreams,
I dreamt my life
To be carefree and in ease,
As a small girl
My dreams always became true,
As teenage the tender age
Hurdles arrived and by age they grew.

Charms of life gave me a call,
Shattering my dreams in pieces they fall,
And aah! Now what a pity of me?
I am here collecting each of my dream.

I try to join them and once again,
I want to believe, but, in vain,
That life is a carefree thing,
And the world a beautiful place
In which you can still dream.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Old poems found in attic... Couple of them are still worth my read... Sharing them with my friends here... _()_
Mar 2019 · 460
Kids Summer House!
They had their summer kid house,
On the slopes of the big house,
Under the big tree,
Thatched roof, walled and cool.

The house was big for the two of
them to cozy in,
They even had a attic
With bed facing a window,
Window had a opening
With Macaw cage outside,
At times she sat there
talking to the bird,
Looking over the stream that flow down the hill.

Each summer they spent
All their time there,
They ran down the beach to fight the mighty waves,
And came back to there den to
feast on their feat.

Soon they grew and big they become,
College had become there second home,
In vacation he came, she was already there,
She sat in the thatched house,
Talking the the bird,
He made her meet his 'new' friend
In college they had grew close,
'She' was gorgeous and beautiful,
And had all his attention for now.

'She', the new friend would love to sit in the big house,
and would like breakfast on the
big table,
Beach 'she' would avoid for it will
tan 'her' skin,
Summer house was no place for
'her' to reside.

He tried desperate to be in the den,
Sometimes he came alone,
Sometimes at night he slept there,
Mornings will be with  Macaw and the stream flowing down,
Beaches were now a sneaking affair,
For he went only when he could fair.

Vacation ended and so did all,
He came to meet her to say her good bye,
She was in the den, eating her breakfast alone,
He came and took a bite
from her plate,
He said, wait I will come
back soon,
To share this unfinished
breakfast room,
She knew that instant,
that her friend is back.

For the one who can't love the den,
Cannot share the life of her friend,
The cozy place was not aloof now,
The Macaw too was happy and sound,
The stream was singing too,
And the beach was crowded huge,
The residents have come back
And life had returned too.

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2019
Mar 2019 · 141
The Chosen One!!

I see a special child,
Then I see another one again,
Then I miss my own
Which brings so much pain.

I try to find the story
Behind the complexities of the child,
I try to share the agony
The parents bear daily.

I try to convince them
They are not alone,
There are many like there kids
Hidden in this big world, shadowed.

I go to them and talk with them
Try bring solace,
They are blessed to have a child
As beautiful as there own, with grace.

I want them to believe me
How blessed they really are,
For the beauty in there child is
Not in the insane words they speak.

But the beauty lies,
In the eyes of the child,
In the smile of the baby,
In the trust she exerts,
In the belief they have.

The beauty of there child is,

Having the blessings of the God,
In being the chosen one,
The one who God bestows
His choicest trust,
In belief of the parent to be
capable to handle the child as
God's gift to the world.

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2019
#Specialchildren #innocent
Mar 2019 · 866
Visit To the Park.
Went to the old park
Just after a month's break,
But the park is renewed
With even the faces of visitors changed.

The complete make over it had got,
All new gym machinery in place,
It's used to be kids park but now all age group throng it plenty.

The place is busy as bee,
People waiting in que,
For the exercise is a thought
That has already made it's mark.

Now with feeling to get fit
People walk and jog
Cycle and abs crunches
Crowd is becoming young and sound.

I like to be here in morning and in evening,
I have made friends here,
I like to smile and spread joy,
With different groups that I meet here.

Mornings are of oldies and freer people,
Evening are younger more like me,
But I fit in both..
Morning I walk and listen to news,
Evening I watch my kids become smarter...

A visit to the park
rejuvenate my mood,
Just like a cup of perfectly
brewed latte coffee...!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2019
A light hearted piece to just relax.
Mar 2019 · 611
A Special Soul
A gifted soul

The beauty resides
in the soul,

The one who
understands this
is pristine.

The one who
imbibes this
is ageless.

The one who
absorbs this
is a Mahatma.

A beautiful soul
reverberates sounds
harmony and peace

Sparkle In Wisdom
15 March 2019
Mar 2019 · 603
Magical Sunshine

Success can be credited to you,
Failure will be ours.

One to boost confidence,
Another to ward off depression.

Life can be a tough journey,
Together it can become ride full of adventure.

Believe me,
Believe in you,
Trust you,
With my life.

It's our story,
A little bit of YOU in ME
A little bit of ME in YOU
Together we create US.

Together we can, and we will weave the magic,
The sunshine.

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2019
बचपन की आंखों से देखा
था शाशक्त सपना,
देशभक्ति की ज्वाला
अपने अंदर भरे,
बन कर फौजी देशप्रेम
यह वादा खुद से कर के
चल पड़ा,

फौजी की जिम्मेदारी भी
सर्वशक्ति  निभाया था,
देश पर मर मिटने की कसम भी
ना तोड़ पाया था,
जिस देश पे गर्व और गौरव
से दिल भरा था,
आज उसी देश के तिरंगे में
मैं विदा हो रहा था।

सपना मेरे बाद भी जीवंत था,
मैं दुबारा फौजी बनने के लिए
फिर एक बार
जन्मने को तैयार था।

Sparkle In Wisdom
27 Feb 2019.
Feb 2019 · 2.5k
Soldiers Wish Forever
a dream with childish eyes,
Burnt in the belly the flame of patriotic fire,
Decided to become a soldier and dedicate my love to my land.
The promise I made,
I cherished, I fulfilled.

Imparted soldiers duty filled with passion,
For my motherland,
My heart was filled with proud and patriotism,

Promise to die for my motherland held above all.
Today proudly,
I am enfolded in tricolor of my country..
For my last journey,
For my final abode.

Dream outlived me.
I will be born again to serve my motherland.

Sparkle In Wisdom
27 Feb 2019
Salute soldiers of our motherland.
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