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Aug 2014 · 1.6k
Salsa Picante
Mike T Aug 2014
Fire of your scent,
(one, two, step, three, four, step, dip)
eating at my soul
Sep 2013 · 422
Jazz Man
Mike T Sep 2013
Every day he sits and greets the world
All he wants is talk about the beauty around us
Ready at any moment to give advice while his radio
Loudly blares jazz in the background

Each one of us has something to give
And we are all of the same human family
Reality is what we make of it
Life can be too short, but it is always worthwhile

Grace is something the select few have
Old age tries to rob it from us
Only it can not take it from our spirit
Do not forget that and carry on until your last day
Be not afraid of the end
You will not see it coming, but
Every soul leaves a mark on the ones it leaves behind

Earl, Earl, Goodbye
For Earl Duncan (1928 - 2013)
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Vinegar and Wine
Mike T Jun 2013
Action turns will to reality.
When one lives to watch,
the will is snuffed out.

Conjurers of nothing breed apathy
and those with no purpose, rot.
They let themselves be consumed,
to be fuel for those with inspiration.

The wounded gazelle is eaten
and the lion is fed.
Later the lion fades as well,
but not without eating many gazelle.
Progress is purpose and purpose brings the advancement of all.

Hell is a place downtown.
Poverty lines the streets and no one takes action.
This is where inspiration goes to die
and those debilitated gazelle are swallowed whole.
Their sacrifice pushes the cogs onward
toward oblivion and the unquenchable void

Inspired by the 1991 film "Slacker"
Apr 2013 · 614
Elfchen 1.
Mike T Apr 2013
Geht Weg
Beine tut weh
Trotzdem, schaffe ich es

Jan 2013 · 495
Mike T Jan 2013
Blue is an important hue.
It covers skies on cloudless days
and gives the ocean its deep shades.
Now it is the only adjective that describes me.

It defines me,
redefines me,
directs me,
and misdirects me.

Like the ocean thousands of leagues deep,
so is the void that I sense as I weep.

Friends left me waiting
and lovers disappeared,

Now you have left me alone.
Not for long, but it is long enough.
Long enough to leave me hollow.
Everything is tainted, changed.

All is grey...

...and blue
Nov 2012 · 651
We met in a crowded room.
Mike T Nov 2012
We met in a crowded room.

Your dark skin shone
as a contrast to your pale teeth.
Neither of us said a word,
but our bodies did speak.

You glanced in my direction
and my breath went cold.

I thought of what it might be like
to dive deep within,
really deep within,
what makes you

If for one second
we could truly know one-another.
What a wonder it would be.

We could swim with the thoughts
inside each other
and be truly free.

I want to be immersed
in all that you are,
so that one day
together you
and I

Nov 2012 · 959
The Deep
Mike T Nov 2012
Throbbing and bobbing
pillow slobbering

I think my brain is dead

Nasal congestion,
a deep confession

Demented thoughts fill my head

In this deep
I cannot sleep

There is one thing that I dread

Nov 2012 · 1.6k
Drunk Innuendo
Mike T Nov 2012
Winking, Drinking

Thinking, Slinking

Ripe fruit pinkening

In the cave
It won't behave

Cogs all a-tinkering

Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Nonsense Nullifies
Mike T Oct 2012
When wallabies wander,
what will the world wonder?

Silly slips of slander?
Stagnating soliloquies?

If I ignite indignation,
Inquire indefinitely

All is asunder
And Amy abstains
Oct 2012 · 577
Crossing Zone
Mike T Oct 2012
You are a traffic light
And I wait for you to change
Red signals me to hold fast,

I inch forward,
Anticipating your signal

At long last!
Here it is!
But wait!

You show me not a pure green invitation
But a single arrow
It points in another direction
Away from you

Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Mike T Oct 2012
Susie Susie
Dressed as a floosy
How does it all flow?
With tortoise shells
And mushroom bells
Growing on your toe

Oct 2012 · 518
Time on My Hands
Mike T Oct 2012
Tick Tock!
I am your clock
My hands point toward the future
Every second brings more torture

Only you can read my face
Now go, explore your space

Many have tried
To beat my stride
Your efforts are in vain

How long will you try?
Avoiding the end
Not wanting to send
Dear old boys to bed
So I will be their final friend


— The End —