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तेरी एक नजर को
तड़पुं में,

तेरी एक झलक
को तरसुं में,

सुबह दोपहर शाम को बस
तेरे दीदार को चाहूं मैं,

तेरी पायल की झंकार को
दूर तलक सुन पाऊं मैं,

तेरी आहट को
सुनने को बेताब रहूं मैं,

तेरी झलक की
आहें दिन भर भरूं में,

हर सुबह मैं तेरी जुल्फ से
ओस के मोती बिखरते देखूं,

हर दोपहर वह ज़िद्दी बाल को
तेरे चेहरे पे लुड़कता देखूं,

तेरी मासूम शक्ल हर शाम को
बेतरतीब होते देखूं मैं,

तेरी झलक पाने को
दिन भर का
सुकून ताक़
पर रख दूं मैं,

तेरे होने भर के एहसास
से खुद को
ज़िंदा रख पाऊं मैं।

Sparkle In Wisdom
14 Feb 2019
Feb 2019 · 289
Hello Poetry
We arrange here meeting
of poets and poems,

'Let me present' had
changed to Hello now,

'Let' hear' has changed
to whoa ,

Superb has changed
to once more ,

Poets don't go to poets
meet now,
they knock the door of
Hello Poetry

Sparkle In Wisdom
17 Feb 2019
हम यहां कवि और कविता
का मिलन रखते हैं,

हम यहां कवि और कविता
का आगाज़ रखते हैं,

अर्ज़ किया है अब पुराना हो गया
"हेल्लो" से संवाद रखते हैं,

इरशाद अब नहीं whoa
केह के आगाज़ करते हैं,

वाह वाह अब कम और रॉक ऑन,
once more ज्यादा कहते हैं,

कवि सम्मेलन अब कम सब
Hello poetry पे दस्तक देते हैं।

Sparkle In Wisdom
16 Feb 2019
We arrange here meeting
of poets and poems,

Let me present had
changed to "hello" now,

Let' here has changed
to whoa,

Superb has changed
to once more,

Poets don't go to poets
meet now,
they knock the door of
"Hello Poetry"

Feb 2019 · 346
Shine Always!

Learn most
From worst,

Harder lesson
Tougher life,

Target unfathomable
Conceive unimaginable,

Higher aspirations
Achieve impossible,

Done meticulously
Nutures dedication,

Hurricane tasks
Brings perfections,

Once done
Can't be undone,

Done with heart,
Will always Shine.

Sparkle In Wisdom
14 Feb 2019
Feb 2019 · 587

No matter where they are,
No matter big or small,
No matter dependent or independent,
No matter caring or otherwise,

They are always -

By Parents!

Sparkle In Wisdom
13 Feb 2019.
Four years and still missing.
Feb 2019 · 859
God's Court!
You are a unique
Amongst common,
Don't waste your time
explaining your self,

Your list of good
deeds is humongously big,
The commoners
is just too shrink.

To find a flaw in you is not
there habit but a source of there life,
For them,
To become like you is
just not possible.

To wipe you off from the
canvas is their try,
To imitate you is impossible.

You are unique in house of common,
You are a model of God's

History is witness,
God always chose tough
exams for special people.
Just you keep praying to the
One who created you.

He will do the debate,
HE will be guard,
Court will be His,
Witness will be Him,
Counts will be His
Conviction will be His!

You are UNIQUE amongst Commons
Definitely, life be
For you!

Life will never be this way for you,
But, in HIS COURT you will be the ultimate winner!

Sparkle In Wisdom
7 Feb 2019
आम लोगों की भीड़ में कुछ खास है तू
नाहक खुद को समझाने की कोशिश ना कर।

तेरी अच्छाइयों की फेहरिस्त इतनी लंबी है,
इनके समझने की ताकत उतनी गहरी नहीं।

तुझ में ऐब निकालना इनकी फितरत नहीं, इनके जीने की जरूरत है,
तुझ से तुलना करके तुझ जैसा बन पाना मुमकिन नहीं।

तुझे मिटा कर तुझ को इन जैसा
बनाना इनकी कोशिश है,
खुद को तुझ जैसा बनना नामुमकिन।

तू आम लोगों में कुछ खास है।
खुदा की बेहतरीन कारीगरी का नमूना है तू,

इतिहास गवाह है खास लोगों के पर्चे बड़ी शिद्दत से निकालता है खुदा।
तू बस उसी खुदा की बंदगी करते चल।
एक वक़्त आएगा जब उसके दरबार की तारीख निकलेगी
अदालत भी उसकी होगी,
दलील भी।
गवाही भी उसकी होगी,
पैरवी भी।
इलज़ाम भी उसके होंगे,
सज़ा भी।

आम लोगों की भीड़ में कुछ खास है तू,
ज़ाहिर है ज़िन्दगी में
मुश्किल भी
मशक्कत भी,
ज़िन्दगी इतनी आसान तो कभी ना होगी,
पर उस अदालत में बेशख़ फतेह तेरी ही होगी।

Sparkle In Wisdom
7 Feb 2019
English one - God's court!
Feb 2019 · 196
चल पड़ा
जाने कितने
तूफान आए
चल पड़ा में
सपना लिए,
ना रुका
ना झुका
ना थका
बस बढ़

आवाज़ें सुनाई दी


चल पड़ा में
सपने पाने
बढ़ चला में
राह अनजाने।

ना मोड़
की खबर
ना पहाड़ों
की चिंता
हासिल करने
मुमकिन इरादों
से भरा
चल पड़ा
बिन रुके
बिन झुके
बिन सोचे।

चल पड़ा
चल पड़ा।

Sparkle In Wisdom

क्यूं तेरा प्रोत्साहन करूं
लड़कों से तुलना कर के?
तू मेरा
पहचान ।

क्यूं तुझ में खोजुं लड़के की शान?
बेटी तू
गर्व मेरा
गौरव मेरा
तुझ में है
सिमटा संसार
तेरी ताकत में जानू
में मानू

क्यूं ना में तेरी तुलना करूं तुझ जैसों से?
कमी नहीं हैं नारी शक्ति की
ऐसा महान इतिहास मेरा
रानी तू
दुर्गा तू
काली तू
पद्मिनी तू
सीता तू

तेरी शक्ति  
तू पहचान
तू मेरी रक्षक
मेरा स्वाभिमान
तू लड़कों जैसी नहीं
तेरी एक अलग पहचान
तू लड़की,
बेटी मेरी महान।

से शीश रहे तेरा
ऊंचा सदा
यही मेरे अरमान।

Sparkle In Wisdom
6 Feb 2019
#daughterpower #girlpower
बच्चों को
खुद की आदतों से सिखाइए

बच्चों को
बांटना सिखाएं
देना नहीं,

सेहंशक्ती सिखाएं
जिद्द नहीं,

संभालना सिखाएं
फेंकना नहीं,

सहेजना सिखाएं
पसारना नहीं,

जोड़ना सिखाएं
तोड़ना नहीं,

मानना सिखाएं
रूठना नहीं,

प्यार सिखाएं
नफरत नहीं,

अपनाना सिखाएं
भेद भाव नहीं,

दिल की अमीरी
सिखाएं पैसों की नहीं,

बच्चों को इंसानियत सिखाएं
बेहतर इंसान
और बेहतर भविष्य
खुद बन जाएगा।

बदलाव कर के आएगा,
खुद को बदलके
खुद की आदतों को बदलके
बच्चों को सिखाइए।

बेहतर दुनिया बनाईए।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Feb 2019 · 113
नया साल
ना हवा बदली
ना खुशबु
ना फिजा बदली
ना रूह
ना ख्वाहिशें बदली
ना शरारतें
ना बातें बदली
ना फुसफुाहटें
ना ठंड बदली
ना आसमा
ना जज्बात बदले
ना यादें।

पर कहीं कुछ तो जरूर बदलता है इस तारीख़ में
जब नया साल आता है
नई उममीदों का सैलाब उफनता है
जब नया साल आता है

नए रंग
नए लिबास
नए वादे
नए इरादे
उमड़ पड़ते हैं
जब नया साल आता है,

हर जगह नई सी मालूम पड़ती है
जब नया साल आता है

नए साल की नई सुबह को
नया नया सा
मेरा सलाम।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Jan 2019
#new year
मज़बूत इरादों का जज्बा पैदा कर,
ऊंचाइयों को हासिल करने का हौसला पैदा कर,
अड़चन भारी डगर पार कर जाएगा तू,
तू बस बुलंदियों को छूने का खुमार पैदा कर।

हर चोटी की शिखर पर तेरा नाम होगा,
खुद पे बस तू इतना भरोसा पैदा कर,
जुनून ख्वाहिशों का अपने अंदर भर ले,
सपने बुन के जीतने का दम पैदा कर।

सफलता देहलीज़ पे खड़ी दस्तक दे रही है दरवाजा,
बस उसे अंदर आने की इजाज़त देने का इरादा पैदा कर,
शिखर पे राज करने का दीवानापन पैदा कर,
तेरे नाम का परचम वहीं फेरेगा
तू बस ऐसा नाम पैदा कर।

रास्ते के कटों को नजरंदाज तू कर,
हर मुश्किल मोड़ पर हौसला बुलंद कर,
हर गलत सोच को जंजीरों में कैद कर,
तू मुकाम हासिल करने का रास्ता तैयार कर।

तेरी नाकामयाबी की खुशियां मनाएंगे कुछ लोग,
तू उन लोगों को नजरंदाज करने का हुनर पैदा कर,
तेरी ताजपोशी लिख रखी है खुदा ने,
बस तू शहनशाह बनने का गुरूर पैदा कर।

Sparkle In Wisdom
Feb 2019 · 173
धरती भी उस दिन रोयी थी,
जब मानवता ने मुँह मोड़ा था,
अजनमी बच्ची का जिस दिन,
इंसानो ने दम घोटा था।

मानवजाति शर्मसार हुई थी,
पैगंबर, पीर, संत, महात्मा की धरती पर,
जिस दिन मानवता के रखवालों ने बेटे का नाम बढ़ाया था,
जिस दिन वंश का बीज बेटे के नाम करवाया था,
उसी दिन मानवजाति के रखवालों ने 'कोख़ को किराए' पर उठाया था।

धरती उस दिन फूट पड़ी थी अपनी ही विपदा पर,
जब उसकी जनमी संतानो ने उसका अधिकार छीना था,
जब उसकी ही जनमी संतानो ने उसके बच्चों का दम घोटा था।

मानवता ने इंसान का सर्वोत्तम जनम माना था,
सही गलत की पहचान और भाषा का ग्यान सिखलाया था,
कब धरती की यह संतान वहशी हो गई अंजाने में,
पूछ रही माता जननी हर लड़की की कोख उजड़ने में।

जानवर भी मानवजाति से ज्यादा बुद्धिमान तब हो गए,
जब वंशवाद में मनुष्य ने हत्या की अजनमी बेटीयों की,
जानवर भी मादाओं को नहीं मारते कुनबे में,
अग्यानी है जानवर फिर भी सच यह जानता है,
माता नहीं होगी तो वंश कैसे आगे बढे़गा?
वंश बढ़ाने की कोख ना होगी तो वंशबीज कहाँ अंकुरित होगा।

धरती माँ ने तब जरूर रो-रो के पूछा होगा,
प्रहलाद, राम,कृष्ण की वंश बेला नाम बताओ,
क्या हुआ उनके वंश का और कीरती कहाँ तक रही बताओ,
धरती माँ ने जरूर प्रश्न पूछा यह होगा-
अगर ना होती माता तो क्या जन्म लेते भगवान बताओ?

माँ से निकली मानवता इस धरती की कोख से,
मातृभूमि, मातृभाषा, मानवजाति सब धरती माँ के जाये हैं,

फिर कब और कयों वंश पिता का साम्राज्य बन गया माँ कहा गुम हो गई?

लड़का कब कुलदीपक और लड़का ना जन्मने वाली कब कुलनाशिनी हो गई?

पिता कब वंशज हो गया और माँ न बन पाने वाली कब बाँझ हो गई?

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2017
#girl power
Proud to be girl
Feb 2019 · 143
तू नारी है
तू नारी है
तू शक्ति है
तू दुर्गा है
तू काली है
तू संहार करने वाली है
तू सबला है
तू ताकत है
तू चिंगारी है
तू रक्षक है

भूल ना तू कभी
इस देश की है
पहचान तू
भारत माता है तू
तिरंगे की जान है तू।

सीता का अभिमान है तू
द्रौपदी की ज़िद्द है तू
रानी पद्मिनी का मान है तू
रज़िया सुल्तान की शान है तू
वीर जिजाऊ है तू
जिसने शिवाजी को जन्मा था
रानी लक्ष्मबाई का प्रकोप है तू
जिसने अंग्रेजों को झकझोरा था
सरोजनी नायडू की ताकत है तू
जिसने आज़ादी का दम भरा था
इंद्रा की लोह पहचान है तू
जिसने पाकिस्तान को तोड़ा था।

हर जगह है छाई है तू
बस तेरी ताकत को पहचान तू।

दुखी ना कभी बैठी रहना तू
अन्याय ना कभी सेहना तू
इन वीरों की वंशज है तू
अपनी लड़ाई की हुंकार कर देना
नारी सिर्फ अबला नहीं तू
शक्ति है, चिंगारी है तू
दीप वही तू
जो जग रोशन करे
आग वही तू
जो जग सुलगाए
जब जैसी हो जरूरत
वैसे ही जल उठना तू।

तू दुर्गा है, तू काली
शक्ति का प्रतीक तू,

तू नारी है।

तू नारी है।

Sparkle In Wisdom
#girl power
You are a woman
Feb 2019 · 1.3k
Life is struggle,

Everyday is
You get up to plan
Ends up in pain

Life always have
it's own way
To communicate
With you...

Never underestimate
The life and it's doing

Life is just a passing line...
We move in direction
Up, down,
forwards, backwards
Don't ever believe
we do
Is done by our
own power...!

Life is so turbulent
Even leaf doesn't know
It will fall next second...

Life is so unpredictable
Next step is not in know

Happy or sad
Truth or false
Real or fake
Life is here to take..

Life is unplanned,
We say,
"My life is
planned, it's

Fact is,
All born are to live ..



Sparkle In Wisdom
3 Feb 2019
Feb 2019 · 295
Raise Strong Kids..!
Chirping kids so rare,
Untrained kids rarer,

Young parents these days
See perfection
in everything,

A child blabbering
not appreciated,

Crawling before walking
not expected,

Trophy babies
Designer babies
Show stopper babies

I hardly find merit
not influenced by
parents anxiety...

I hardly find a parent
not tensed at exams
of a child..

I worry for future
of kids for they are
not groomed to suffer..

Tensions are taken by parents..
Kids advised to take a chill pill..!

I worry because in life
kids have to grow someday,

All tensions of practical
life kids have to deal someday..

Till when the parents
be umbrella to problems
of a child...

Why not let them
live there life?
By just being
there to share..
To advice
To care
But not cover

By being there
With them to
to grow a

Sparkle In Wisdom
2 Feb 2019.
Had been to my daughter's school today for PTM... parents worry so much for upcoming events... That to in Grade 1....
I told some of them... Teach kids to be strong.. not excellent.. any excellence these days is parents excellence... Wait till kids perform themselves....!!
Feb 2019 · 419
Teach kids by your habits
Teach kids









Rich by heart
By currency

Teach kids humanity,
Better human
Better future
All will be made
by itself.

Change will come,
When we change
When we change our habits,
Kids will learn from it.


Jan 2019 · 931
My Son..!!
I thinks of my son who had left me void,

When I am WALKING alone in street
I remember my son and time well spent,

When I am COOKING I feel guilty of leaving my son alone at times,

My son who was special
My son who was dependent on me,
My son who left me early.

My son,
For some doctors he was classic example VEGETABLE,
For others he was point of research,
They told her so point blank on my face,
He will not live beyond 10 or 11,
he passed at 11&1/2...!

My son, whose passing away,
I could not grieve..
I held back my tears
I held back my tears to
At times when I am
I spend my time

When people see me DOING NOTHING,
They call me NAMES,

LAZY for some
FREE for some
HAPPY for some
LIBERATED for some
LUCKY for some....!!!
to cry my heart out
is not just me...!

Do they see ME
Watching movies
Enjoying parties

When I do nothing,
Let me be,
Let me be in memory of my son...
My mind needs no DISTRACTION,
My body needs no REPAIRS,
My face needs no FACIALS,
My hair needs no MASSAGING...!

I am fine by myself
LET ME BE...!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dedicated to all mom s who have born special kids.
Jan 2019 · 367
Being Mom!
Messy hair,
Messy dress,
Mess all around.

Kitchen sink,
Kitchen top,
Filled with leftover
Brownie cups.

Bed spread
Soft toys,
Wrinkled bed
sheets adorned.

Living room
All around.

You hear happiness around,
A house like this is peace supreme,
Don't judge by mess abound.

The lady is not lazy
The lady still
loves to dress,
The house
But it's just,
She chose to make
her house friendly
To her little
toddler's reach

So the baby can
enjoy her care
free days,
With Mommy
by her side,
The baby
not worry
about all the
mess she

She wants
Being Mom,
For a little
more time

Sparkle In Wisdom
24 Jan 2019
Dedicated to all new Mom s.
Jan 2019 · 286
Present Decides Future
One can conspire
And become one
Against the one
Who began the brood,

One can aspire
To break the bond
Against the one
Who bought around

One can inspire
It's future progeny
To become similar
When time comes,

One can desire
To save the wrath
Against the ill
He plans to act

One can be assured
Nothing of the sort
No mercy for
In the end,

Showing ignorance
Doesn't help either
Actions done on your
name are counted too

Make sure no one
uses one as tool
For one is responsible
For one's soul,

Hell and Heaven
Is both on Earth
One have to answer
All the questions here

When the time is good
Perform better deeds
When the time will come
Destiny will speak,

Deeds of past
Pay for the future .
Actions of today..
Decide Tomorrow


Sparkle In Wisdom
24 Jan 2019
Part of teaching series for young ones
Jan 2019 · 719
Does "Dress" Have Life??
In transition,
A body holds a possession,
A beautiful dress..
Gets praises for the beauty,
It fades away and ruined
Thrown in garbage in the end...
Merges in soil to become one...!

Ever imagine the value of it
In your eye?
In others eye...?

Is not the same
we are into?
Our SOUL got
a "DRESS" in our body

We forget and nurture
the body,
Dress it double
Decorate with colors
But it will fade away too..
Pass away and merge
In soil to become one

Don't bother of the body..
Or other wise...
All are just
Fancy colorful dresses...
Any BODY has no
LIFE of it's own...!!

Praise the Creator
Believe in Him
Decorate the humanity
Fulfill the life

Nurture the SOUL..
Do the best in one life time
Jan 2019 · 381
The Noise of Silence
One doesn't always need
words to

A smile,
A nod,
An observation
speaks louder,

Sometimes silence is noiser
for it fills your thoughts,

An observation,
that runs
through your mind,
The vision,
that wires the brain,
In Such a way,
you start getting
to the new world.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
21 Jan 2019
Jan 2019 · 1.1k
Never learn a gesture
that don't make one
believe they are above God ..!!

SHARING is gesture
which makes one understand
they are all one big family -
The children of God..!!



Make a better world for
All and Everyone


Sparkle In Wisdom
13 Jan 2019
Artificial world
Under the sun...

Living beings started living
on this mother Earth,
Under the sky,
Covered with trees,
Iluminated by stars,
Path shone by Moon

All natural things gives
the strength
For one to
Live and Survive...!

Then came humans,
We created an
artificial world ,

A world of

False lights to replace stars,
False cover to replace trees,
False roof to cover sky,
False routes to cover Moon,
False AC to cover breeze,
False TV to cover nature,
False need of money
to cover freedom,
Slowly they became
slaves to it's own inventions.

Why do we have to live in boxes?
Sprayed with artificial colors,
Tiled with glazed tiles,
Comforted with useless furniture...!!

Life will not be
So uncomfortable,
So distressing ,
So meaningless,
Artificiality is taken off..!!

No poor, no rich
No big, no small
No black, no white,
No brown either...
No castle, no huts,
No schools, no illiteracy..
Just humans

Under the sun...!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Be real, be natural.
Jan 2019 · 330
Why do we differ?
Living beings procreate,

Plants procreate,
Baby plants grow
Follow the for steps of parents..

Animals procreate,
Baby animal grow
Learn and follow
what parents taught them..

And then....
Human beings procreate...


Why do humans have to differ always???

Sparkle In Wisdom
Random thoughts
Jan 2019 · 155
.. That One Last Time..
We met not so long ago
But I can call them ages away

We grew closer
We talked like buddies
Endless questions
Full of emotion

The memory so vivid
The fragrance rigid
You owe me nothing,
No grudges,
No parting whispers,
We just drifted away
As if we never met

But today I tell you
That one last thought...
That passed through my mind,
When I saw you from distance..
I knew that moment
We will not meet again
I knew that day back then..
It's going to be last time..
I will never see you again

I wanted to tell you
I wanted to warn you..
Then you always laughed
at my intuition,
I also wanted you to part happy,
With no tension of good byes ..
The emotional things you disliked,
The love in your eyes,
The smile on your lips,
The care in your voice,
The pain in your embrace,
All vividly,
Rigidly etched in my heart

I so wanted it to end that way,
As all those would also be YOUR last memories...
Wherever you are,
With whom so ever,
I am sure when ever you
remember me,
And you do remember me, I know,
I am sure you still smile on the silly songs I liked ...
I wanted this ending to be just like it happened
Though I did not time it that way
But nature takes it own course...!

With no warning we parted our ways...
Let me say you GOOD BYE...
That one last time

Sparkle In Wisdom
17 Jan 2019
Jan 2019 · 10.3k
Humble Kid
To raise
humble kid
is my priority.

I can
Make my CHILD learn
By preaching
By teaching
By giving
Knowledge of

She will not learn
by preaching!!
She will learn
By my ACTIONS..!!

If I don't
Share MY things
With My

She will learn NOTHING..!

I can make her
learn to share.
By making her give -
Clothes to needy
Toys in orphanage
Candies to the deprived.

she will
just learn to be PROUD

If she learns by
seeing me
She will become HUMBLE..!!

To raise a humble kid is my priority..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
11 Jan 2019
Inspired by a incidence I heard at friends place.. after the whole episode the first thought that struck was
What actions will the kids remember and grow on??
Jan 2019 · 1.4k
My Shadow - My bestie !!

With each turn passing
My shadow was following me
Winter wind was blowing
My shadow was freezing cold..

With each turns and hedges
It just ran through the corners..

With sun getting high
It got wild and strong

With my frequent desperation
to get rid of it
It got bigger and bold..

The more I disliked it's free attitude..
It showed me it's competing style..

The more I drove faster
It lingered me thin and bigger..

Finally came the setting sun..
It became taller than me

I called it loud names..
It grew bigger so could
not hear me..

Tall mountains and tall shadow
Was both chilled and freezed..

It continued it's run behind me
Guess that was the reason it did
not freeze..

I was getting annoyed with it
My whole time went away
Watch and try to shed it away
So I could move free..

It lingered around me
With claws of it's own
The more I drove reckless
The tighter it's grip grew..

With night setting in
I searched for it in vain..
In desperation to rid from it
I had driven deep in terrain..

Now darkness engulfed me
It hid some where,
frozen cold winds
knocked my car away..

I started missing the company
My shadow had given me
Instead of trying to rid from it
I started longing for it's company..

In that winter night
With that smoked air coming
from my month,
I tried calling it with my shaking voice
I looked for it's company to keep me warmed..
Yet it disappeared till
night waned away
Sun came by..!

In those colder dark hours
I realised the value of my shadow!

From undesired company
It became my closest friend
From unwanted distracter
It became my priority partner..

And now me and my shadow are company together
I never feel lonely again..
Anyone who join me in my drive
Feels like a intruder between the two of us..
I sing along, my shadow keeps dancing and both of us make a perfect

On each passing turn
It blends to take a bend..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
1 Jan 2019.
Wrote this in semi sleep condition... Just got the flow of words one morning at 5:00 am.... Took my mobile and typed it with errors.. (some errors are still there)And phone falling and me snoring...
It did happens many times with me when words just flow out from somewhere...I just have to trap them or they will flow away...
Thank you
Jan 2019 · 372
Think Again..!!
You think you hold me strong,
Strong enough to make me stand..

You think you are the power  
behind me,
Power enough to let me hold
my ground firm..

You think you give me recognition,
Recognition enough to have my name..

You think you give me directions,
Direction enough to follow your path..

You think you give me Identity,
Identity enough to name the relations..

You think you do me service,
Service enough to give me sanity...

Think again...!!!

I owe you nothing..
You give me nothing..

We share each thing that you give me..
I give you double all that you give me..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
4 Jan 2018
Dec 2018 · 530
Happy New Year!!


All remains the same...!!!

Something strange does exists
That changes with this new date..

Ever flowing lake of new desires arise,
With this new date..!!

New dress
New colors
New resolutions
New promises..
Does arise with this new date..!!

Each place seems to be new,
Each corner lit and glowing,
Each face scrubbed and cleaned
Each human happy and cheerful..
All send to be new
When the New year dawns..!


For this New year's first morning...
I offer my New Salutations...!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
1 Jan 2019
Happy New year to all...!!
Dec 2018 · 2.0k
Shining Smile..!!
I give each name an emotion
Each emotion a name.

I form with each face a relation
With each relation a face.

I give each story an ending
Each ending a story..

I give each smile a reason
Each reason a reason to smile..

Emotions for me are each moment of my life..

Happiness is a binding emotion.
Life has only one purpose
And it's to always smile.

Be it,
Tough times
Rough times
Hard times
Happy times
Me times
Share times

No matter what the Time...


Smile should always Shine

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
Dec 2018 · 8.6k
Farmers Plight
Agony and Pain,
Filled in the eyes,
Gaze seeing beyond..
Future is unpredictable
Life is futureless
You, My Farmers you toil the soil...

Year after year,
You keep on working
Tilling the land,
Sowing the seeds,
Waiting for the rain..
And watch clouds pass by...
The shower doesn't happen,
The seeds don't germinate,
The crop doesn't turn up .
Yet again,
One more year of despair...!

The pain in eyes..
Hurts the heart
Lips always smile..
They have a task of,
Explaining your child
About how next year...
We will buy
New dress
New toy
New shoes
New bag

It's been years since your child saw anything new...
Since your wife bought a new dress..
You anyways are not even in list...

The family understands..
The years foods is collected,
Bare minimum...
Child education should continue
The loan goes

You cannot bear the thought...
The farm being in mortgage..
You don't know what to do...

You are tired,
You decide, as your neighbor..
You shall too end your life...
Go away in peace..
Away from all these...
Hurt is too much
To bear,
Pain is too much
To wear,
Life is miserable
Lips refuse to smile..
Child s haunting eyes,
You can't decipher...
You end your life....
Your wife now bears it all...
All alone...
Life continues....!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
Dec 2018 · 414
The most powerful thing
on this planet would
have been,


GIVING - Shelter
GIVING - Forgiveness
GIVING - A listen
GIVING - A response
GIVING - A shoulder
GIVING - Smile
GIVING - Compassion

The world would have been
One HAPPY place to live.

One wish was
to be
The Supreme for the


In the Name of Mankind..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
Teachings for my daughter.
Being beautiful is not required, being humane is..!!
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
Amidst endless cyclones
I kept moving with
dreams in my eyes,

Without stopping
Without bending
Without tiring

I just kept walking
Always moving..

I heard voices
But I kept walking
To achieve my dreams

I moved forward
Unknown roads
Unknown twists & turns
Unknown crossroads
Unknown hillocks

To achieve the impossible
To set an example
Filled with positivity
  in my heart..
Telling always it's
Attitude that's important

I kept moving

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
Dec 2018 · 508
You conquered my heart and ruled forever..!

Timeless,  Priceless, Period..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
My admiration of my favorite film star.
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
If someone bully you,
You don't REACT by bullying back..
Spread peace instead...!!

If someone mistreats you,
You don't REACT by foul mouthing...
Spread forgiveness instead..!!

If someone hates you,
You don't REACT with hatred,
Spread love instead..!!

You can't choose someone's ACTIONS...
You create your REACTIONS instead!!

React with wisdom you are groomed with ...!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Dec 2018
One can't control the way others speak to them... They speak with their teaching, upbringing, background, wisdom.

But one can control the way was REACT...!!

Another message for my daughter..!!
On her question, how should I react if someone's foul-mouth with me??
Dec 2018 · 666
Just Words
W o r d s,
They can make someone's day...
Break someone's heart...
Once spoken,
They can never be undone....!!

Formed from A-Z...
From vowels
And consonants

Can be inspiration
If given in discourse
Can be humiliating
If thrashed in fight..
Can change someones life..
Can make someone do suicide..

Can create a Buddha..
Or create a terrorist..

Just the formation of
these 26 letters...
Can make history
Can break history..

Powerful tool...
Creates Identity ..
Gives dignity..
Imparts morals..
Satisfies love..
Assures child..
Fulfills dream
Generates magic..
Seldom ..
It creates Mahatma..
A super human being...

Choose ..

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
Nov 2018 · 262
Who was me??
A mute baby doll...
Just born...
To walk
To move
To fight
To win
To be free
To self-respect
To respect
You taught me
all this!!

You ..
Created me
Crafted me
Emblazoned me
Framed me
Into what I am today...!

Today we have to
recreate those moments,
Today we have to re-craft
Another mute little doll...
I am sending you
My little daughter,
To re-do the magic again...!!

Today I send you your grand daughter...
Make her fearless tigress..
Make her learn to win each fight...
Make her learn to achieve her dreams...
Make her learn to dream with open eyes..
Make her learn to believe in herself...

Make her
The beautiful soul...
The best in this world!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
Dedicated to my mom...
I believe she made me, and I truly believe she can remake my daughter...!
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
What did you say...
Am I a human or an animal??
Let me ask the same thing to you...
Are you not an animal??

Why do we call ourselves,
Greatest of all,
Supreme than the rest?

Why do we consider us,
The intelligent tribe,
The species with communication power,
With knowledge and wisdom..?

How do we underestimate
The memory of an elephant,
The hearing capabilities of horse,
The sense to smell of dog,
The power to live for ages of trees?

Why do we judge other living beings and rate SELF the best??

Do we ever think how animals communicate?
And what do they talk?
Do animals call us HUMANS too??

Did we ask a dog,
What do they call us??
Do they all call themselves dog??
Does dog ever call us HUMANS??

Did we ask a donkey ever,
What name had they given to us?
Are we intelligent enough for them..?
Do they call there naughty kids ...
Oh insane humans!!

What do they talk about humans?
What do they feel humans to be like?
Do they consider us the same intelligent as we feel for us?
They think we are
Fool, insane, adamant..
And make us a laughing stock..!!

Whenever you call someone an animal !!

Are we all not the same,

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
Random thinking, if animals had language that we understood.
Nov 2018 · 840
It's that time of the year..
When it's supposed to be me time
The day I left my single life
And entered the coupled zone..

It's that time of the year
When I want to pamper my self
The day I left my care less self
To become a responsible partner..

It's that time of the year..
When life opened it's arm for me
New horizons ..
New adventures..
New difficulties..
New challenges..
All my text books failed to give me
An idea on how to prepare
For what's in store for me
After I come onboard..

It's that time of the year..
When I celebrate getting married..
On this day some 15 years ago...
I became Mrs. Of my Mr....
And life has never been similar again..
The carefree girl is no where to be seen..
The lady thats me today is so totally changed..
But, I love the new me..
The all grown, "wisdomised" me!!

364 days of a year I decide to be grown up,
Giving my kids commands and advices,
And getting up for my duties
But today is the day
I want to celebrate
Just like, I used to celebrate before being married,
So reasoning and all patience
All wisdom I want to bury under the carpet..

It's that time of the year..
When I want to celebrate, dance and party...
For becoming Mrs.... Of my Mr.
back then...!!!

Happy anniversary !!!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
November 2018
#not my anniversary... But of my cousin...!!
Wish you a long happy married life sis.
Nov 2018 · 306
My Shining Star

Every evening I see the
Brightest star shines by..
It waits for me to come and see
Before it goes away..,

The timing is set
It always comes..
At the time of dusk
And sun is about to descend
And the moon is about to emerge
In that twilight zone
I see you on horizon..!!

And when the darkness sets in..
And the moonlight fills in..
And in multiple stars twinkling,
It's there everyday..
I can see from my West facing window,
It waits for me for few minutes,
The moment we see each other,
It says goodbye to me
And fades away..
To come again next day!

I know very well My son,
We are playing this game,
The time you left our home,
I see you since then..
I know you come to greet
A sweet Hello!
To your mom..
Love you my son
Love you my Shining Star..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
My son s birthday falls today.. 19/11/2004... He would had been 14 today.
Nov 2018 · 286
My little One...
Shaping your life little one
Few tips I share
With these, if you follow
You become a star my little one ...!!

Mistakes are done every day,
Each new step you take
Might be right or might be incorrect
How you handle them will shape your being my little one...!!

At each mistake in your life .
Never say BECAUSE when you are wrong,
Stand up and face your mistakes

Never ask WHY when something is wrong
Search for possibilities
For better solution...
Don't try to ESCAPE a situation..
By blaming others to over come..
Try to stay calm, accept your wrong...

And remember each mistake is a learning step ..
Without them there's no learning...
Remember your wrongs and build your rights...
Grow to a better human being my little one...!!

One thing always you remember...
Never will you find me do a cover up....
For your mistakes or mine...

You will have to face your doing
I will not always be behind...
We come alone in this world
We learn,
We grow,
We create,
We design,
We become our own Identity..
Grow into a beautiful soul my little one...!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
Tips for my young one....
Nov 2018 · 598
Special Son
You see that innocent eyes,
That smile which
doesn't mean much,
That twist in the face,
That moans and cries,
You here those sounds
And try to understand,
The meaning of sounds
The silence,
The blabbers.

You try and gather
Your wish and wisdom
To bear the pain
Of his and yours,
You arrange your emotion
On sections and shelf,
The fun being a mom..
The pain to see him

The joy of being a mom
The pain of having
A special son..!

You meet people
You try to dodge
Haunting eyes
Questioning eyes
Inquisitive eyes
Expecting eyes
Advising eyes..

Which want to know
Each single thing
That you don't want
to answer,
Yet you start again,
The story from the birth
The things gone wrong
The joy you have being a mom
The life being tough,
The life's satisfaction maximum..

And you dread to hear
the words that will follow
You try to be deaf
and run away
Slowly you hear
The questioners whisper...
The listeners views
Forced upon your ears .
It's painful to know this,
It's painful for a mom,
It's painful for a child
to be like this....

You want to shout
Your lungs ripped out ..
A mom can never have
pain to serve her child..

A mom is a mom
always a Mom...

May be the child is in pain
and that's wrong..
May be God had his own plans..
May be God felt the child
is in better hands.
There's s no point explaining..
As a mindset cannot be changed.

Opinions can be plenty .
A bond will be unique
A special son of a
dearest mom...
No comparison,
No comparison
No compassion
Is ever needed..!!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
A bond of Mom with her special son.
Each time public travel raises plenty questions
What happened
Any scope of being normal
Etc etc...
Nov 2018 · 15.3k
Festival of Lights
Festivals of my
land are

Filled with

The brilliance of colors..
The elegance of attire..
The resonance of lights..
The flamboyance of richness..
The essence of laughter..
The sense of happiness..
The fragrance of love ..
The immence feeling of Joy..
The exuberance of festivities..
The relevance of celebration..
The Perseverance of culture..

Its all about
My Motherland....
My India..

Yes !! Its that time of the year
When 1/7 th population of the world
The Festival of Lights..
On the dark night of No Moon ..
The whole country is filled
with lights..
From earthen lamps and LEDs

Celebrate the win of
Good over evil..
To celebrate
The homecoming -
after the win..

The brightness of lights..
The purity of air..
The brimming faces..
The laughter echoes..
Elders, kids, adults
all come together,
To fill the land with
Sparkles and Divinity....

Diwali it is !!
Diwali it will be !!
The festival of love..
The festival of respect..
The festival of sharing..
The festival of caring..
The festival of loving..
The festival of giving ..

The young kids rhyme..
We teach them by action,
That we want them
to remember...!!

Happy Diwali..
The festival of lights..!!
Sparkle In Wisdom
Nov 2018
#Sharing #Caring #Loving #Giving... Four golden words I taught my daughter very early in her childhood..!!
Oct 2018 · 1.7k
Actions vs Reactions
Our actions are reactions
we get in return...

Love give love...
Hatred gives hate...

Smile returns smile ..
Anger returns anger..

Choose your actions to
make a better world ..

Sparkle In Wisdom
Oct 2018
#Grooming my kids nature for future
Oct 2018 · 901
Let Love Prevail!
Love is Emotion
Love is Passion
Love is Rejection
Love is Obssession
Love is Transition..

Love is
Going through the pain
Again and again
Over and over,
yet again !!

Being in love is the best phase
The Missing,
The Craving,
The Feeling
The Thinking,
The Caring,
The Loving....

But soon the phase is over...
And Then follows

The Guilt
The Pain
The Hurting
The Blaming
The Shaming
The Hating
The Name calling..

This is acceptable
The parting shots

Where does it all lead to??
The worst is yet to begin,

The Obsession..
The Rejection
The Vengeance...
The Stalking
The Blackmailing....
The Threatening...

Then the worst phase begins
Love is Lost..
Love is Dreaded..
Love is Goaded..
Love is Loaded
Love is Roasted.
The memory is darkened..
The torment awakened..

The once beautiful Love turns
Suffocating emotion..

Love becomes Unsettling
Love becomes Unnerving
Love becomes Unstoppable
Love becomes Unsympathising
Love becomes Unwanted..
Love becomes Unrequited

Love becomes a question
An unsolved emotion..!!

It becomes a simple
gone wrong forever,

Failing to believe
The love can end..
The relation can die..
The fizz can evaporate..
The things can come to end...

If you ever
loved someone,
wish them happiness,
If you ever
loved someone let it go
If you ever
loved someone then

Sparkle In Wisdom
Oct 2018
Edited... Reposting... Was not satisfied with first version.. "Love dies sometimes".

Thank you for reading.
Oct 2018 · 1.9k
What's A Birthday?
A day

When - We are born..
When - Our parents are born..
When - Multiple relations come in existence
When - We get our Identity .

Celebration of this day continues..

It may be
Just another day in the year
Just another year added in life..

It's always,
A day
When we visit our past ...
The multiple events throughout the life..
Celebration took place
Gatherings happened
Over - Decorated House
Over - Dressed Us
Over - Dressed our Siblings
Over - Served Delicacies...
Over - Invited Guest list...

When we sit back and remember
When we travel down the memory lane
Reminiscing the time gone by...
Those past moments are birthday's for us...!!

The time of the year
to go and sit in
old teasures

To - Sit in memories..
To - Sit with old albums..
To - Remember friends..
To - Remember long list relations..
To - Remember bursting of balloons..
To - Remember that knotted thread which grew each year...

That's what birthday should be for..!

Sparkle In Wisdom
Oct 2018
Oct 2018 · 134
Me too

Me too

A beginning of something that did not end well,

Someone, sometime had a different agenda,

Love doesn't always turns with plans..

Agenda's fail..

#Metoo is born.
Me too support #Metoo...!
Oct 2018 · 94
Me too
Me too

A beginning of something that did not end well,

Someone, sometime had a different agenda,

Love didn't always turns with plans..

Agenda's fail..

#Metoo is born.
Me too support #Metoo...!
Oct 2018 · 24.3k
Special child, Divine child.
A doctor's sorry for birth complication
A sea of CP cases in physiotherapy centre
Siblings, twins, triplets
All with defects

Advice of

unheard names of unknown place...
Children I never thought existed
Parents I couldn't believe laughed
Joy in the eyes of kids with severe disability
Waiting for acceptance but yet unknown..
Blanked eyes of a mother
Whose 4 yr old child can die any day
Income reduced expenditure doubled


multiplied many folds...

Coz they are the chosen one
God believed in them

And so God sent to them
The special gifts in
to make them
Sparkle In Wisdom
Sep 2018
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