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1.4k · May 2017
Rotten to the Core
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
“When” anger runs through me like a wildfire.

I have these Twisted thoughts come into my mind making me wonder if I'm rotten to the Core.

“Because” suddenly I'm not the nice girl from next door.

I'm a monster in a cage and that cage is called my skin and I'm itching to get out and to play with your mind as Revenge. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
850 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Imagine a world that's all neat and tidy and has no color or wandering it

Where We are all puppets on a string doing what our Masters please

We do not feel we are nothing but Hollow shells

but that until one of us breaks free and chooses to defy the ones who Hold Us Down and paints the world with a Magic Brush now we're all free doing as we please and now there's Beauty everywhere

And we are whole once more living in this colorful world. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
824 · May 2017
The beauty of the ball
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I went to the ball and met the prince we danced and dined and I had a grand old time.

That's until the clock hit 12 and I went running out and dropped My Shoe on the way

Now I'm locked in a tower waiting for him to rescue me hopefully he sees his princess underneath these rags

And when he did we lived happily ever after Sealed With a Kiss. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
706 · Apr 2017
Beauty and the Beast
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
I thought you were a beast the way you destroyed my world but when you held me tight I Saw the Light and I knew you were really a prince Within.

So I opened up my heart to you and showed you the beauty of love and with the flower of true love we broke the curse that kept us apart.

For I shall always be your beauty and you shall always be my Beast. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
684 · May 2017
True Evil
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Why does mankind do such evil things?

Some are just evil and enjoys the pleasure that hurting others may bring them.

Some are forced into evil acts against their very will

Other's say they do it for God they say it is his will

Many do it out of desperation

But it does not matter if you have a good reason or not evil is evil

Have you ever heard that the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions.

“If “you think you're doing something good by hurting others you're really doing something evil you're just too blind to see it. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
674 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
They are beautiful but yet deadly as they fly overhead their even Majestic but don't forget a dragon can breathe fire and **** you in seconds. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
624 · Apr 2017
Conch Shells
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Conch shells are true jewels of the sea. Whenever you take a conch shell with you.

You are taking a part of the ocean with you and every time you put it up to your ear, you can hear the song of the sea that moves our soul's like the moon moves the ocean.  Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
606 · Jun 2017
Fallen Kingdom
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Lost in the dark chasing Shadows of memories that have vanished as I drift away

Afraid the only thing I have left is a fallen kingdom and Ashes of that kingdom.

Maybe if I had a genie in the bottle I could wish for the life I once had and my family
would be back in my life with smiles on their faces.

I would no longer be Lost In The darkness and the House of the Rising Sun would rise once more like a phoenix From the Ashes. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
601 · May 2017
Not So Perfect
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Some people in this world are Vain and shallow as a puddle.

All they care about is flaunting their feathers like a peacock

Trying to show the world that they are perfect all they care about is their outer beauty and not what's Within

But what's within is more important kindness, love and generosity makes for such a beautiful soul

“So if “you ever doubt yourself remember this it's not what on the outside that matters it's the inside

You can either have a beautiful garden on the inside or be completely rotten the choice is all yours

Please Choose Wisely. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
594 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
We are creatures of habit we tend to be this way without even realizing it.

Going about our days that seem to go almost the same way Going in circles repeating it

We like to stay in our comfort zone because we're comfortable in our skin that way.

But we should be more outgoing and adventurous because you only get to live once and when your life is over it's gone.

You'll never get it back so step out of your habit and live on the edge because if you're not you're taking up too much space. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
517 · Apr 2017
Under the Tuscan Sun
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
The fields filled with sunflowers and the trees filled with olives.

The streets in the city are filled with so many unique people going about their day.

Some buying grapes from a street vendor and some eating ice cream on a hot day.

There are so many sights, sounds and colors all around us that makes this such a wonderful world Under the Tuscan Sun. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
506 · Apr 2017
Sweet Misery
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Sweet Misery My Love Is What You Are.  

You are as sweet as nectar but as poisonous as a Viper.

You are like a deadly drug always getting a sweet high but slowly poisoning your soul and you're so high you don't even realize how truly low you are, You ruin lives with a single kiss because you are nothing but trouble.

Always leaving misery Sweet Misery where you go.

some can even say that you are the devil walking on this Earth causing misery wherever you please. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
505 · May 2017
Hollow words
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
An Apology without heart is empty and Hollow as a dying tree.

Words without emotions behind them have no depth.

They are useless and a waste of time to speak. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
500 · Apr 2017
No Comebacks
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
You sold your soul to the devil and spoke hateful words to the ones who love you most.

Your soul is turning black like tar.

You've gone too far there're no comebacks now from wherever you Are poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
452 · Jun 2017
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Fire in the hall I scream when the bombs come flying down on our heads.

War has come to our homeland.

Enemies all around us trying to destroy the peace we have made.

They cannot stand that we are happy and they are not so they destroy our happiness with Bloodshed and tears.

Causing chaos in the street for the only purpose is trying to break us.

We will fight for our freedom like our forefathers have before us and when it's all said and done will come out on top.

And show the world when tragedy comes knocking we become stronger because we are a team with friends, family and strangers all fighting for the same purpose

And that is our freedom.

Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
415 · May 2017
His love
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I was lost and distracted by my own desire too blind to see

But you opened up my eyes when you came into my heart

You wrap your loving arms around me and saved me from the darkness Within

Now I can see that you were the father I was always looking for I was just too blind to see that you were right in front of me

Protecting me, loving me and showing me the way

To show you my love for accepting this black sheep I write these poems of love and send them to you on wings of a dove

My writings are the way I worship you let them ring from heaven so all who is lost can found they're way.

Let them know your loving embrace so they will not fear what they do not know because you will be there to take the fear away and give them hope and love.

Love comes from you god and you are love.

You are the artist who created us and we are one of your greatest work of art.

It can be seen as plain as day you made this world for us to thrive.

Because you are our father and we are your children.

who you loved since the beginning of time until the end. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
405 · May 2017
Emerald City
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I got swept up by a tornado and landed in the Land of Oz where I met the munchkins after accidentally killing the Wicked Witch of the East

Then Glinda Told me to go to Emerald City after giving me magical shoes so I can get home

And on the way I met a scarecrow who needed a brain and a tin man who needed a heart along with a cowardly lion who needed courage

And after meeting the wizard he sent us on a mission to steal The broom from the Wicked Witch of the West

And when we got in trouble I threw a bucket of water on her to save us from her wickedness and she begins to melt then we took the broom to The Wizard of Oz who happen to not be a wizard at all but really just a man with many tricks up his sleeves But he managed to keep his promises as I click my magic heels together I'm back in Kansas once more Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
391 · Apr 2017
Once upon a time
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Once upon a time ago a lonely star looked down from the sky and wondered why.

All she saw was Beauty and love everywhere envious of this love and wanting to experience it for herself.

she started to fall but the moon reached out with his arms so bright and pulled her into his loving embrace and then in that instant his love so strong filled the lonely star with his light and she begins to outshine all the stars in the night.

And the night became day and day and night permanently became intertwined in each others arms always dancing to the music of love. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
354 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Compelling she is like a siren singing a deadly song and she is willing to drown you at sea if you get too close

Heartwarming and kind she's always doing her best to lend a hand especially when she sees someone in need she's an angel sent by God in a human disguise

Adventurous and daring always willing to try something new and she loves excitement and having a good time she can be quite a party animal if she wants to be

Reliable you can always count on her when you need her the most she's the best in town no one has a soul that glows as bright as hers does.

Lovelier than the moon, the sun and the Stars that spark like diamonds in the night sky

Enjoy having her around she can make anyone laugh or smile she is the life of the party and you will always enjoy your time with her

Restless hates being caged always wants to be free as a bird or she would go insane and never come back out the same

Intelligent smart as a tack she's good at quick thinking and figuring out things in a pitch she is so smart and she always has the right answer to any question

Energetic when she wants to be and she can go off like a racehorse and nothing can stop her she is like the Flash Too Fast to catch.

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
335 · Jun 2017
Life Is Hell
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
A thousand years ago when the world was simple.

People didn't go around just to get high.

Life was good and everyone knew it.

You fought your enemy with a sword in your hand and courage in your heart.

And the next go-around was just as good

But now the world is ******* up people are dying of drug overdose and killing people in the street's oh how this world has gone straight to hell and may never come back to find peace in the destruction. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
324 · Jun 2017
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Rock Me Tonight like you never done before.

Show the world just how good you are.

With your fingers on that guitar.

Spin out Melodies that would blast us into the next century.

So take a bow and shout it out for the world to hear.

You're now the king of rock and roll and this is where your Story begins not where it ends.
Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
320 · Apr 2017
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Being shot it's like having your heartbroken.

First you're numb then you feel the burning sensation of pain seeping into you then like a hot iron pain just starts running through your whole entire body like a river.

A lot of times the pain is so crippling you don't know how you were going to go on.

But one day you wake up and realize you no longer hurt and that's when the true battle begins because now you've got to learn how to trust someone with your heart all over again hoping never to feel that throbbing pain ever again. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
298 · Apr 2017
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Holster your tongue it can be a true weapon an Unstoppable Force that can break the heart and destroy the soul with a few Twisted words.

Once said can never be unsaid and the damage has already been done.

It is like trying to unring a bell. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
297 · May 2017
To The Moon And Back
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I love you to the Moon and back my love for you is as vast as the universe and Just as endless.

So it never stops growing.

Just when I think I can't love you anymore something happens and more love flows out.

I love you even when you're angry at me or I'm angry at you because anger can never stop my love. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
290 · May 2017
Rotten poison ivy
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I itch from head to toe it's from all the stress that consumes me

It is like I have poison ivy in my soul trying to destroy me

It's eats me up inside and like a fungus it's trying to turn me rotten. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
286 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Victorious a warrior in disguise she'll surprise you if she wants to and then her bark turns into a bite so beware she seriously has got the moves to put you flat on your back.

Amazing and wonderful she simply remarkable she worked for so long for her family she is Amazing

Lovely and beautiful like a rose her heart is kind and her soul glamorous in the light God loves when she Praises him it makes her more precious than the seven seas

EarthBound she may be a cancer which happens to be a water sign but she loves her garden she has a green thumb

Rich in love and in family love is an emotion that you can always make more of so you will never run out so she has really hit the jackpot when it comes to love because we love her like no other

Intimidating she may be short but she can intimidate a serial killer and make him soil his pants she is fierce and Wild not afraid to take anyone down especially if they hurt her family

Epic her personality is larger than life she's truly one of a kind

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
281 · May 2017
Olive Branch
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You and I were once enemies but a greater evil came and tried to destroy us so I offered you an olive branch for a one-time peace agreement.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

And together we banish the evil and once again became enemies to fight each other another day. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
281 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Some of us have never been lost before and for the lucky few whose compass always points to the right direction you are truly blessed.

Unlike most who spend most of their time lost in this crazy world wondering why the fates curse them

Just puzzled by their unfortunate luck maybe one day the wind will turn and good luck will finally be in your favor. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
280 · Jun 2017
A Pill
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Just Like a Pill I take you every day to keep myself sane it's better than going to the land of insanity when they lock you up and throw away the key and you'll never see the light of day.

They say it's all in your head and you have a chemical imbalance.

They say they're doing it for your own so you don't hurt yourself or others.

But how can it be for our own good when you do not get to live a life just surviving not truly living.

So where's the good in that?

I don't see it.

All things are not black and white there is some gray in between.

That will prove to you that I'm just as sane as you can be.

Without losing the fire in your heart and the colors in your world.

Because if the world was truly just black and white that's when you would really go insane from the drab of the mundane.

Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
278 · Jun 2017
Beauty Of The Dark
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Airplanes take you away from the Sun and show you the beauty of the dark.

It helps blow away all your fears and shows you the city of delusion where everything is possible but nothing is real.

Don't trust me without taking a look for yourself and yes you do not have to speak of the beauty you see some things are better not said but shown with the depths of your soul. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
276 · Jun 2017
Free Love
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
I Can't Be Tamed so I'm going to dance until tomorrow.

And fireworks will shoot from my soul lighting up the sky above and showing the world just how beautiful we could be on the inside when we got God's love showing us the way.

His love is free love it will never cost you a thing just your love and belief in him.

It is as simple as breathing air why don't you give it a try and just see how far his love takes you. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
275 · Apr 2017
Bad Day
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Throwing in the towel may seem like the easy thing to do.

Especially when everything is going wrong and you're having a bad day

But just remember the sun will always come out tomorrow and it will fill your life with beautiful lights that shine like never before. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
272 · Apr 2017
True Grit
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Baby you better not hit me because I'll pop you right back.

I'm not going to be your punching bag or your doormat and if you start something with me it will surely be a fight that will go down in history.

So baby back up and check yourself because every time I get knocked down I get back up stronger and better than before. I'll show you True Grit. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
269 · May 2017
Final Notice
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I work myself to the Bone and I don't even get your gratitude

You treat me like a servant with lousy pay so I am putting in my Final Notice and getting out of this ****** job

I'm going to become my own boss and build an Empire I don't need this crap Shack so peace out And sayonara. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
267 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
One morning I got up as the sun was Rising a field of flowers was soaked in morning dew and they glistened in the Sun what beauty to behold.

It dazzled me and I became Breathless as I looked upon such a serene site it truly gave me peace of mind and now I am stress free because all my worries have melted away. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
263 · May 2017
May Flowers
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I whine and complain about the poison ivy growing in my beautiful garden like a **** that it is trying to destroy what The April Showers did that brought my May flowers. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
260 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Speak of the devil and he will appear.

Like a knight of Darkness targeting his next prey.

The only thing that can stop him is the Great Wall of light that protects us from his dark touch that can seduces us into turning our souls dark.

For the desire of man kind will not satisfy our souls hunger when we have faded from this Mortal coil
Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
259 · Apr 2017
Broken wings
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Broken Wings cannot fly.

Being broken will not define you.

The moment you have healed you realize you were stronger than you ever were before and you can now soar to new endless Heights Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
255 · Apr 2017
Open Door To Love
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
True love is always one step away

“When” one great love ends another one begins

All you need is an open door to open-heart for love to set bloom inside of you and grow into a beautiful garden. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
253 · Apr 2017
Pressure cooker
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Stress and pressure can turn a person mad and made you question their insanity.

A lot of times we are put in a situation that we cannot get out of because so it's like running in quicksand and when the last shred of Hope vanishes before your eyes you snap.

And turns you into a tornado of pressure crushing everyone in your way.

And when the storm dies down you realize what you went mad over wasn't worth it in the first place. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
252 · Jun 2017
Dirty Love
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
***** love is easier to run away with and hopefully get lucky.

And when it's all said and done we will be gone forever.

Our ***** love is as hard as a rock so nothing can break it

I love playing with the fire within you it makes the Journey more fun when we hit the lights.

I got what you want now we say our goodbyes

And never speak of our ***** Love because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
251 · May 2017
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Heaven Only Knows what's running through your mind

You're a mystery.

It would be easier to jump off the roof and land on my feet like a cat then figure you out

You know I was never the rich kid so I never had the money for mind reading class

I think there's more to you than meets the surface.

People shouldn't judge you because you're a black sheep in a white sheep herd.

They should just learn that you're unique and accept it without questioning it

You are who you are and that's a mystery that I am going to solve. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
251 · May 2017
Casualties of War
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
A man has committed sin but also committed good acts of kindness.

He is not evil or good he is both and just making mistakes along his way.

But most want to condemn him

They do not see the suffering in his eyes he knows he has done wrong in the world and he's paying the ultimate price

He has lost all hope in himself and in the world around him

You pass him on the street every day and ignore that he's there

He's a person with feelings and a heart that's quite bruised

He has been ostracized since he came back from the war with demons in his head

He once was a soldier who did his best fighting for his country because he wanted to protect us all but he came back with his mind not fully intact so he was thrown into the gutter to die.

Now all you have to do is give him a hand and the man he once was will start to show up once more. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
247 · Apr 2017
Foolish Dreams
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Foolish Dreams can change the world and make it better than new.

With Just one dream we can rewrite reality and transform this world.

We can make it a place where no one suffers and everyone is loved. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
246 · May 2017
Devilish charm
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I met a man in New Orleans with a devilish charm and when he spoke.

It was like a spell that takes control of my body, He is like a siren out on the sea

He likes to play with people's minds and mainly their hearts

With every command he said  I was compelled to do and i lost a part of myself

it wasn't until he pushed me to my limit That I finally said a enough is enough

Now his spell is broken and his hold over me is gone so he better watch his back because when he least expects it I'll come for him

Revenge is best served cold

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
245 · Jun 2017
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Catch me if you can it could have been me on the other side of this cat-and-mouse game.

But Fortune favors the strong that's why you'll eat my dust as I laugh all the way home

So goodnight I'll see you in another Race of Time and the winner will determine the fate of our relationship and the world around us. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
244 · Apr 2017
Hearts desire
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
The poems that I write ring with truth.

They are my unspoken words and there are millions of them like stars in the sky.

They make you feel my emotions that I dare not show

My hearts desire is plain to see all you have to do is know where to look.

And the truth that lies within me will shine bright. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
241 · May 2017
Panic attack
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
My breathing increases extremely and my chest starts to feel like an elephant sitting on it.

My skin feels like it's inside out and also on too tight.

Every noise is a thousand times louder and a thousand times more irritating

I cannot speak because my mouth cannot form the words I'm getting tongue-tied and angry at myself

I try to stay calm but I cannot do so I am having a panic attack. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
239 · May 2017
A Blue Heart
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
When I see your face and say wow how you've grown I wish we could be close like brothers and sisters should be but inside my head I know that will never happen.

I shouldn't feel this or miss a boy I never really knew who is now a man.

I was happy the day I found out I had a brother but when I found out he did not feel the same it causes my soul ache

I couldn't help the tears I shed over the memories we will never have.

We should have been together from the moment you were born but that didn't happen.

We were dealt unlucky card.

Because maybe we would have been friends and a real family not just by the blood we share but the love in our hearts.

We would have always been there for each other no matter what.

Oh how I wish for this but I know it will never be true that alone makes my heart blue.

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
239 · May 2017
Uncage the Caged
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Just because bird's have wings doesn't mean they're free lots of people like to keep them locked up in cages because how beautiful their feathers be

But if we truly loved them we would sit them free back to their home whence they came from

And then their Freedom would know no bounds. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
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