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LuJane Jul 2019
الحقيقة هي أنني لستُ بالبرودِ الذي أتظاهر به. ألامسَ لهيبُ النارِ قلبكَ قَط؟ أما شعرت بصقيعٍ قبل الإحتراق؟ لقد اتقنت لغة الخِذلان. فلطالما بِتُ بين وميضِ جمرٍ و مازجتُ رماده.
LuJane Oct 2018
إنني أعبُرُ الجسرَ الذي لطالما خشيت إنهيارَهُ. الجسر الذي أمضيتُ عقدينِ في بناءه. الجسر الذي يؤدي الي عالمي الآمن. ولكنَّ قداماي ترفض الحركة و كأنها تُحَذرني من عبوره. الحقيقة هي انني امضيت عُمراً على جِسْري هذا إلى أن ألِفَتهُ عيناي و إعتادَ عليه جسدي. ربما لم اعد تلك الفتاة اللتي تحلم باللون الوردي، ربما أصبح اللون البنيّ هو أنيسي. و لكنني أرفض الالتفات إلى الوراء، أرفض مواجهة الفتاة الصغيرة اللتي ما زالت تُلوِحُ لي بيديها المكدومة. سأكملُ طريقي. سأكمل طريقي لأجلها. لأجل الفتاة اللتي قد آمنت بقوتنا و اقسمت أن تهزم الأقدار. الفتاة اللتي نسجت عالماً سعيداً بخيوط عمرها و عزمت على إحياءه .
LuJane Sep 2018
Everytime i closed my eyes i saw a Nebula.
A Purple that defined me

Purple, and You.
I saw rays of violet that hugged the faultless curves of your lips. I saw stars that danced on the tip of your perfectly carved nose. I saw forming planets hiding in the unruly curls of your hair.

Purple, me, and you.
I saw the magenta that danced in your eyes. I saw the mauve i stained your neck with. I saw the lavender I extracted from you.

Purple, and Us.
I saw the gravity of the nebula pulling together the clumps of dust and gas thrown out by the explosion of a dying star. I watched the star nursery and wondered if we are worth the collapse of the interstellar cloud. If We are the protostar.
A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space formed by the explosion of a dying star, such as a supernova. nebulae are regions where new stars are beginning to form.
LuJane Jun 2018
Theres a fire in my heart that my tears cannot put out

A scream my lungs cannot take and an ache my soul cant bear

So i allow for the rays of sun to shine in my sky. For a shining star cannot be seen without the illumination of the sun.
But theres a cold that mocks the borrowed warmth of my soul

A cavity that feeds on the hearts entrusted in mine

A void that augments and devours with every faltering heartbeat.

So i close my eyes and i hope for it to sleep.
For a rested host cannot feed its pests. A barren land cannot nourish a blooming woe.
  Jun 2018 LuJane
Malak S
If I grabbed you by the arms and yelled into your ear, about all the pain that swims in my veins, would you hold me close as I fall to the ground realizing I am not as strong as I think I am, or would you watch me dissolve until I become nothing, but air?
Would you count the scars that mark my body or would you help implicate them?
Would you wrap your gentle hands around my heart and stop the bleeding or would you suffocate it like you did my love?
Would you cry me a river or would you swim in my tears?
Would you sing along to every song we’ve ever loved or would you kiss every person your eyes laid on, hoping to forget what I tasted like?
Would you let me build up my walls, because I can’t bear to have you stab my chest or would you tear them down just to watch me grovel?
Would you or not, rather I bloom than diminish and decay, like a rose on a spring, sunny day?
Would you hold me, just for the night, because I can’t seem to let go of the memories that haunt me in your presence
I am actually embarrassed of how low quality my writing has become
There’s a bit of contradiction here and there and that’s cause of my feelings
LuJane Jun 2018
I play my favorite song and i grab my pen
I wanna empty my chaotic head

Words frisk around words. Thoughts scream to be heard. Memories weep to be replayed. Dreams stir to be noticed.

So many colors to choose from. So many blues, so many reds. Too much black and too much purple. But my page remains as white as snow.

The contradictions are embedded everywhere. I cannot tell where the storm is headed anymore. What is it that im feeling, and what is it that im forcing myself to feel?

I lean back and i let the lopsided waves of my head wash away all the pretty words i had summoned. And once again, i am left with incomplete sentences and empty words.
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