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LJ Chaplin Feb 2014
I have unravelled,
Leave me be and shut the door,
I'm done with this place.
Just... I give up.
LJ Chaplin Feb 2014
A good friend told me he didn't know what to write. He wanted to, but he didn't have the motive or inspiration to carry it through.
This one is for you.

When you write, don't act on the impulse purely because you want to,
You have to feel what you write,
Right down to every last gruelling piece of punctuation.
And I don't mean write as soon as you feel a connection,
You have to truly believe in what you write,
Like every single molecule in your body is screaming
At you,
Telling you to be beautiful in the words you choose.
Harness your emotions,
If you feel euphoric and happy,
Capture it,
If you are feeling angry or there is sadness inside of you,
Purge it, let it flow and then read it back and you'll see how much
You have released in a short space of time.
Don't be afraid of what you write,
Be bold,
Be fearless,
Don't be scared of what people might think
If you let them see it,
Don't shy away from any details that you might want to include,
Nobody judges a writer.
Add what you want,
It is your recipe for creativity and you are in control of the final product.

Write what you feel and feel what you write.
For Josh, another creative soul who I am thankful to know. Don't stop writing buddy.
LJ Chaplin Feb 2014
A thousand times I tried to say
I'm walking away from you,
Forget the clichés and the games that you play,
There's only room for one fool.
Pour gasoline,
And strike up the match,
Burn all your bridges
And breathe in the ash,
There will be no phoenix
Between you and I,
Once it's all gone
Our connections will die.
You drop the sword
And I'll hold the shield,
It's all make-believe
Prophecies unfulfilled,
Your love for me was cavalier,
Unreachable like Space,
Maturity was never your forte
And one day you'll be put into place.
LJ Chaplin Feb 2014
This one is for the girl who was told she had a "fat ***",
This one is for the guy who was told he needed to build muscle because he is a "scrawny *******",

All the guys and the girls who society doesn't love,
And let them hear your presence.

We will no longer sit at the table alone,
We will no longer watch the popular group
Belittle people's clothes and their looks,
We will no longer be the 'undesirables'.

I love your hair,
I love the skin you're in,
I love the eccentric and bold clothing you wear
Because you're being yourself,
I don't care who you are or where you're from,
I don't care what sexuality you are or your ethnical background,
I do care about your happiness though,
I want you to wake up in the morning and not give a **** what people will say,
I want you to look in the mirror and smile because you haven't changed for everyone else,
I want you to inhale as deeply as you possibly can because you are strong enough to survive the night when you were nearly ready to surrender.

Nous sommes les undésirables.
Nous sommes la nouvelle révolution. .
LJ Chaplin Jan 2014
Verse One
A simple complication
Shapes the way we see ourselves,
A fatal disconnection,
To be just like everyone else,
Find the spark in your heart
And let out the flames,
Kiss the scars on your arms,
You were never to blame,
Turn on the lights in your mind
And throw out the dark,
You were never made to break this way,
Trauma never fades to grey

Paint with watercolours from your tears,
A prism you made from your fear,
Chase the spectrum and touch the light,
Crystal clear and it shines through the glass
Of your heavy soul,
You want to be whole,
Fill the cracks in the flaws only you can see,
Perfection isn't what it seems to be.

Verse Two
A desperate resignation,
Starve your body from the hate,
A fatal designation,
Purging pain until it's too late,
Put the nightmares to bed,
And lock up the door,
The voices will cease to exist any more,
Kiss the scars on your thighs,
And fall in love with your skin,
You will never break again,
You are stronger than the strongest of them

Paint with watercolours from your tears,
A prism you made from your fear,
Chase the spectrum and touch the light,
Crystal clear and it shines through the glass
Of your heavy soul,
You want to be whole,
Fill the cracks in the flaws only you can see,
Perfection isn't what it seems to be.

Rainbow refractions of years to come,
Mirrors that show the person you've become,
Crystal reflections
Will show unique complexions
Of yourself,
Perfect the way you are,
You've put up a fight and you've come so far

Chorus** (x2)
Paint with watercolours from your tears,
A prism you made from your fear,
Chase the spectrum and touch the light,
Crystal clear and it shines through the glass,
Of your heavy soul,
You want to be whole,
Fill the cracks in the flaws only you can see,
Perfection isn't what it seems to be.
LJ Chaplin Jan 2014
Verse One
Rockstar wages
And a chevy impala attitude,
Pornstar secrets,
With a red light point of view,
But something has me going,
So controlling,
I need to get out of my head,
Can't stop hoping,
On the thought of living high instead,
And I said

Don't be scared to rest those shot glass shattered eyes,
Give ******* kisses to the boys and the girls who lied,
Don't tell me you're sober
Until it is over,
The tears won't dry on their own.

Verse Two
Las Vegas Luck
And I'll always be rolling the dice,
Wartime loss,
As I fight to surrender my life,
But something keeps me going,
With temptation to let go,
Keep on coping,
Roller coasting
Falling too fast and never want to go slow,
And I said

Don't be scared to rest those shot glass shattered eyes,
Give ******* kisses to the boys and the girls who lied,
Don't tell me you're sober
Until it is over,
The tears won't dry on their own.

Another shot,
Another chance,
To sort out life
And finish this dance,
If I can't be happy,
At least carry on
'Til the end of the song.

I picked up the pieces from my shot glass shattered eyes,
Gave out ******* kisses to the boys and the girls who lied,
I'm an unholy mess,
But I will try to impress
The devil when he comes to take away my soul,
And I'll say

Share the shot glass glances with the World outside,
Save the ******* kisses for the ride to Hell tonight
This song isn't over
Even if you are sober,
The tears won't be wasted on you
The tears won't be wasted on you.
LJ Chaplin Jan 2014
He talks to me,
In dreams,
When I wake up,
When I sit at the writing desk,
Quill in my hand.
He made me feel safe.
Who are you?
I am Hyde.
Why are you in my head?
To guide you. To help you. To love you.

He spoke to me everyday,
His deep and subtle voice lingering
In the back of my mind,
Never interrupting  when I spoke,
Never intervening in my actions.
I felt compelled to keep him close,
To drag him from the dark confines
Of my subconscious and let him
Perch behind my eyes so he could see what I see,
Behind my mouth so he could say what I say,
Behind my heart so he can live like I live.
We became one.

But one day he changed.
He grew stronger,
I felt his phantom presence
Fuse with my bones,
Wrapping his fingers around my ribcage,
Cutting off the air in my lungs.
It was suffocating,
Letting him take over me,
To overpower me.
I tried to send him back to Hell,
Back to the dark confines
That I so willingly and half-heartedly
Pulled him from,
But I was weak and I was foolish.

I felt the sinister urges boil beneath my skin,
Felt the need for destructive satisfaction with each pulse,
He didn't want to hurt people,
I did.

I gave myself to him,
And now I am his puppet.
A tragic love story between
A troubled body
And a chaotic mind.
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