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 Nov 2013 Lunarian
you are the hint of something sweeter
better than this
and more comprehendable
to my sour mind
than anything else
and if nothing else
in these incoherent realms of abstinence
makes any sense to me
but you
then I think
I am afraid
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
I had a dream
and we were back
lying on that field
in the middle of nowhere
     but this time it was just
     me and you
and you wrapped
that big blue blanket (and yourself)
around me
and I held you close
and you told me
what really possesses your mind
and it wasn't me
and I don't know what else I expected

but I rememeber your kiss
so fondly
and I remember
your drunken touch
and I do miss you
and I do love you
and I do know that I can never have you

why do my own dreams
haunt me like this
why are you the only thing
occupying my mind
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
it was almost as though ten thousand moons
shone through your irises
but I still felt like I was fumbling my way
through an endless tunnel
desolate and alone
in complete darkness
with no guidance
even though you claimed to be by my side

a hand to hold
a shoulder to cry on
                    the usual clichés
                    few are able to find
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
your presence fades
    so slowly                  
    but so quickly          
    at the same time      
words scribbled in pencil, in the corners of our books
hesitantly rub away
and the stray hairs in between pages of old notepads
are dismissed
the old coffee cup you used to use, that was always your favourite
it's been pushed to the very back of the cupboard, out of sight
I replaced the bedsheets that you burnt holes in
with your cigarette butts
and all your old T-shirts (still way too big for me)
are just nightclothes now, that belong to only myself

sometimes I think
I can make out your scent
in the fresh washing
and I find unused bottles of your shampoo
stored in the bathroom cabinet
and an odd sock here or there
that's certainly not mine
and maybe
just maybe
I miss you,
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
just friends
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
We were both drunk
I know
and you said it was all as friends
but you knew I already loved you

You kissed me
you held me close to you
and even in my most vulnerable state
still all you did
was hold me in your arms
until the intoxication passed

Your lips touched mine
and it threw me into the deep end
"Just friends" you repeated
over and over
but I was so enthralled by you

I still am

but we're only friends
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
your hair runs through her fingers as soft as silk
your body fits with hers like two pieces of a puzzle
but I am not her
you do not love me
and however long I spend
wishing for a small part of your being
to belong to me
I know now
it will never be

I have waited for so long for you to see me
in the way that I see you
because for 459 days (and counting)
you are what is always upon my mind

I put you high
on a pedestal and no matter how hard I try
you will not come down
you will not be replaced
you are prominent in my mind
you are strong and you are fearless
and you will not allow anyone
to take your place
you fight them all off
but why?

I am stuck on you
and you are stuck on her
and you will not let me be free
of your charm and your wit
your blind eyes
see nothing but her
and I see nothing but you

but this is not what saddens me the most

what breaks me down at 3 am
is that you don't even try

you do not try to give me some freedom from your grasp
but you do not want to allow me into your mind
                                                    your thoughts
                                                    your­ ever-precious heart

why do you want me to love you
if you will not love me back?
why does your beaming smile
guide me amidst lonely tracks?
why do you want me
to love you so badly
if you won't even spare me
the time of day
or the place in your mind
in which you lay peacefully in my own
each and every hour
of each and every day?
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
at the darkest part of her mind
found a boy dressed in white
with nine
white roses in his hand
for those were her favorite
but then she remembered,
that it was nearly impossible
for a sanity to live with insanity
and she was insanity

sat on her chair, faced the screen
laughs, smiles, they all existed for a while
until he kissed her soft clean skin
and it began burning into ashes
as the skin rotten

hollered for help
with the loudest
and no one heard her
and everyone chose to ignore her
pain loved her
it never left like the boy did
and for every love pain gave her
it ached and broke every bones and skulls she was made of

and she ended it here
just like she promised she would
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
The Noose
Your words perforated my skin and like venom seeped into my veins
Motivation to peel skin from the bone

I once wore these emotional scars as scales on skin, used them as armour
Now I wear them like a noose around my neck


A little landslide and I fall off the cliff

I recollect the darkest of days
They drained the emotion in me,
Drained ME

Dead-eyed... so innocent
I hold my breath and wait for this turmoil to pass
I fear it will remain with me until I depart
Emptiness will always be empty
Darkness will always be dark
The dark always prevails, devouring the light
Devouring me
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
Love is violence,
blood shed for the people
we hope to be in love with.
Love is thrown around like
leaves on a stormy autumn day.
We bleed on our love for each other,
hoping that something will be born
from the elixir of a human being.
Why are we so concerned for this
nonexistent newborn?

Why am I so concerned for him,
and why is he attacking my heart?
I guess he doesn't know does he?
He doesn't know that every day
I can feel my lungs collapsing
from the lack of his breath,
and I can feel my eyes losing sight
from the lack of his guidance.
I feel heavy.
I feel my bones being filled with lead,
and the culprit is him,
filling me with the love I’ll never have.
Who is he to make me feel like this?  

Why does each individual letter
of this forsake word
cut so deeply into my arms?
I want him to stop leaving
bullet holes in my stomach.
Once I am bled out,
he will bury me deep
within the ground,
and I will call the dirt
my home and the creatures
my friends.

My hands are old,
and they long for your touch.
I just want to hear your
voice, full of honey,
call my name.
I can’t stop thinking
about the way your
heavenly eyes bore
into my soul.

Love is obsessing over
his eyes and the darkness
that it holds.

Love is not real,
and neither are you.
Born from a freewriting session.
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