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Jan 2019 · 148
LaserHalo Jan 2019
Little one,
My beating heart,
When I look at you,
I am in awe.

Your light and your smile,
Brightens the darkest days,
Everything is worthwhile,
For once, for ever.

Oh! tiny flower,
You are joy,
You are love,
You are happiness.
Aug 2017 · 208
LaserHalo Aug 2017
I am,

I am,

I am,

I am,
Jul 2017 · 176
LaserHalo Jul 2017
Keep dreaming,
Until it realizes,
Until it materializes,

Keep repeating,
Till it's burned,
To the core,

Keep feeding,
Your feeble mind,
This pure vision,

Keep trying,
Until it works,
Until it shows,

Keep wishing,
For the ultimatum,
You know you have it,

Keep at it,
Be strange, but be bold,
You're almost there,

Keep it up,
This insistent urge,
To be found,

Keep working,
Can't you see it?
It's right in front of you.
May 2017 · 345
Pioneer puppet
LaserHalo May 2017
Better be a pioneer,
Than a puppet,
To ignore is ideal,
Protecting your vision,
Better be a spectator,
Than a speculator,
To rather look,
Than speak at all,
Better be an unknown,
Than a universal,
To not be known,
An art in itself,
Better be a nobody,
Than a narcissist,
To soar where nobody knows,
Better to be free,
Than found.
To find yourself,
To achieve the ultimate sophistication.
Mar 2017 · 243
Infinite possibilities
LaserHalo Mar 2017
It is utter stupidity,
This price I yearn for,
My soul, can't seem to rest,

It loses, even itself,
This journey of madness,
How am I to choose,

My place here, i know,
Chances, opportunities,
Of infinite possibilities,
Rest at my doorstep,

It is so close,
I can smell its breath,
How can I embrace,
Such deadly disgrace?
Feb 2017 · 780
Blind, mute, lies & deceit
LaserHalo Feb 2017
It is time now, once again,
            Further I go in,
Where many roads,
            May lead ahead,
To a point, I've been before,
            What treachery, am I to learn?
This time around, from,
            The blind and the mute,

Unimaginable fear and useless skills,
            Unnecessary morality,
I surrender to you,
            Oh blind one, oh! great mute,
Make me a habitual creature,
            Make me a diligent follower,
And I shall track you,
            To the depth of lies,
To the makers of deceit.
LaserHalo Jan 2017
Let it be said,
Let the silence be broken,
Let the rage emit,
With your golden voice,

Let it be echoed,
Through and through,
Let it enlighten,
The weakest of them,
With your hunger for flesh,

Do as you will,
I am as the trees,
And the mountains,
Forever rooted,
Forever stuck,

My heart to nature,
My soul to freedom,
My body to oceans,
And my mind to oblivion.
Am i a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy?
Jan 2017 · 196
LaserHalo Jan 2017
I give in, i lost,
Let me admit,
My defeat here,

The mystery, it seems,
you can't fathom,
Morality has won,

Now, I rest my head,
And close my eyes,
For the burden that I carry,
Is now wiped away from my mind.
Dec 2016 · 240
Silent Revolution
LaserHalo Dec 2016
My silent revolution,
Vanishing like smoke,
Into the air, into oblivion,
Is everyone deaf?
Are you all blind?

Let the wisdom bearers be pitiful,
May them be, ever so patient,
How is this possible?
Is the worlds illusion far better,
Than what my eyes see?,

No matter, no reason,
You have chosen,
Your path of doom,
And the darkness you face,
Shall consume you fully.
Dec 2016 · 262
LaserHalo Dec 2016
All your life,
You have been asleep,
Learning, absorbing,
Rehearsing and observing,
Amongst a slumber of fools,

Do you know?
The wakeful hour is upon us,
That, you are welcome,
Into the house of education,
To feel the claws of wisdom,

Look up child,
Be amongst them,
You are free, to feel,
The sun in your eyes,
Do not let fear rule you,

Only virtue is necessary,
For the house of the lord,
Grants you passageway,
Acknowledge, simply believe,
Become who you are meant to be.
Dec 2016 · 385
A Dream
LaserHalo Dec 2016
I saw a dream last night,
I was looking through a fence,
That leads to the realm of answers,
I had waited for a fools embrace,
Regardless of any blind disgrace,

I saw darkness on the other side,
I saw visions of decaying thoughts,
And masterminded misery,
I saw the person in-charge,
Ruling the realm with relentless bravery,
The answers flew all around,
Yearning for their escape,

And here i stand, outside,
Gazing at the eyes of the lord,
The lord of the realm,
The realm of answers,
Only to find,
He seems all too familiar,
It is, as s if I've known him all my life,
And then it hit me,
Deep inside my minds eye,
There he was,
All the while,
It was only me,
I was only looking, at myself,

And slowly everything calms,
My mind lets go of all the alarms,
I found peace,
I found solitude,
I found, myself.
Dec 2016 · 205
LaserHalo Dec 2016
Hate me,
Envy me,
Love me,
Pity me,

My true self,
Everyone hates,

I am trapped,
Am I delusional?
L isten. Read between the lines.
O nly looking, is not believing,
S ecrets are meant to be hidden,
T o the self, most of all,

    If I am insane,
    If that is your verdict,
    I find myself truly wondering
    What do you make of others?

    Consider me a ghost,
    I will pass through walls,
    In my mind, I am invisible,
    Formless, bound to havoc,

    Now it's time, once again,
    To go back into the cave,
    Till this bizzare outcome,
    Comes to an end.
Saints, sinners, right, wrong, happiness, anger, love and hate.

Do you even know the difference?
Dec 2016 · 212
LaserHalo Dec 2016
And what of it?
What do you seek?
My brother,
My mentor,

Your mind is not yours,
It is poisoned,
It is ruined,
It is lost,

Stop this chasing,
Stop at once,
You know not,
what you have done.
Dec 2016 · 220
LaserHalo Dec 2016
It is oozing out of me,
This passion for lust,
For creation,
For a beautiful display,

I cannot stop,
No matter,
Nor consequence,
My will is ever strong,

With your resonance,
It is simply enough,
For this fire,
To burn forever.
Dec 2016 · 172
Her thoughts are her own
LaserHalo Dec 2016
This temptation, this denial,
The shame, the unworthiness,
She cannot fathom anymore,

Her thoughts are jumbled,
Confused, immaculate perception,
She cannot deal with,
No, she cannot, not anymore,

Is there nowhere,
Is there no heart,
To harbor her burden?
Dec 2016 · 206
LaserHalo Dec 2016
You amuse me,
Where have you been?
Hiding for so long,

It is you, lady flea, who,
Dazzle me to the core,
Your forest like spirit,
Guides me to the lore,

Your magnificent mind,
Of mathematical proportions,
I am at your disposal,
Line me up, direct me a box,

This circular connection,
Looping again and again,
Into infinity, into nothingness,
Into the vast unknown.
Dec 2016 · 189
LaserHalo Dec 2016
Look away,
I cannot see,
Your faces anymore,

I cannot think,
Nor hear the cries,
In through my deaf ears,

I don't have the answers,
My mind is riddled,
My body, weak,

I cannot be responsible,
For any action,
That denied my creation,

A fool I am,
I must admit,
Thrice the charm,

This is it, this is home,
There is no end,
To this tragic flow.
Dec 2016 · 182
Child wanderer
LaserHalo Dec 2016
Leave us now,
So that you may come back,
Like the phoenix,
Born again within ashes,

So that you may,
Become better,
And find your will,
To have a path,

My brother,
Once again,
But come back you must,
As I've always remembered,
You child wanderer,

You carried your strength,
In grace, compassionately,
You, the bold and soulful,
Binding our world,
That held at arms length,

So, please come back,
Make us new, like before,
Give us relief, o' young one,
Let us all, rejoice once again.
Dec 2016 · 161
Mindful pleasure
LaserHalo Dec 2016
It was never,
Even better,
That it had,
never been,

These times,
Mindful pleasure,
I will treasure,
To my last breath.

It's okay,
Cruelty is necessary,
My worthy adversary,
I am letting go,

Mind over matter.
Nov 2016 · 179
Wall clocks of time
LaserHalo Nov 2016
Yes you!,
I call you forward,
Can you hear?

Why did you neglect?
Why did you abandon?
Why do you flee?
What do you fear?

If logic is your friend,
And confusion, your enemy,
Then how come you've fallen,
Into a trap, far worse,

Than that of,
All of these phonies,
And all the disloyal fathers,
And the unwell mothers,

you have miserably failed,
You have successfully,
Disappointed the wall clocks of time.
Nov 2016 · 191
LaserHalo Nov 2016
Can your hear?
Death is near,
It is her,
In your ear.
Nov 2016 · 480
LaserHalo Nov 2016
I had a moment in the sun,
Sort of like an epiphany,
A golden bridge laid ahead,
Our future awaits.

It was a cleanse of the mind,
And now I am aligned,

The universe speaks,
It teases, it shows,
It leaks, it oozes,
Invisible love.

Follow it,
Let the guidance,
Take you over,
Let it be natural,
Like the flow of water.
John Paul Sartre, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Democratus, Carl Sagan, Ernest Hemingway, Stanley Kubrick, Woody Allen, Billy Wilder, Francois Truffaut, Jean-luc Godard, Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Tarkovsky, Akira Kurosawa, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Emir Kusturica, Quentin Tarantino, Ciro Guerra, Alejandro Innarittu Gonzalez, Bela Tarr, Ridley Scott, Christopher Nolan, David Fincher, David lynch, Darren Arronofsky, Jean Pierre Jeunet, Martin Scorsese, Robert Altman, Sergei Eisenstein, Dziga Vertov, Godfrey Reggio, Ron Frick, Salvador Dali, Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Jean Giraud (Moebius), Killian Eng, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, J. M. W Turner, John William Waterhouse, Kandinsky, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michaelangelo, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Camille saint saens, Tchaikovsky, Johan Sebastian Bach, Ennio Morricone, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Simone de Beauvoir.
Nov 2016 · 185
LaserHalo Nov 2016
Is this delusion?,
Is this real?
Is Mother Earth Speaking?

All the trees and leaves,
All the rocks and the oceans,
They seem to know me,
They seem to guide me.
They are singing,
They are crying,
They are dancing,

Polished thoughts,
Sharper edge,
It's faster and slower,
Darker and lighter,
I ventured in,
I looked, deep within,
It is perched underneath,
Buried in the eye,
Is hate present?
When love is around,
Is your life worth,
When death is at your door?
Nov 2016 · 197
My unwilling self
LaserHalo Nov 2016
Began a chapter,
My unwilling self,

For so long,
You have been kept,
And now, I release you,

But do not stray, a far,
Your wings, aren't mighty,
Like another's, steady your will,
It is the self. Not the body,
Be virtuous, be loving,
Be the hero, be the villain,
Be the best and the worst,
After all, in the end,
None of it, matters at all.

Good and bad,
Right and wrong,
North and south,
Black and white,

So fly now, my child,
Soar in the air,
Go forth, o! keen one,
Glide into the clouds,

Witness the world,
The bittersweet journey,
Go out of the cave,
And embrace the sun.
Is being sick bad?
Nov 2016 · 236
House of death
LaserHalo Nov 2016
All hail the suicidal gecko!
We do not need your help,
We are one and the same,
We are immortal, everlasting and free.

Are you ready?
To replace his holiness,
To personify greatness,
To honor the name,
And the / Throne of the Lizard king

Come neatly,
Arise smoothly,
We await your arrival,
You are welcome,
In to the house of death.
Nov 2016 · 195
Forever in heaven
LaserHalo Nov 2016
And what of my mind,
Is there no escape,
Am I forever caged?

These thoughts,
Tiny jolts of inspiration,
Am I?, Forever trapped?

Orbiting in an,
Infinite loop,

Maybe it is just like,
The old man said,
Hell is here,
And heaven,
Is really only,
In our minds.
Oct 2016 · 371
Infinite odyssey
LaserHalo Oct 2016
Her mind,        
               Draped in thoughts,
An infinite odyssey,        
               Of everlasting bliss.
A goddess maybe,
               A Muse definitely.
Sep 2016 · 183
LaserHalo Sep 2016
I am stuck,
      In the middle of a maze,
      There are no exits,
How did I even,
      Find my way here?

If you help me,
      you are trapped,
My life for yours,
      In exchange for confusion.

All I can give in return,
      When I have nothing,
Is wisdom and knowledge,
      My friend,

But, Keep in mind,
       That it is of no use,
To you,
       Or anyone else.
Sep 2016 · 165
LaserHalo Sep 2016
Hear me,
I am the voice,
Guiding you,
Back to basic,

The earth,
Speaks through me,
The trees and the rocks,
They side with me,

Dancing the cosmic dance,
Are you the real you?
Look and you may find,
Grasp and you shall know,

Through the looking glass,
Your soul, staring back,
Trapped, desolate and weak,
That is you, the unreal you.
Sep 2016 · 187
LaserHalo Sep 2016
When does it end?
This confusion,
This suffering,
This illusion,
This complication.

Is it our fault?
Your helplessness,
Your irritations,
Your hopelessness,
Your destruction.

What do you need?
An eternal high,
A life full of misery,
An instant death,
Or a kingdom to run?
Aug 2016 · 478
Blind, deaf and lost.
LaserHalo Aug 2016
Now, I feel trapped,
Disappointed & defeated.
So Farewell,
We will meet again,
If not sooner than later.

I will not hear the music,
Like I have heard before,
I will not see things,
Like I have seen, not anymore,

Let me follow morality,
With my eyes closed,
And my ears deafened.
So that I may be counted,
As one of you.
Jul 2016 · 393
To Alma
LaserHalo Jul 2016
My soul allied,
My journey began.
Wisdom found me.
Madness made sense again.
The void left me.
I am now, whole.
Because of you.

Because of you,
      I am now,
         Not pretending.
         Nor descending.
         Not anymore.
Because of you.

Because of you,
I am hope.
        Adventurous and wandering.
I am wisdom.
        Seeking the universal truth.
I am eternity.
        Immortal and free.
- What if the concept of souls is a figment of our imagination?
Jul 2016 · 190
LaserHalo Jul 2016
An idea,
Slowly into my mind,

A poem,
Dedicated to you,

A painting,
Made to your likeness,

A story,
Structured for you,

A documentary,
As real as life,

A movie,
The best your eyes can see,

About a muse,
I do not love,
But I need,
Because she inspires,
The greatest in me.
Jul 2016 · 449
Anatomy of the mind
LaserHalo Jul 2016
All around.
When focus,
Is all I need.

Seeks guidance,
From me.

I see,
Drifting further away.

My life,
Passing by,
In front of me.

I remember,
Although not many.

The mental imprint,
Of the greatest
And the worst.

I see,
My greatest tragedies,
In absolute truth.

I see,
My greatest triumphs,
In ultimate simplicity.

My life,

Destiny is made,
When you master,
Not the exterior.




Believe In yourself.
Nurture the garden,
That is your mind.
May 2016 · 236
LaserHalo May 2016
Avert your eyes,
Muffle your ears,
Refrain from listening,
For wisdom,
Both useless and discarded.

Dont turn around.
There is no answer,
Only confusion,
And misery.
Only illusions,
And mystery.
Only suffering,
And death.
Whatever may go wrong, will go wrong -  Murphy's law
Nov 2015 · 836
Neither here, nor there.
LaserHalo Nov 2015
I am not a winner,
Nor a failure,
I am neither a hypocrite,
Or a believer,
I am not a follower,
Nor a leader,
I am not a visionary,
Nor a prodigy,
I am neither normal,
Nor weird,
I am not a victim,
Nor a survivor,
I am not you,
And you certainly aren't i.
I am always,
In between,
Simply looking in,
From an exterior view,
With an analog mind,
In an automated world.
LaserHalo Oct 2015
I am joy,
Purpose fulfilling, mind easing
I am sadness,
Poisoning minds, life taking

I am only man,
Straight faced, loyal
I am only woman,
Greed invested, legs open

I am a poet,
Misery filled, ugly perception
I am a muse,
Heaven sent, bursting inspiration
Sep 2015 · 298
LaserHalo Sep 2015
Who am i?
Aside from the obvious,
That is my name.

What am i?
Form, shape and flesh,
All combined.

What is my purpose?
To look for the beyond,
With righteousness, prayer,
and then salvation?

What then?
Eternal life,
Eternal pleasure,
Eternal everything?
Sep 2015 · 276
LaserHalo Sep 2015
I am certain all of you left a mark,
For us to discover,
Somewhere between the lines,
For us to uncover,
Let the decrypting begin,
All the books, all the music,
All the paintings and the films.

I am sure there is something,
Perched beneath,
There is something to see,
If we look underneath,
In plain sight,
For all eyes to see,
In day light,
For all minds to perceive.
Look and you may find.
Grasp and you shall know.
Aug 2015 · 357
Fool's errand.
LaserHalo Aug 2015
My wisdom,
In your view,
A fool's errand.

My words,
Sharp like daggers,
Pierce right through you.

Hear me,
Not with deaf ears,
But with open arms.

I only wish,
A world of bliss,
Still, with infinite possibilities.
Aug 2015 · 242
LaserHalo Aug 2015
I am silence,
You are roaring.

In my mind,
You are floating.

I am quiet,
You are chaos.

In my dreams,
You are pathos.

I am always,
You are never.

In my thoughts,
You are, forever.
Jul 2015 · 340
LaserHalo Jul 2015
Only she still was,
Like i had known before,
Without a doubt,
a bonafide *****.
Jul 2015 · 272
LaserHalo Jul 2015
Come at me,
With all your might,
With all you've got,
If you think you're all that.

I will bestow upon you,
Not violence,
nor harsh words,
I will do nothing.

I will just be,
Like the trees,
And the leaves,
I am of no value,
And as are you.
Free yourself, from yourself.
Jul 2015 · 281
LaserHalo Jul 2015
I have forgotten who i am,
That we are nothing but paintings,
Fit inside golden frames,
And nothing is as it seems,
Yet, we choose to speculate,
When we should spectate,

If i could say what i have seen,
You'd be very surprised,
Even more so, confused,
The vast horizons, you can delve into,
The beauty and the horror i saw,
It is the true nature of the world,
It is the very essence of truth.

Now that it is clear,
what is intended, i know,
It is simply the easiest,
Of all things to do,
But only the bravest,
Are burdened by these trials,
Cause the world is not only blind,
All the deaf ears are eavesdropping too.
be a spectator, rather than a speculator.
Jun 2015 · 413
LaserHalo Jun 2015
I hate you none,
He who despises me,
Full of jealousy,
I hold no grudges,
What right have you?
To pass judgement,
I forgive you,
But forget i shall not,
It's the only wisdom,
My virtue holds.
May 2015 · 294
In Dreams
LaserHalo May 2015
In dreams
     i am respected,
In dreams
     i am honoured,
what then is preventing me,
     from never waking up?
Apr 2015 · 371
A dot
LaserHalo Apr 2015
It seems that i find it now,
All things are mere shadows,
A copy of a copy,
Destined to make you follow,
Like ants, slaving away,
To their grand *****.

One can wonder though?
The mysteries that surround,
Of finding out the universal truth,
When The world we know and love,
Is nothing but a dot,
A tiny speckle,
Inside an infinity room.
Apr 2015 · 339
Armed with ideology
LaserHalo Apr 2015
Late in the afternoon,
The Sun blazed fiery,
I was strolling along the harbor,
Where a man stopped me,

My eyes watery, my mind at ease
Where do you go young man?
"...", the young man says nothing
I have no reason to speak,
For the world is unclean,
Where men, **** other men,
For the strangest reasons,

I knew this old man had seen it,
A time where compassion was heeded,
And people laugh with people,
And not at them.
A face will never lie,
And his, was plain but battered.
That wrinkled face, those pale black eyes,
They've seen a lot.

I carried on my way,
Armed with ideology,
And a will of a thousand men,
No worlds rest on my shoulder anymore,
For the world is weightless for me now,
When i knew hatred took it over,
I knew i had to do something.

I weep, for the lack of understanding,
It is not only us that are around,
Even the rocks are living,
And trees can feel emotions
Is it so crazy to believe this?
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