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878 · Aug 2016
I know what we are and i know what we're not
...but let me love you...
let me love you secretly...
let me search for you in a crowded place...
let me sing for you in your sleep...
let me trace the smile on your face while you're asleep...
let me love you from a distance ...
let me admire your perfectly sculpted body...
let me hear your soft snickers,laughs and cries...
let me wipe the tears that stained your face the moment she left  you...
let me imagine what we could be if you only knew me...
let me see you read the letters that I left in your lockers ...
let me kiss the cup that touched your lips ...
let me sit on the chair where you once sat...
let me be the dreamer that dreams of you...
let me be the loved girl in the poem you've made in our english class...
let me cry with you as your voice cracks and your heart breaks...
let me pick up your broken pieces...
let me pick up your broken heart...
I may be just  a stranger for you...
... but I love you more than anyone can do.
518 · Jul 2017
Are you coming back?
I have gone through what you've said all over again and again and again...
i have played every last words you've said in my head for about a million times...
I have thought of every possible reasons of  why you said those words to me...
and i have been wondering why these words are hurting me in so many ways.
Why would you say those and then leave me afterwards?
Why did you have to say "goodbye" but still call me "love"?.
These had me confused for some couple nights and it stole my sleep at times.
Why do you have to call me "love" , when you can't even stay by my side?
You had me going crazy with these small words.
I loved you and i know you love me...
i feel that you love me...
you still love me...
isn't that enough?
could that stand as a reason for you to stay and not to walk away?
I think not.
Because if that was enough , then you wouldn't have to leave and the thought of leaving wouldn't even cross your mind...
i swear something died inside of me the moment you took your first step away.
But i can still hope,right?
there's still hope,right?
Because you've been still crossing my mind
and i have played your last words for a million times.


You still love me and you're coming back.
276 · Aug 2016
I've always known what I wanted...
always have known how to get it...
always sure of everything...
always have known what to say...
...there's only one thing that messed things up's the "US"
the "us" that we never planned...
the "us" that just got lost suddenly...
the "us" that left me crazy and lost...
the "us" that is never gonna happen again...

...and I'm waiting to get the "us" back.

245 · Oct 2016
A Beautiful Star
Even the most beautiful morning
Cannot compare to your personality so alluring
Happy I am when you grace us with your presence
Bored I am without you spicing up the class' lessons.

You are our precious, beautiful star
Shining as bright even from afar
Your bubbly personality and outgoing nature
That attracts many, I am sure.

Don't you ever doubt yourself, dear
For you are filled with potentials as clear
As the night sky filled with stars,
And someday you will have your own Mars.

Believe in yourself because we believe in you,
Accomplish your dreams but please remember us too.
We hope you'll never forget that you are always loved by us
And that we will miss you, our soon-to-be celebrity with eyes like stardust.
(for Bella)
I'm gonna miss you in an infinity much

— The End —