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Dec 2024 · 100
Melancholy Dec 2024
Sometimes I wish that I could
Just disappear into the woods
And find a small cave
Or dig a small grave
And throw myself in, how I would

Sometimes, I don't wish; but I do
And I swear, it feels so ******* true
I go out, dig the grave,
Host a personal wake
Lie inside, close my eyes, then awake

Sometimes I wish that I could
Just do what I know that I should
What's best for me and for all,
Best for you, and the world
Me, dissappeared in a nook

Sometimes, it feels like a waste
Always brimming with hope to escape
With all I could do, all I could be,
All I could learn and feel and see
Staying still, stuck in time, stuck in place

Sometimes I wish that I could
Stop wishing and actually do
But I just sit and stare
at the clock's glaring glare
Tick-tock, as it mocks my despair

Sometimes I wish I were brave
Find the strength to step out of my way
And I think, what a shame,
Being born just to stay
the same
Day by day
Day by day
Jan 2019 · 181
Melancholy Jan 2019
Each passing day
Is like a dream
And not in a good way
Like you think it may be
Dream as in blurry
Like your eyes when you cry
Muffled sounds, numb parts
As if you're on drugs
My brain is getting foggy;
I cant write. Stop.
The voices are saying I'm not good enough
The voices are yelling, they're deafening now
They're saying I'm crazy
What are you on about?
You're ugly, and stupid.
They can see it from afar.
Nobody likes you.
You're not how they are.
You're weird and you're sad.
You often get mad.
You lash out the most,
At the ones you love.
That's why they leave you.
Please, just shut up
I'll always be with you.
I am you.
Well, ****
The "Self"

— The End —