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Jun 2023 · 688
Wounded Soldier Elegy.
Tears may trickle & dry, but they live a trail,
The blood may leak from within, but it makes a lump on the chest.
Battles may be fought in the forest, but flags are raised openly,
So are my struggles, like cold weather in Africa,
They peak during the night and leave mist in the morning,
I hope I'll be a victor before my demise.
This is a poem of a person battling depression, calling for help and hoping someone sees the red flags being raised by his behavior pattern. The person is also hoping that he wins the battle against depression.
Apr 2022 · 402
My Eternal
Multiple storms forced me to an island
An Island I thought was my home for eternity.
An eternity of loneliness seemed a possibility
A possibility until I met an angel on the island.
The island inflicted pain had left me with wounds
Wounds that the Angel has healed in a few days.
The few days have been quite a blessing,
A blessing to be enjoyed by us until infinity.
For the one who made my heart beat again.
Jul 2020 · 331
Struggles of Life
I want to pray but my knees have become too weak
I want to talk but I lost my voice so I can't speak
I need an urgent solution but my mind lost its ability to think
I want to cry but my tears dried, I can only blink
I want to paint my feelings on the wall but I've run out of ink
The poem is about a person who has run out of options because of life struggles.
Sep 2019 · 323
True Love Is The Answer
Every day the liquid of grievances is moistening our cheeks
Because bright minds are failing to find another bright mind to trust.
Our failure to be a brother’s keeper is slowly making us extinct
Because the only one who can save us from us is us,
And if we fail to save each other, we will surely loose the battle.

We have turned into the sole architects of our problems
And we are running out of solutions for one another.
We are falling because our shoulders have become too weak to lean on
And some of them have turned into perpetrators of our own atrocities
Something that has left us in an inexplicable state of vulnerability.

Fallacies have turned into the truth of our time
And false promises have become the foundation at which love is built on.
The once celebrated beauty has turned into an evil beasts
A beast that has taken the lives of many innocent souls
Innocent souls that licked a sugar-coated venom because of love.

Love is supposed to be the solution and not the problem
Because it was created to provide eternal happiness for everyone.
Love is supposed to be fountain of sweet water that provides life to the drinker
And not a volcano that destroys everything in its way as soon as it erupts,
So let us use true love to heal and save our world.
Twitter: Maburu_the_Poet
Instagram: Maburu_the_Poet
Dec 2018 · 2.6k
My eyes see nothing but tears
Tears of a million suffering souls
Souls that are swimming in the pool of poverty
Poverty created by a few egocentric individuals

My ears hear nothing but the tone of grievances
Grievances blossoming from excessive suffering
Suffering because of the alarming levels of idleness
Idleness because the lot is controlled by a few

My nose smells nothing but pungent poverty
A poverty that has become a national disaster
A disaster which has become a national emblem
An emblem that the world identifies us with

My mouth has become a floodgate of lamentations
Lamentations that blossoms from excessive pain
Pain which has become an inseparable part of everyone
Everyone has lost hope of seeing a brighter day
The poem delineates the day to day struggles of a country that is facing socio-economic challenges. These challenges are created by the alarming levels of corruption and heartless political struggles. It is based largely on creativity and was written without any country in mind.
Dec 2018 · 479
We met unexpectedly
And we bonded immediately.
Our love grew unconditionally
And will be shared eternally.

I was prepared to keep on waiting
And my heart was far from tiring.
Great passion kept me searching
Until the day you stopped me from hunting.

You wanted to be loved
And I made you my beloved.
You were tired of being ill-treated
And you wanted to be protected.

I vowed to be your sole source of protection
And I assured you unlimited gratification.
You promised me soul intoxication
And you vowed to be my source of satisfaction.

Our vows laid a foundation for true love
And from that day my soul found its own dove.
Our love was created in heaven by the prototype of love
Because true love comes from God, for God is love.
The poem is about how love developed between two people who had some expectations. Those expectations and the vows they made laid a foundation to true love. #Enjoy reading
You promised me milk and honey
And vowed to witness with me sunrises and sunsets,
But you left me before the promise beared fruition.
An act that proved how cunning you're.

You made me believe in love that never existed
And gave me a false hope on a future that was not meant to be.
But why did you decide to leave me?
After all the sacrifices I did for our love.

You made me believe in the existence of heartbreaks
And forced me to accept that all men are liars.
But why did you choose to use me as your student?
A student to teach all those sad love lessons.

You said true love can never die
And you postulated that our love was real.
But why did you end our love if it was real?
Giving me a heartbreak on a full moon.
The poem is about a victim of a heartbteak. The persona was promised a lot but was left hurt.
Jun 2018 · 1.9k
Every day the liquid of grievances moistens my cheeks
My special mother like a towel wipes it away
Without her I don’t have another shoulder to lean on
Even though the other shoulder is somewhere for others.

This liquid of grievances blossomed into an ink
An ink that will paint my million wishes without drying.
Wishes that compose a letter to you, my unknown soldier
The soldier whose heroic exploits produced merits he desires not.

I always ask myself many questions without answers
All streaming from why you planted a seed you never desired.
You left me without bidding farewell even to mother
As if you travelled to the next world to join our ancestors.

The only memories of you that I have are your handsome pictures
The pictures your Juliet kept as a memory of her special Romeo.
These twenty miles I have walked without you are like hell
With every step carrying a thousand wishes of meeting you.

Upon my arrival on this earth your Juliet named me after you
And every moment our name is called I see visions of you.
Visions that provide a false hope that I will see you after the call
A hope that you will answer the call of your name in my presence.
The poem  "A letter to my father" is a sad poem about a child whose father left before he was born. It is considered one of my best poems.

— The End —