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 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Mr Vampire
How I love you
But I hate you so much
How I feel when I see your smile
and the look on your face when you blush
makes my my mind go fuzzy
and my blood rapidly rush

I couldn't possibly live without you
Without I'd surely die
But knowing I can no longer be with you
always forces me to cry
Time again and again myself I hurt
but I always seem to try

It feels as if you came from a dream
Body so perfect, face as surreal
But the heart of a devil
Honestly what's the deal?
You act so innocent, flirting away
Why do this, you know my heart you steal

No matter how many times I'm told
I still dish it out on a tray
Watching you trample all over me
knowing how much you me betray
And after all I know so well
I still can't seem to look away
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Before meeting him,
There was a feeling that
Dominated my being
To the point that
At times,
It was crippling.
It was a feeling that constantly tugged at
The outer parts of my insides,
Always making its presence known
In the most abominable of ways.
It was a feeling that made me feel
As if I was missing someone,
So much
That it was like I was missing
A part of myself.
Like somewhere down the road,
I misplaced a very important,
Very special,
Part of me.
And then
There was this feeling in my gut
That told me I had to do
Whatever it took to get it back,
Whatever it was.
It was a feeling that made me believe
That the one thing I truly needed was
Somewhere out there,
Hiding behind some stunningly tragic
And beautifully flawed
Perfection of this mind-numbing
Human reality.

And it was,
I found it in him.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
Jimmy's pad
was a rockin' place.
Like small mountain ranges,
mounds of pinkish-flake
covered the mirror.

His triple beam
balanced baggies
twenty-four seven,
while his harem of ******
went from door to door,
snorting huge lines &
******* massive *****
of the wide-eyed,
strung-out paranoids.

These vampires
always seemed
on the run,
jonesing, looking
out of the windows
'till four am,
sick for more
of the blow.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Infamous one
My heart beats like metal drums
Get it myself cant rely on anyone
Punk attitude full of rebellion
Give it my all even if its not enough
Grew up tough no need for tough love
Rise above the struggle escape be free
Drive fast into the future
dont look back race towards better
Not slowing down for the past
Live in the moment seek opportunities
Better than the rest never settle for less
Stay calm focused write your story
Dont let someone else's sad story set you back
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Allen Wilbert

I have a pipe and dark sunglasses,
taking names and kicking some *****.
I'm a powerless superhero,
they call me Captain De Niro.
Owe me money, you better pay,
or pain will be on your way.
You better not be selling drugs,
or my lead pipe will give severe hugs.
Don't be ****** any innocent women,
will be breaking your hands and fingers, all ten.
Molesting kids and you don't wanna know,
the dumpster, your ***** I will throw.
I don't allow any peeping or stalking,
with broken legs, there will be no walking.
I'm one of those modern day vigilantes,
on my head, I wear my wife's *******.
Can't leap a building in a single bound,
like you, I get dizzy when spun around.
Can't go under water and summon fish,
I prefer them on my eating dish.
No fancy car or a sidekick,
but my pipe can break a brick.
Don't have an invisible jet,
like you, I'm in deep debt.
People have no idea who I am,
I might be Steve, I might be Sam.
Just a man who hates violence,
I hate people that are spineless.
I catch bank robbers in the act,
the odd against them are fully stacked.
I help keep crime off the streets,
can't count the number of villain defeats.
I would liken you
To a night without stars
Were it not for your eyes.
I would liken you
To a sleep without dreams
Were it not for your songs.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
A B Perales
Most of these choices
evolved from
random thoughts.
The learned way had
been abandoned.

The air held hostility
and the peoples
minds were
with a threatening view
of the world.

There was still trust
in the talking heads
and trust in the

I found I could
drink and use
and be able to
stay cool while
everyone else
was panicking.

A radio played
and the lyrics rang true.
"Trust in me and fall
as well."

The pigeons sat on
wires in groups like
gray clouds full of
anxiety and doubt.

Stray dogs shared
negative thoughts
and ran the streets
with pink tongues
swinging from
in between
stained and bloodied

The moon took
flight and produced a new
era of paranoia.
A Fleeting feeling of
worry and reasons
blew in with the

I closed the door and
thought out loud.

Why risk it all
and step out
into the world when
I look around and
listen hard and find
so many reasons
to avoid it.
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