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 Feb 2021 Mel
Poetry Art
with the stars as my witness
i promise to love thee
above anything else
without bounds
forever and always
 Feb 2021 Mel
Maria Mitea
the loss
 Feb 2021 Mel
Maria Mitea
carved in stone

you can't read it

- you feel it

you just feel it
At the temple there is a poem called "Loss" carved in stone. It has three words, but the poet has scratched them.
 Feb 2021 Mel
It’s rare to find
people who

 Feb 2021 Mel
 Feb 2021 Mel
"ill always love you"
say it again my darling, that was a beautiful lie.
 Jan 2021 Mel
Victoria Jennings
Years ago

He gave me fake flowers

He told me he'd love me so long as they lived

You know that story

I don't have them anymore

Hell, I'm not even sure what happened to them

But wherever they went they're still living

So is there some part of him

That still loves me?
Thinks of me?
Misses me?
Why were you my best friend too.
 Jan 2021 Mel
September Jane
 Jan 2021 Mel
September Jane,
all but plain
standing in
the pretty rain.

Her hair is stained
with pretty rain;
umbrella left
atop the pane.

My sweet September,
do you remember
the pretty rain,
the dying embers?

The stories read
before bed,
the funny rhymes
you always said.

September Jane
where did you go?
I'll greet you when you come.

September Jane
you didn't know
it is the pretty rain you're from.
Je ne sais pas si c'est bon ou pas ... faites-le-moi savoir!
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