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 Oct 2013 Lunarian
this girl,
this poor deluded

all the things she
almost said
stuck between her teeth.

the sweet i miss you's
and i love you's
hacking away enamel.

saccharine nothings
disintegrating molars
and canines.

as her teeth drop
from her head
she puts them in her pocket.

just as a little
reminder of the things
that almost were.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Cross My Mind
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
I can feel you
lying near me
as you keep me warm
beneath the night sky.

And I no longer
find myself
looking at those stars
because they can't
compare to the beauty
that is now lying beside me.

I hope that this time
it's not a dream.
As I feel you breathing,
staring at me,
trying to figure out my
while I cross my fingers that
it's enough to keep you around.

You sleep.

I try to figure out
what it is you're dreaming
as I trace your figure
in the dark,
night continues
and the frost sets in.

You start to shiver
and I do my best
to draw you closer
in an effort to keep you warm.

You smile
through your slumber
and I fall for
the little lines
it casts across your face.

I sleep.

When I wake up.
You've gone.
It was only a dream.
And I find myself wishing
you had the same one
underneath the same stars.

Either way,
I know that when you woke up,
you got out a bowl
and poured in some cereal
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
counting down the days till i choke on the words i should have spoke and
croak just like every other bloke
beaten and worn like a queen between spokes
sitting in the bathroom cutting lines of coke
bask and soak in the stale smoke
i could end it all in one swift stroke or
at the end of one tight rope
easily provoked and not one to poke fun
i'm the slimy yolk
swallow me raw and i'll crawl
right back up your throat
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
my body:
she sits with me under the cold water of the shower and wipes the tears from the lines under my eyes. she lifts me up and wraps her arms around me. she tucks me into bed at night and wakes me each morning, peeling off the comforter and sheets. she tells me i'll be okay, because my lungs still work and my heart still beats. she loves me when nobody else can.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
A B Perales
I navigated my
way along the
narrow path
ways  that had been
forever inbedded
by the
footsteps of the
young who've
their path
throughout their
years,venturing as I
once did throughout
these ruins.
The narrow trails
from brave riders
who pedal their way
through the past
and in between all that
has been ruined
snaked all around
and in between
this broken
part of the

I approached the
edge of the world with
caution even though
I feared not death.
I listened to the sound
of the Grand Pacifics anger
as it pounded away
at the end of the earth
a deaths
flight  below me.
Visions of the past
when I was that
braver soul
than I am now
crept up on me.
I took them in
put them away
in that dark
corner of my
mind where the
good times
are kept.
I laughed it
all off
and continued on.

I made my way
past the remnants
of all that was
once here before
the sea decided to
take it away.
The only signs left
now are just pieces
of crumbling
asphalt and
graffiti covered
These cliffs and
these remnants
of a long ago
sunken part of
this city served
as the untamed
and mostly
playground of
my youth.
I played hard
as that young
boy who
I miss so much.
Drank even
harder as a
stubborn  young
and unsure
man along these

I stopped and
took in the
The smell of the fuel and the city
for now wiped away by
the rolling winds
coming in from the west.
The night was alive
with smaller forms of life,
crickets,barking dogs,
spatting feral cats and
the moans of a beaten man
seeking shelter in a hole
beneath a
broken slab of asphalt.
  The sage bush filled
the nightime air
with blessings.
The salt from
the sea almost
the nose.

in the
distance a ship
sounded its horn.
Sea lions
in time with the
uneven ringing of
the ancient bell
on the ancient
Red buoy
as it rose and chimed
along with  
the swells
in that sea
of darkness.

I left the broken
ruins behind
and made
my way toward
the Park
that had been
brilliantly positioned
along the
rim of
the world.
The memories
of happy times
struggled with
my sadness.
The images of better
times demanded
to be remembered.

I started across the
tear soaked grass
as I walked beneath
beautiful ancient Eucalyptus
and Sycamore trees.
Pine trees that
stood slumped over
like the ancient old
men they were.
I stopped half way
to the middle
as a one eyed calico feral
crossed my path .

I've foraged many
a happy memory
with old
forgotten friends
and long departed
lovers within this park.
Drank when the drinking
was done for fun,
and laughed that
care free laugh
I'll never hear again.
Fought a good mans
fight when the
odds were all
against me.
Evened  it out with
a tool made for killing.
Just one more memory
I now live with.

Now after so
many years
and so much
of what this
life has thrown
before me.
I now come
here only
at night,
When its only me
the feral cats
and the
thieving raccoon's.
Often times,
I'm comforted
by the
old worn
coat I refuse
to replace,
a cheap bottle
dressed in a brown
paper bag and
a mind still alive
with visions
of other times
than these.

I forget
those horrors
that still force
me out into
the night.
And take a lonely
beneath the
Moons silent
I toast the night
and those
who dwell
within it.
I worked on the
while staring
into the
darkness at

A smile breaks
free across my
tired face as I
 look to the moon
and realize.
This same sacred
Moon light
that shines upon me
is the same
distant glow
that I know
shines somewhere
upon her.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Tim Knight
Trigger finger 13 is hung
from his shoulders,
though not by hooks found in the butchers book,
but with pride and a sweating brow,
one that can survey the terrain with a quizzical eye,
analysing rustling in bushes only 3 clicks away.

Bible tattoos tattooed below the tribal
and a 13 on the finger used most
when they charge and come.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Deathly Silence
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
shes hiding in her bedroom
her blood splattered on the floor
her blade in her hand
her back to the door

she has a reason you know
theres a voice in her head
saying: "your not good enough"
"you deserve to be dead"

she looks in the mirror
and burst into tears
the voice comes again
pounding in her ears

"you deserve all this"
"every single cut"
"you deserve to die"
"you stupid little ****"

your right she thought to her self
i deserve it all
i dont deserve to be here
all it need is one big fall

she went to write a note
but she threw them in the bin
world could never describe
how she let the voice in

do it! do it!
"you fat ugly cow"
she stepped onto the ledge
she had to do it now

it taunts her
when she's lying in her bed
it screams bad thoughts
and whispers in her head

she took a breath
all she wants is silence
her own mind back
the only answer was violence

now she knew
as long as her heart was beating
the voice would be there
always repeating

no one even heard her
as quiet as mice
she finally got her silence
but her life was the price

Never sits still
Makes a scene
Lives in her past
Needs to get over it


You only know parts of me
Not the total
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