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 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
Somewhere there's a million and a half spirits dying,
one's a black magic woman,
casting spells for all the rest.

I confess,
I'm naive about such things,
the dark arts,
things that go bump in the night.
But can one in a million and a half
be wrong?

Teach me tricks,
burn me a candle,
I need you badly
sinful woman!
Just heard the Santana song on the radio and this is what I wrote!
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
The rest of the world
sleeps, while sheep laugh in your face
as the hours tick by
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
Jesus, ***, *******,
it's 0430 & we gotta wake up???
Hell, it's raining ice
& the winds are blowing,
screaming like banshees
at 40 knots!
Can't we do
1000 push-ups,
100 sit-ups,
350 windmills,
600 leg-lifts,
250 trunk-twisters,
400 mountain-climbers,
750 jumping jacks,
and run 8 miles
in our shorts & T's
in the morning sun

At least it will
be thawing snow,
not freezing rain!!!
the radio has a voice
its loud in my mind
its as bright as sunshine
it talks to me personally
it has a voice that sees right through me
it knows what's happenin
and it knows that im spinning at the center of the world
i am the center of the universe
she can see it
i can feel it
its bright as sunshine
its warm as hands

hands that pulled me from the water so deep
i was down there listening
to the world get small
to the sound of my dying
its a glass eye
in the world
its as bright as sunshine
it makes me dance with no music on cobblestone
it makes smiles painted feel real
she sees it
she sees me
and its loud in my mind
i can do anything

real i tell you
here in my corduroy jacket pocket
i look so joe college
cause its fast as light
cause its smiling in my mind
like madness
she can see it
i can feel it
its bright as sunshine
its warm as hands
as  she walked away
in the pouring rain
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Lady Francis
Do you ever wonder if there's love out there

Will someone give their heart to share

You ask yourself,"Am I pretty enough?"

Or,"Am I too fat?"

True love doesn't care about that

It loves you just the way you are

No matter what the baggage

No matter how many scars
True love thinks your beautiful not for your size

Because they see the AMAZING person you are inside

Even if you never find true love after searching
for so long

Realize it's you that loved you all along
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Free falling into the pits of Wonderland,
I wanna fly to
                            nowhere with Peter Pan

We're slowly fitting into place
So let your hand slip into mine
And let my fingers trace your disney character face

We're gently stirring up trouble in
These coffee cups of limited love
So can i get a refill?
Maybe if i rub this teapot like a lamp
I could make your wishes come true
If the world allowed me this chance

I may not have much to offer
I'm a writer, not a doctor
I might look like a furry beast
Even on my good days
But you'd be my beauty, my Belle,
And this I mean, always.

I don't believe in fairy tale endings,
Not anymore
I'm that loser who dreams of disney beginnings
And if i had you even as a rose, something i could walk past and just adore
I know i'd go through life winning,
I wouldn't want to fall through the crust
Of this 'Wonderland' anymore.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
I still believe in magic.
I just know
she's got some
kind of a spell on me.

Everywhere I look,
I see her pretty penetrating-eyes.

Everywhere I sniff,
her sweet-fragrance permeates
right through me.

Everywhere I touch
in the wee hours,
she's there in fiery-spirit.

Everywhere I eat,
I taste her delicious musk,
it satisfies my wanton-appetite.

I kiss the air to feel her
& she's there
kissing me back.

I am smitten by her runes,
in tune with her
on the same astral plane.
She is in my soul
at a transcendent level.
If that's not a love spell,
then I don't know what is.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
my brother is not a king, but a giant fool,
who would have thought 'he' of all gods get's to rule.
I have faced him with many challenges,
but what I'd like more than anything is to face him in a deul.

He let his own daughter be taken by me,
let's see what this so called ''leader'' shall do.
they watch, they wonder, they look and they see
but what those fools don't know is where to find me.

Persephone, my queen-for 6 months she stays.
my sister and that fool still wait for days and days.
dear ''Persy'', she cries, she moans, she prays,
but cry as she might, she'll stay till the end of days.

No-one shall get her, she's my prize, my queen.
I'll keep this a secret; they won't know where she's been.
My brother, the oaf, the godly fool,
will never know how to judge or for that matter, even rule.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
I wish I was pretty in pictures
Those spontaneous ones
That others take
Because they want to capture your face
And keep it with them
I want to be pretty in pictures
Like those other girls
who smile and pose
and the picture comes out
pretty as ever
no matter their clothes
or their makeup
or hair
I wish I was pretty in pictures
But I guess you have to be pretty
Before you can be pretty in pictures.
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