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Hitherwine Apr 2021
Your claws
They sank into flesh
Leaving scars so deep
They will never be healed
A cornfield
Somewhere you wanted to go
To take a part of me
That I would never get back
That room
The intense feeling of worthlessness
Panic attack
going back
Down the tunnel
Why did you do this to me? WHY?
Hitherwine Apr 2021
Wow, these burdens are heavy
And I'm hoping it doesn’t bury me
I used to be joyful and skip so merrily
But now I'm too cautious and tip toe carefully
My mind left and it's nowhere to be found
Am I a big old parody?
Because it's no fair to me
And now I'm at the point where I'm spending a grand a week on hypnotherapy...
Hitherwine Apr 2021
I admit I throw a fit when I begin to unravel
Keep my wits, been off the grid but now I'm back in the saddle
My intent is not to rent, I like to own what I value
I could sit here on the fence or maybe pick up the paddle
I like to row against the current, that's the way that I travel
Opposite of what the grain does, got the brain of a rebel
Take initiative, I'm diligent on every level
I never could settle, I like to keep my foot on the pedal
Failing's how you grow and learn your lessons, kids
Take the worst and try to make the best of it
Because when you fail, just know that it's a test and if
You can learn to pick yourself back up again
And train your brain to not be such a pessimist
It's okay to make mistakes, just don't forget that
There's a high road but I skip the exit when I'm lost
Hitherwine Apr 2021
Ignorant to my ignorance
Tell me I'm worth it, God
Give me the faith to rise and help me diversify
To take a step forward, immersed in my belligerence, amplified
The feelings and words collide
Intensified by living a life deprived
I'd rather be burned alive
Than go back to thinkin' I'm insignificant
Every impotent moment debated can trigger it
God is my witness definitive
Holding my head up, there isn't an innocent bone in my body
But that's what gives me the energy lacked
To renovate, have to innovate, past intimidates
Can't remain afraid
Hitherwine Apr 2021
Break the ******' mirror 'cause I hate the image
Every single tear I cry is wasted liquid
guess staying in the room was a bad decision
Where are you going?
I'm feelin' alone and the world is so cold
It's hard to focus
Maybe I should ******' end it now
Hitherwine Apr 2021
Loving you is a losing game.
Hitherwine Apr 2021
I flip through photo albums
and see my likeness in someone
I can't manage to recognize anymore,
even when I squint
Why did you do this to me?
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