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 Oct 2018 Lakelifelover
Make it stop
Let all this end
I can't take it anymore

I'm walking these halls
Filled with people but no one sees
No one sees the beat up kid

Except them who take advantage of them
There faces smile at the pain
As we barely get through another day

So I'm standing on the edge ready to fall
They loaded the gun now look at them all
Will they ever notice we are gone

Why must they shame us
Beaten and break us
must they take everything away

So he lays down blood pooling on the ground
That person you thought looked fine
Whos mother hurt him every night

Is thinking I'm standing on the edge ready to fall
They loaded the gun now look at them all
Will they ever notice we are gone  standing on the edge ready to fall

She waits at the bus stop all alone
She's a beautiful girl who's got it all
Has scars on her back from all the lies

And she's saying I'm standing on the edge ready to fall
They loaded the gun now look at them all
Will they ever notice I am are gone

Another **** day goes by
Everlasting purgatory in a hell life
Just take all my pain away
I can't beat my demons anyway

They walk down these halls
Broken windows scarred walls
Becoming puppets on a string
Just come and end me

Here I am sitting on this edge

You are a waste of air

Thinking of days

They will never care about you

Tears running down my face

Get out of my house never come back

I'm standing up no going back

Ugly stupid unlovable

Goodbye world

Broken scared alone

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you
This is a song I wrote for a anti suicide competition never let them be alone in this world
 Aug 2018 Lakelifelover
 Aug 2018 Lakelifelover
The day I saw your eyes
Was the day I almost died
My slow icy heart
Was melted by your eyes

We wrote our story's on our hearts
But we ran out of room
They say reach for the stars
That's what we do

So when your lost
When your faith fades
I'll write to you
A message in the stars

I'll paint the sky black
Just for you to see
The light from me
I'll write in the stars

A message from me to you
To help you get through
The pain you knew
All to well

So when your lost look to the sky
I'll paint it black just to see your eyes
So look for my message in the sky
I'll rewrite the stars all for you

So when we are lost in a storm
When we are losing the war….
I'll rewrite the stars for you
I'll storm the castle
  take the bullets
Run into the flames
All for you

You know that it's all true cause
The day I saw your eyes
Was the day I almost died
You made me learn I wasn't alone anymore

So I'll paint the sky black
Just for you to see
A light from me to you
Cause I know what we are is true

So we wrote our story on our hearts
We wrote the pain and happiness
Because it was you
I ran out of room
I can't say I love you
Cause the words don't make it true

So I'll paint the sky black
Just for you
If I could take all your pain I would
So I hope tonight you see this
Message in the stars
The tales of our hearts
Once written in our scars
Now painted in the stars
 Aug 2018 Lakelifelover
 Aug 2018 Lakelifelover
Why am I like this
Left bleeding on the floor
Does anyone care anymore
Left fighting in this war
I'm not sure I can make it anymore
The fear consuming
Darkness looming
Why am I always losing
I'm not sure I can keep on fighting
I can't keep the flames from lighting
I'm alone again I'm bleeding on the floor
Am I even worth it?
I'm not anything amazing
My world is just caving
Ropes breaking
Am I even Living?
People keep leaving
Taking pieces of me
And throwing them out
Am I even breathing?
I've been left bleeding
After all of the beating
My hope is breaking
Is anyone out there
Can anyone hear me
If you can don't leave me in the dark
Its starting to leave a mark
I wrote this awhile ago I'm so sorry if it triggers anyone
 Aug 2018 Lakelifelover
Rivers flowing from our eyes
Every piece of our love dies
And you don't even try
The days of lies from you
The pain you put me through
And the love I once knew
Yeah right
You were lying and cheating
Breaking and beating
Every piece of me
The hope that I stored away
You just took and threw away
Just like all the things you used to say
So get out and pack your bags
Cause I won't be locked away
Your no longer here to stay
No matter what you say
Your to busy lying and cheating
Breaking and beating every piece of me
You wear this mask into
My castle of glass
They say you have a heart of gold
but that sayings to old
So take your stuff out of my heart
your not here to stay
I don't care what you say
You never loved me anyway
So get out of my way
I don't need you here anyway
 Aug 2018 Lakelifelover
So you say I've changed
That they want the old me back
The happy cheery kind girl
Go check the grave she's in
She died when you left her all alone
How can you use that tone
Making me the monster
Where were you when she was beaten up all alone
where were you when she was getting humiliated
You called her a friend saying I'll never leave you
Now look what you've done
You don't like the person I've become
She ain't coming back
This is me and if you can't handle that
Look in the mirror
See that shadow behind you
You killed her
That girl
The innocent from you made go to parties
The one who you dragged along just to leave her alone,
So who are you going to **** next
Who else are you going to leave bleeding
Who else are you going to let your boyfriend beat up and call them names
Who else
How many more lives before you accept that
You did this when you left me that day
We where sister's then nevermore
So if you don't like who I am
Go look in the mirror
Go see the person who pushed me
Who made me this
 Aug 2018 Lakelifelover
I've seen the fire
It burns in her eyes
I hope it never leaves
She is a hope I never see
She's been lost for a long time
But I still get lost in her eyes
The flames that burn in her eyes
Have melted my ice to many times
But I hope it never dies
Cause she's the hope in my eyes
The hope that will never die
She has helped me she the sky
And makes sure my fire never dies
Until I touch the sky
And one last time see the light in her eyes
And I know it will never die
Cause I love her to the day I die
Till the smoak covers my eyes
And i've lost her for a long time
But I'll see her again when I touch the sky
So the day I die I'll see you again in the sky
The beautiful fire in your eyes
That makes me feel alive
So I'll be here till the day I die
And I'll see you some time

— The End —