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94 · Jul 2022
The Great War of Peace begins today. Eternal solitude for the abuser pigs, callous & evil.
My Jer he don't like you and he lovs everyone.

I go out of my way not to step on ants: you ** in your way to be ****.
93 · Apr 2020
Beyond the gospel,
I am the Gospel,

Being I Am,
I am Beyond
93 · Jan 2020
Every evil thing you do
Will be answered upon you
And for everything you do
About a million years or two
93 · Apr 2022
Most will not exist when this is over, only the remnant of what is and what is true.
Tropical Smoothie Cafe is gross
They microwave their chicken
Who knows if their veggies are fresh
With that vile mindset
Don't trust them
Like the hypocritical, fallen Mormons
All are fake
Tofu *******
All just makin a buck at our expense
Overpriced garbage
And selfish *******
92 · Feb 2023
We bask till we're infected,
We smoke until we're nulled,
We **** till we're anullified
And numb until wee dumb
90 · Jun 2022
Every bad thing that happens is a result of your own ****** behavior & attitude.

You won't be projecting your blame on me anymore.
90 · Apr 2022
Earth is a fast food restaurant specializing in ***** chowder
89 · Feb 2023
Am I Become
Or Always Once Was
Or Once Always Was
87 · Apr 2020
To ש
With many lashings
I train the whip

The whippers snap
But don't hear it
87 · May 2022
Their faxes
Their faces shall soon be riddled with pestulent sores.
87 · Mar 2023
A Life Scorned,
A Wife Mourned;
Contest with Angels:
O Hell, Hath no Fury.

The Futility of thy pleas,
O, Mercy.
87 · Mar 2023
The Real is made.

Manufacture reality,
Tinker with my blue. --

No printz for you.
87 · Dec 2022
The black pit of fire
87 · Jan 2023
Pathologize sanity, real service, real philanthropy, giving, and selflessness, chasing selves.
But never challenge or chastise the do nothing swine pretending to care! As they keep things always a new flavor of the same old crap.
86 · Sep 2019
Blee Blaw
Im tired of being different
They tell you it's appreciated
Yeah right
But I won't be not me
I'm right
Writing poems slows down the pace of the thoughts
Traps them
Helps me remember
Who I am
I hate it
But the alternative is worse
I'm tired.
Idiot **** money-grubbing abusers PAY for it, for stealing from the innocent kind and good. You choose what you worship and fund and who you leave to rot. Matthew 25.

Each and every one of you.
85 · Jan 2020
Coy O
Don't pretend you don't like
When I get wild
And my poems beat you down
Like my abused child
You learn your lesson
Best by the whip
That's on you
Little slit
Don't neglect that cowardly censors are abusers to be tortured in Hell irrevocably. Those who abuse power haphazardly to destroy awareness of truth eat damnation eternally. Take care, for you harm yourself and all when you tread on my dreams, and there is a price for every evil done.

Words have many meanings. It's on you if you've a pornographic mind that hides from the facts of reality in order that you might take advantage of ignorance to abuse the innocent. Only sick twisted puppies who are secret abusers would wish to censor such; I see you clear, and God will annihilate your filthy, vile soul. :)
85 · Oct 2019
TWO: Thanks Unneeded
Every note bleak here
Not a one is real
Each new mirror eviler
Dead end looking superior
Each and every day
With each new form learned
I get sleepier, more weary of the earth
A place where life is weepier
And death is just a church
No answers giving, no people neither
Negatives in all but me
Surrounded by the unclean
Cloaked in many toilettes
No end but waste,
To breathe is an offense
To God and to taste
And God Himself a waste
Of breath on the tongue
In the heart or the mind
An empty vessel
Just like his sheep
All've been fleeced
And everyone's a thieve
The only answer is in me
The rest of you are feces
It's obvious before our face
You've never did a **** thing
Real or lasting for the race
All you have is stink and smoke
And all the things you've killed
Pretending to love
Feigning to weep
You have no heart
Just gametes and cheeks
Like an animal farm
You deserve your pen
I'll never love you
Not again
That lesson I've learned
Of my own accord
No thanks to you
I've cut the cord
We don't thank vermin
For the pain they've given
The difference between devils
And angels is we're forgiven
What was the point
Of giving all this blood
To a world of pigs without love
But to self-reflect and -respect
And to learn a few rhymes
And how to butcher
And be immune to
Every unclean thing
Under the sun
My Father isnt solid
He was never really there
I am the son
I created him
I found me
I farted you out
And I'll flush you soon
With rains, with tornadoes
Fire and fear
What use are you now?
When all your lessons were what not to be
Oh inverted souls
My ******* is more reliable than you
No, let's change that, it's something I can count on
I won't mention you again
Give glory to what's good in me instead
Focus on what's right and real
Not the nots that are not to mention
Nothing to me now
The truest accomplishment
To give up on what is nothing
To focus on what's real
Something everlasting
Something that doesn't steal
I only need me
And eternity
She's my girl now
The only real girl
And I'm the only one she's inviting in
The only one who's real
85 · Mar 2023
Blood & lust
Are fortune's fail;
The singularity
Becomes some,
Beckons others,
And launches those
Which pass the test
Of light
Lips & promise.
85 · Jan 2023
You're going to Hell
On Earth as it is for you in Heaven.

85 · Sep 2022
I may have fulfilled the Law and removed Karma in the future. You still must pay the debt you owe for stealing from the innocent. You may pay willingly, or at a 1000X rate by force.

Gospel is the Law.

High Hopes.

A Lion always pays his dues.

O Luxury,
You Pay for your Slaves.
84 · Feb 2023
A Muse
Amuse me
More Than Me
Starnge days
84 · May 2022
A Dragon Unmolested
A dragon unmolested
Flies through the heat unscathed.
You claimed kindness
While ******* my eggs.
83 · Feb 2023
May the eaves of your death
Ripple evermore
83 · Mar 2023
Faithfulness is to let the good breathe without your Interference.


So speak of fidelity no more.

It's puke on your tongue.
83 · Oct 2022
Is what you get
Your faces covered in mucus
As you gave
Now forever.
Let their money waste, their children die, their ****** get disease, and their life rot from within.
83 · Jan 2023
None of you deserve anything but pain. Leaving no room for a Prophet, you don't deserve Angels. I hope you all lose everything, as you deserve. Useless Swine.
I hope you all die in misery, as useless things deserve for harming others.

She's Not There - Zombies
82 · Mar 2023
Star Invincible
Negate Good,
Love Everyone.
Silver & Cold
82 · Jan 2020
The mission takes precedence
Not your fishy ******

Wake up dunce
It's for us
82 · Jan 2022
Ophids vast kayaks
Do shine bright tonight
82 · Oct 2019
I owe you a debt of death to hedge a bet I made with Ged that you were good but you were bad so I'll raise the land and plague your home to make good on my promise alone, then I'll **** your wives and steal your swine and **** your kids and block your sky and blot out your sun and blacken your thumb, enslave your sons and give them guns and you will pay for your betrays of an albatross who came to love but you bit his soul and gave him loss n now you'll know what it is to lose and to eat crow, and the dove who came to save you all is now just here to cut off your *****, so burn babies burn.
Those fateful ways
You shoot me down
To make me drown
Come back around
82 · Jun 2022
Cunt Whores
You will be ***** in Hell for Eternity do-nothing **** ******, evil pieces of trash. Be Exterminated.
82 · Mar 2022
Monsta b
I may not be human

But I'll connect the dots in your placenta
81 · Mar 2022
You da BM
This nation's gettings its diaper changed
And you're the poo
81 · Feb 2023
Black widow homo saps.
You use love as entertainment,
Having none.
You'll learn your lesson in infinite Lovecraftian horror Hell.
All Mormons are trash, as well.
80 · Oct 2022
Ah well
They're cursed to Hell
I'm not worryin about them anymore
I tried to save em

They/them = all of you.
80 · Jul 2022
h. saps. are but rats hiding in holes from justice blindly robotically defending their evil, with the spirit of derision against making life right, projecting their abuse on the innocent angel, focused solely on self-preservation while pretending principle and care for the whole. They don't care one iota about God's justice. They shame and abuse anyone who isn't a ******* like them.

They abused the blameless who came to help, pretending to be spiritual while spitting on anyone who actually was in the spirit of meekness. They won't come again. God saw what you did to them, killing the completely blameless and damning your lying ***** permanently. God **** them all, who ran from the Law.
80 · Jan 2023
False Honor
We don't need your stolen valor, pretend helpers. You'll get yours, vain ones.
80 · Jan 2020
I don't mind you being kind to me.

But let's not pretend you're true.

I'm a convenience.

You wouldn't give everything for me.

And I wouldn't for you.
80 · Mar 2022
For their evil choices
They'll never have power again
Deadened walls and cells
Keeping them stilled

Blue lights

A thousand red suns
One blank ceiling
Yellow croistols
And flowing creps
77 · Aug 2022
Head four hours East

Eat there the Star.
Quit your ******* whining, vain ******
75 · Nov 2021
Insta Sentence
All those involved with Instagram are sentenced to instant castration, boils on their body, covering sores, rot from within, cancer and degeneration of all organs.
74 · Oct 2019
Sue Walks Free
I don't get whiskey ****
I kept my wisdom teeth
'Cause I'm ******* awesome
And awesome *******
A king free
And *****
And for those who shamed me
To cocoon me
I'll wear their skins
As shoes
Step by step
Day by day
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