The things my father taught me from very small to very large:
Don't eat ice cream before dinner
Santa prefers carrots and orange juice,
And practice patience when you're a beginner.
He lectured always button my coat, but wear what feels like me.
He taught me how to kick a ball, balance on one foot and lose gracefully.
He made it clear to fear an angry man, something I'd understand when I was grown.
And forgiveness was foreign to him, so I had to travel there alone
but when I got there I'd be happier than he had ever known.
He said the future was just dreams I would bring to fruition.
That while I stretched across the world I'd find support with my ambition.
My father taught to blaze a path, whatever that may be.
With all the lessons, all the rules, all the circular conversations, what I've built from his foundation is unapologetically free.