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LJ Chaplin Sep 2013
I don't know what happened last night.
The world collapsed and I was left in the open,
An easy target for my demons to claim their place
Once again inside my hollow mind.

Like puppeteers they pulled the strings
On my inevitable urges,
A simple cut became a crevice
And it scared me
It really scared me.
It wouldn't stop and for a moment
I was scared it was the final curtain fall.
The invitation of death has always lingered
Like a phantom,
But I wasn't prepared yet to give up.
But in time everything stopped.

I am deeply sorry,
My apologies are deeper than the pain that I have inflicted upon myself.
I have given up once again
And I find myself struggling.
I never thought it could get any lower than this,
But I fear that this is the surface of what's yet to come.
**Please forgive me.
LJ Chaplin Sep 2013
I wonder what today will bring,
More stares from strangers as if I was dirt,
Scared of them finding out the pain beneath my shirt and jeans,
Forcing a smile and conversations with friends,
When in reality I can't wait to run out of the college gates
And isolate myself in my bedroom where I can write again.
Then tomorrow will be another process with an extra bit of pain,
An extra bit of doubt.
LJ Chaplin Sep 2013
Done with this sad world,
If you need me I'm in hell,
Still better than here.
Not even sorry with these poems. I need to vent. I need to bleed my thoughts into poetry otherwise that's it. Gone too long bottling it all up again.
LJ Chaplin Sep 2013
I have tried so hard to stay afloat,
But right now I could easily cave in
And let the waves push me down,
Let the current pull me to the bottom
Of the ocean and leave me there to die.

I am trying to keep myself alive to help
The ones I love the most from dying,
I can't bear the thought of losing them,
But in the process I am losing myself
Because I feel helpless and useless.
I fear that I can't do enough because I'm not strong
Enough to fight for them.
I feel like I have let everybody down.
But I'm not giving up yet.
LJ Chaplin Sep 2013
I know you'll survive,
I know you can still hold on,
Please don't give up yet
LJ Chaplin Sep 2013
I feel them,
Creeping beneath my skin,
Breaking down my resistance.
I am trying to pull away
But they are clawing me back,
Dragging me back to the top drawer
Where the skeletons encased in a little white box are waiting.

It seems to be a repetitive process,
No, a ritual
"I've been clean for four weeks, I can do this"
"I can't do this anymore. I can't cope."
"No, I've come this far, I can't give up now."
"**** it all."

It is a drug,
Injected into my veins and swirling around my brain,
Metallic nicotine

The worst part is, is that I have these urges because I can't even bare the smallest thought of sadness.
I can't even go through five minutes of brief heartache without wanting to throw it all away.
I don't even have a reason to feel this low,
I am weak and selfish.
LJ Chaplin Sep 2013
I bleed a thousand colours,
  I have a technicolour heart,
   And my dreams are far from black and white.
    The universe is painted with a million possibilities,
     We all live an esoteric existence,
      Our imagination isn't tangible,
        But we can live it through art.
         This is the start of a pop art generation,
          I am Warholian.
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