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Melany Garcia Oct 2017
I’ve always believed roses looked their best the day before they died. It’s like they are taking their last breath, as they stretch out their petals for one last day.

Breathing in,

Breathing out.
Melany Garcia Oct 2017
I don't know how you managed to break my heart in three days but you did it. And now it hurts to look at you, my heart ******* hurts.
Melany Garcia Mar 2016
You were there when I fell

You were there when I flew

You were there standing by my side

You were there holding me

You were there to love me

-The trick is this poem was meant to be read from top to bottom but ever since you left I've been reading it from bottom to top. I guess the bittersweet memories you forgot to take will always be there for me.
Melany Garcia Feb 2016
Her eyes say to 'stay' but her lips said 'goodbye'
Melany Garcia Feb 2016
I think its stupid
how people don't even try to get the person they want
I think its stupid
how they don't say anything and just stand there
I think its stupid
how you stay there silently regretting every second you don't get to call them yours
I think that's why I decided to make the first move, I couldn't stand the thought of not calling you mine when I wanted to.
Melany Garcia Feb 2016
Why is it that that every time I try to write a poem my first thought is to write it about you.
Melany Garcia Feb 2016
Love for me was waking up tangled in your arms,
it was the butterflies I got when I heard your name, love was when my heart skipped a beat when you smiled at me, it was listening to the rhythm of your heart and loving the way it made me fall asleep thinking we would be together forever.  

Love for you was making me believe I needed you for everything, it was leaving bruises on my body and calling them love marks, it was watching as I scarred myself and letting me blame myself.

But in the end I don't think it wasn't our different views on love that broke us apart. It was the fact that I believed I was strong enough to take the hit for both of us. I failed and the price I had to pay was you leaving me.

— The End —