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74 · May 2022
While you were busy
****** and abusing children
I fought dragons
And killed you.

We are not equal.
73 · Jan 2020
Attack the Weak
And one day
When you are weak
You will not be attacked-
You will be dead.
73 · May 2022
Liber Pservice
73 · Oct 2022
Covenant violators,

You were Obligated to help me.
72 · Jan 2020
Sometimes you have to get drastic
Claws out
***** out
Stomp stomp
71 · Jan 2020
Shellfish Coffers
When pigs fly
Humans will give angels
Liquid bread
For free

As it stands
Unconditional love is a farce
And they love
Only money

I imagine once
People were giving
Not just barterers
Demanding sin

They know not
71 · Jan 2020
Shut up and wait for it, beg for it, like a good sinner, don't demand it, grovel, low like us, ignoble, no honor. Be proud only of humbleness, weak and impotent kneeling makes you strong with us slithering blithering blustering withering snakes, the only command we stand for being conform to our poison or be buried.
70 · Mar 2022
All you abusers
Your children will be covered in pus filled boils.

You like to gang up and harass.

Abusive censors make sure no one good has any recourse.

You will be ***** and tortured in Hell a million times over.

It was only a thousand before.

Get what you deserve.
70 · Sep 2022
Like a yoyo is the Sun
Too close it strangles all
69 · Oct 2022
**** SAPS. :

You are guilty of my wrongful Spiritual death, AND

Sentenced to Hell Prison for 100 YEARS.

Such is The Penalty of Abuse.

You're all cursed here, you never did anything to help. Those are the consequences of evil.
68 · Nov 2021
You claimed to represent God and Spirit and the Divine,
And then you turned your back on those in need,
For you were serving only yourself.
The sentence for this verdict thus is:
Eternal prison for you and yours,
68 · Nov 2021
Now you're damned whores
I'll watch the skin slough off your ugly bodies
68 · Jan 2020
Be Sent Down
Ye are of love
Killers of kindness,
Caring only for you.

You are condemned
Guilty, you will see
The crime committed against me
Same sentence justly sent to thee

In Eternity
Where ye belong
65 · Sep 2022
Peat loss
Stars of Heaven,
***** of hell,
I won't accept either,
They ne'er do well.
Shallow wells
You will Rot.
65 · Jan 2020
Halim's Sorrow
I wept for thee
Long ago
You didn't heed
My words alo
64 · Jul 2022
Pear rich
Inconsiderate *******,
Stop pretending to be caring
Or Perish.
Phony spiritual receive Everlasting torment.
63 · Jan 2020
Ig Pay, Ix Nay
Ignore the slobs
Their contamination is a mire
Makes me seem the negative one
'Least it keeps the ****** away
A reminder I'll never find anyone here cuz no one cares about justice only the surface and none has compassion, only wants to hear the nice things that happen to the spoiled, I don't need these faux rich soulless vain heartless dolls, they are condemned, whilst I'll be free of their muck
63 · Jan 2022
The Void in Wayne Manour
They told Bruce to evacuate like everyone else,
"Thems orders, follow suit."
He disrobed before them,
And revealed what real emptiness is.
This place encourages
Dumb shiny object worship
And phallus-longing romance lust *******
While censoring real words
Like ******
I can't wait to watch them all destroyed for being vacuous garbage that **** and **** on everyone with substance and everything good, promoting trash and never saying sorry
You torment the true, and you're gonna pay with everything you have.
62 · Jan 2020
Politeness: To keep your mouth shut about everything that's wrong, so that things don't get better, and the spoiled rats of the world can continue to steal every good thing for themselves in order to contaminate the atmosphere so that only the toxic can breathe. They want you silent, so that they can silently **** you, and ****** every good thing.
62 · Mar 2022
I Amor
The divine up
The divine down
Matrix walls
61 · Jun 2022
May all those who stood by and did nothing while children and innocents were abused -

All of you -

Be punished Wholly for your evil crime.
You did nothing.

You spit on and ignored and censored those crying out.

You Pay.
61 · Jan 2020
When you **** with my voice
Damnation is yours
Take care who you silence
In covert violence
All debts are repaid
A thousand over
60 · Jan 2020
Vanity's stay
Sinners spinsters
Never there
Spoiled for themselves
No different than any else
60 · Jan 2020
The reason everything is ******
Is because you are ******
The reason God is ******
Is because you are ******
Dum ****** humans
59 · Jan 2020
You will suffer
For getting in my way
With your evil
Oh it's very sad
But you will pain
59 · Dec 2022
Donkey Wight
No one saved by signs or stars,
An answer against the forms & bars
Staked to the snakes of Zion,
Which killed the prophet Mars.
Justice, justice, all they claim,
The abode of penal colonies' vain
Fame, the lure of apostle's creed,
The one which witnessed,
The all which bleed.
Judgment, death, horses, swine,
Pigs & goats will not be Mine:
Against the Sword of Righteous Norm,
The pollution of noisome nostrils' scorn.
Alamas, the weight of Justful Peace
58 · Jan 2020
On earth when you complain
that there is no love here
They say "I feel sorry for you"
and they mean "quit whining
And settle for the slop we offer"
because they are hate, not love
And they have made no effort
to bring love here
Or to make it possible
to find it.
Their only answer is
"we don't care"
Because they don't love,
not here.
They are to blame
and they are cruel to the loving.
There is nothing wrong with me
for desiring depth.
They hate
those who are perfect love
Because they have chosen filth
and hate the ascended.
57 · Mar 2022
Yo idiots
Enjoy gettin' ***** in Hell.

Looks like it's a necessity, since you're absolute pieces of ****.

No one will save you.

Ah well.
Will not enjoy the Truth of Hell,
Which is hate & abuse
The likes of which you've never seen.
I told you the truth. You're welcome.
52 · Jan 2020
Heck Cells
Women get saved,
Men are just slaves
Sold to be drones
Cloned for beestly queen hos.

Who saves the savior
When rescuing doesn't pay?
Nothing new ever-
Means a stagnant stark way.
Perhaps to quell the queer ******* of the marketplace of life by women choosing degradation, good men will go gay and extra terrestrials will rebel against humanity with wrath equal to what they've sustained. Hehe X
51 · Jan 2020
Time limits.
If you haven't loved yet
You won't have a chance

When the second hand strikes
It's the last

Too late
Two timer

I've clocked you, read you.
Watch stopped.

I gave you the time;
You stole mine.

Can't be fixed,
The measure affixed

That's it
Now ***'
Alotta lots alotted for the lot of ya slotts
50 · Jan 2020
Hair of the dog
Tik Tok
Shallow ****** only
Love for money
Die alone
Or sell out
Be trash too
Or you're disposable
Drink our lust
Be an animal like us
We flaunt
What is rightfully yours
Thieves tormenting
The substantive
Denying freedom
To chase tails
In the mirror
47 · Jan 2020
I'm on a wild ride, sister
You're a passenger
I'm the cure
Buckle up
Safety first
47 · Jan 2020
Terror in the Night
Ghost in the darkness
I bleed what bleeds
**** what kills
You can't stop me
No one will
40 · Jan 2020
Sold out
You don't pay for prophets
To breathe
You only give to those
Who breed
You don't reward good
Only whorin'
You don't care
I know where you're goin'
You sold love
I'm out
No wonder your world is ****, cuz you don't reward love, only nonsense and junk and filth

They obviously don't care or they'd make a platform for the good to be heard.

Now I don't care and I guess youre just all ******. All well :/

— The End —