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 May 2014 Michael Amery
SG Holter
Dedicated to
dr. B. Dixon, Ph.P (Philosopiae Poeta).*

You, Poet, define yourself as a
"'Meat and Potatoes' -kinda guy."
We were speaking of food
But I see that you eat
With your writing-hand.

You, Poet, write like a
Quitting smoker
That stands with his very last
Smoke in his mouth -lighter
In hand. Frozen; carving a statue
Of the moment. For himself.
From himself. For all to see.

You, Poet, are the wind thrusting
Confidence from under the wings of
Angels, down to assist the
Flapping of little, pen wielding
Ducklings at take-off.
You are a devil of a gentleman; an
Arms open welcomer
In this realm of written renderings.

You, Poet, are an agent of king
Poem Himself.
As convincing and encouraging as a
.357 barrel imprint on your forehead
To remind yourself to keep writing
-Just always keep writing; just

If you guarded the Gates of Hell,
You'd still give good meaning to
Words like 'Warm Welcome'...

You, Friend, make poets feel
Like the true
Rock Stars of the Universe
That they all
Fly away little bird
flee from the blackness that swarms ever closer
it's bible-weight threatening the air in your fragile lungs.
Quicker now little bird, I beg you!
Soar above the hurt that dares
capture your soul
it has no comfort to offer
no warmth to grant
it will break your fragile wings
and steal you away to darkness
where your poet heart will sing no more.
Fly little bird. Please won't you fly...
Hoppy demon, happy wizard
Turning men into mice.
Rendering even the humblest man
a hero in disguise.
A little poem about beer
with mother of silence we're a playground for
the scars we spent and received with lovers now gone
regrets are heavy jagged stones
regrets are written like ******* meant to ******
regrets are loud awake and thousand miles tall  
wishes and hope are just whispers
intangible as wind

echoes of the hearts illusion
haunting situation
footsteps faint give glimpse of a vision of loves return
but thats a wicked crown that threads the pain needle
no witness sees your depths
tastes your darkness
a whiskey candy drunk on its sweet embrace
but clarity is a toy also
diamonds to one hand
dust to another

take back your wicked crown of pains needle
shatter the illusion mother of silence
understand my attempt
emptiness is a disease that rots the heart
lonely is a hunger that eats souls
wishes and hopes are just whispers
intangible as wind
but they are all i have
Your flawless olive skin
That I long to trace and caress
Your compelling hazel eyes
That look so deep into my chest
Locks of dark brown hair
I run my fingers through
Broad back
I grasp and hang onto
Luscious lips that phase me
Every time they touch me
Natural beauty
On the inside and out
I can't help but stare sometimes
And feel so content
I get to touch and kiss
A man that could only exist
In the sweetest dreams I ever dreamt
Your love is like sweet water falling from a summer sky. You electrify my heart, soul, and mind. I love you baby without a reason or rhyme.
A collaboration with Jack**

For within the veil of darkness
where shadows dance in place of light
Searching for answers…lost smiles
along a curved road of desperation…I reach for your hand

You, my anchor, my beacon of light
shine down on me this day
call my name over roars of bitter sorrow
so that I may chase its echo back to you

And of this night I sing your name
melodic whispers upon a moonbeam
slowly peering through a saddened haze…parting
illuminating the silhouette of your beauty

Then we shall dance upon stardust
our arms and hearts entwined
no more by darkness captured,
your loving hand in mine

Now as we touch I find this light is not of me,
not of moon glow shimmering on the mist,
nor stars twinkling on a velvet night, it glows of your smile
which I have so longed to see…once again
She is naked and alone,
Everything hurts.
Tears slide down her gooseflesh *******,
They are cold and unkind.
Some catch at the corner of her mouth,
And the salt stings.
Baptised in pain and misery,
She raises her face to the unforgiving light
And closes her eyes, they ache and burn.
The tears run, then, to a different place
But they are still cold, they are still unkind,
Everything hurts.
She is naked and alone.
Poor sad girl, in pain. I don't know who she is, but she came to me in a dream.
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