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 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Living Whiskey
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I log into her profile
And never log out

its nights like these I wish we never met
That we wouldn't have made plans
That I wouldn't have fooled myself into thinking our future was set
The mind might forgive but the heart finds it hard to forget

Prolonged hope
Minor problems magnified through a mental microscope
Spiritual sessions on Sunday with Jewish rabbis
Wrote a broken note to the biship who passed it on to the Pope
If I can find a new spiritual dealer then maybe I can break away from these mad ties
Holding ur hand in China,rainbows at our feet fire flies illuminating the black skies
You were the provider of all my high
The believer of all my lies
N I could never quite stay away from all these thighs
I guess you leaving me never did come as a surprise
Cloud cover,I had to forget about sunny skies

Blue lake of tears
Let it all dry up and call it Salt Lake City
Meet a nice girl in a summer dress give her a rose n tell her she looks pretty
But cheat once she might show mercy do it again and she will show no pity
Advice to your current coz if he aint care full he be floating on this boat with me
Learning from his mistakes,hiding his face everytime he sees me

I can't keep living like this
Life is short, I need to live it in bliss
You with a smile only a dead man can miss
Holding on in the hopes of one last kiss
I need a new addiction,cause stalking you is keeping me from the life that I am missing
Can't let positivity escape my doubt..
No short cuts to happiness gotta take the longer route
I've invested too much
I've had enough
I'm Login out

But for how long
A ***** addiction that is so strong
A longing for love that is so wrong
things to tell at my next therapy session
My reoccuring obsession
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
andrea hundt
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
andrea hundt
Winter is coming and I'm panicked.
I'm scared of the nostalgia it might bring
when I see the first snowflakes fall
for the first time without you.

You're warm and cozy, probably,
enjoying it all too well.
And I know the only way I'll survive this winter
is to have a heart colder than the air around my cloudy breath,
and the shoulder of you - a stranger -
someone I once knew like the back of my hand.
I'll pretend when I close my eyes
it's not you I'm seeing.

The temperature is dropping, and the leaves are dying
one by one.
I'm hiding away my feelings,
burying them until spring.
But maybe by then, they will have slept beside you too long.
They'll be dead, and kept by you,
Irretrievable - too far gone.

I'm not grieving just for you, anymore.
I'm grieving for myself,
and the cold-hearted ***** I have come to be.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Christian zeal
I wanna go where I never been before,
Typing I'm letting go, words come to post.
Soaking in antidote
Creating no fantasy maybe there dead to me, I know...
Devil just let him be, I know
That will not ever be, I know.
Oh I know

Where my angel at? Cause thats the only thing that's fighting back.
Resist him ,submit yaweh..
Sexually  I'm pulling  I'm  tugging all brakes...
This will be the last I'm sorry no space.
This will be his past the earth just fades
Invisible cast, cause there so great!
Becoming that cast and it feels so great..

What a place this will be
What a place this will be
What a..........
What a......
Hold up man just think.

The whole world is money,
Laughing but it ain't that funny.
Burned ashes  now dummy...what are you gone buy huh?
God sweeping time up!
Lebron don't trust his own line up,
2012 flew by us, what is next will just take us.
This is the place that They show you,
But what about the one I'm tryna show you?
Message me if u dot get it...but what a place without pennies!
Hold up man just think..
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Micah Ziegler
I just want to please my God and my family,
But it's like I'm chained by my sin and my failings.
Every time I do something wrong
Another link in the chain is gone:
Taking away my freedom,
Taking me away from your kingdom.
And soon I am pinned,
Pinned beneath the weight of all my sin.
It is crushing my heart and killing my soul.
And I can't do anything because sin is in control – of me.
Then I cry out “God save me!”
But I falsely think “He can't hear me. He's not even listening.”
But then I see
Him in all of His glory,
He came down to me,
He took off my burden and He set me free.
Now here I am for the world to see.
Now no longer chained by sin,
Now forever longing Him
Because He gave me my freedom
And that's only one thing that He's done – for me.
A prisoner I no longer have to be,
And that's exactly why I want to be
A servant to the King.
I want Him to hold me forever
And never let me go.
I want Him to captivate my heart
And capture my soul.
Because as soon as I escape
I become like an ape.
Not knowing what is best for me,
I run to the first good thing I see.
And that first “good thing”
It's like the first link,
And again it begins chain me.
And when I see, it's already too late for me,
Or at least that's what I think.
But my awesome God is awesome again,
And He will save me over and over 'cause that's what He said He'd do – for me.
And again I go from prisoner of the sin to servant of the King,
And there is no where else that I would rather be
Because while the devil points out all my discrepancies,
God looks past all my sin, all my failings.
In fact God loves all of us so much that He sent his Son,
So that all we can say now is “It is finished” “It is done”.
Sin is dead and buried in the grave
Because the grave is where my Jesus did not stay:
He is alive in His Word and in me and in you,
And the truth is my brothers and sisters: He is coming soon.
See I am blessed because I realized something:
That I am powerless to change my life,
But to Him I can give every right
And I do,
Because He is the Way, the Light, and the Truth.
And with that in mind
I am content and satisfied
Because even if I have nothing on this earth,
I have what's worth more than the richest man's worth.
And no matter how many times, this I forget,
No matter how many times I fail because “I can handle it”:
God will always reach down from His throne above all,
And He will always pick me up every time I fall.
For this reason we can stand and rejoice
And it doesn't matter if the neighbors complain about the noise,
Because the more people that hear the better
Because the best news of all is His, right down to the letter.
And right now there are far too many people that are still chained,
Far too many people that don't know His grace.
So we should run to the four corners of the earth like it's a race,
Saying, every where we go,
That “He has bought my soul.
“He paid for me with His blood and He paid for you too,
“But He still gives us a right to choose
“Because He wants our love to be real,
“But how can you not love Him with zeal?
“How can your love not be true,
“When you think about what He has done and what He will do – for you?”.
I now think upon the days when I was bound by sin,
I think of how often I so easily gave in,
And I ask “How stupid was I
“To run away from the love that was right before my eyes?”
But it's not good to dwell on the past,
Simply because of some little known facts:
God, our Heavenly Father, sent His Son – for you.
Jesus Christ, fully man, died – for you.
Jesus Christ, fully God, is alive – for you.
God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Savior and Messiah, Alpha and Omega, Elohim, Yahweh – loves – you.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Tim Knight
she lent over the bed rail,
wooden and put together by her husband.

without the book she recited the tale,
word perfect and rehearsed and she quickened

with the story, picking up the pace
to the bit where she placed her engagement ring upon my face,

the nose to be precise, and it smelt
of every perfume kiosk in every shopping hall and mall.

the ***** cat said to the owl, in the sequel to the story-
and for another bedtime completely-

'you're the cherry on the tree, un-pick-able
by hand or bird, stay with me please,
I heard marriage doesn't last forever'
from >>>
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Sarah Mulqueen
Magic exists all around us,
But so little even notice
Or bother to look for it
Angry beings,
Unable to find their own happiness.
Always looking for others to fulfill them
What a way to be
Forever dependent on others
Unable to find a purpose.
Unable to find their magic.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Jeherico C
If I were a writer
I’d actively seek
A mild patina
A mad mystique
I’d write about death
As something good
I’d sign my name
Edgar Allen Atwood

If I were a writer
There’d be Tom and Huck
A great big world
That didn’t give a ****
Bout the little guy
Floating down the main
And I’d call myself
Charley Dickens Twain

If I was a writer
I’d have a golden plume
I’d write about
That day of doom
I’d write about
Laughing at fear
And I’d call myself
Mordecai Shakespeare

If I was a writer
And I had a page
I’d write about
The good old days
‘Bout what I’d ‘ve done
On a day with you
And I’d sign my name
And I’d sign yours too
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