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700 · Dec 2023
Kelly Diaz Dec 2023
Wanting to be in your arms
wanting to be with you
wanting to feel you
wanting to feel loved by you
is a luxury that I failed to protect
a luxury that I will never feel again
a luxury someone else will enjoy
I'm still in love with that luxury
I'm still in love with you
672 · Apr 2021
Never shall i forget
Kelly Diaz Apr 2021
Never shall I forget the moment we met.
Never shall I forget the good morning and I love you we would text.
Never shall I forget the details of your face.
Never shall I forget your eyes and your smile, and how many times you made me laugh.
Never shall I forget your name that will never be told from my lips again. Never Shall I forget all the beautiful moments we had together.

Never shall I forget the love we had for each other.
Never shall I forget how everything turned into memories in seconds.

Never shall I forget how you forgot me.
Never shall I forget how you treated me.
Never shall I forget when you left me drowning in the sea.

Never shall I forget how our souls were destined to hurt each other.
Never shall I forget that I don't need you.
Never shall I forget that we don't need each other

Never shall I forget that I am better without you.
Never shall I forget that I am alright without you.
Never shall I forget that I am strong.
But …. I forgot all of that as soon as our eyes met once again.
Inspired by Elie Wiesel
532 · Sep 2023
Kelly Diaz Sep 2023
Heavy heart,
painful part
of my life,
knowing there's a knife
at my side,
and I just hide
in plain sight,
hoping there will be light
at the end of the night.
430 · Apr 2022
Let's return
Kelly Diaz Apr 2022
With an unsettling pain I write this
Thinking of you knowing I wont be able to see you again
Please let me glance at you one last time
Lets have one last dance
Let's have one last chat
Let's have one last day together
Let me have one last happy moment with you
Let me return to the moment where I could say I love you one last time.
358 · Nov 2023
Stars in the night sky
Kelly Diaz Nov 2023
I fell in love with him
and I couldn't stop
I was scared that this love was on a whim
but it was not
I felt that I was at the gym
since my heart raced every time I was with him
crazy isn't
the love of my life was everything to me
but I was nothing to him
and in a heartbeat he change us for something new and based on a whim
just when I believed that it could be him
the one I would love till the end of time
and forever be with the stars in the night sky.
322 · Mar 2024
Kelly Diaz Mar 2024
you made me miss many moments of my life
moments i cant get back
moments where i could be happy and live life
moments where i could be with my family
moments where i wouldnt have to hide
but i traded them for moments with you
moments where i felt the happiest in a long time
moments where i cried
moments i felt excited
moments where i was neglected
moments i felt safe
moments of hatred
moments i was filled with so much love
moments i should regret
but their moments i cant forget
318 · Feb 2021
the horrid evil
Kelly Diaz Feb 2021
the horrid evil
is someone who was so delicate and fragile
until the beautiful good came and broke him
the real evil is the man that everyone says is good
since he had cracked open evil
he let evil's ugly demons out
for all evil could do was sit there and watch until
everyone knew he was the worst thing alive
for he could not be called human for all the mistakes he had made
while the beautiful man was called good for he had no imperfections
and deep inside he hid all the horrid things he did to evil
for he started to call evil a horrid thing
and that was his new name horrid evil
the beautiful good loved being the most perfect good there was
so he wanted someone who was horrid and evil to compare him to.

that is why i broke you he told horrid evil as a tear slid down
while horrid evil just sat there in shocked
moments later beautiful good felt some arms embrace him
and at that moment he knew horrid evil was even more beautiful and good than he could ever be.
with a shaky breath he said his last words to horrid evil
and thats how horrid evil became who he was and lived up to his name.
I know this is not a poem but it just came to mind and decided to write it.
296 · Nov 2022
Writing Hate
Kelly Diaz Nov 2022
To write hate on her arms was a disgrace,
But to write hate on her legs was like an embrace,
For her legs will not be seen by the pervy eyes that reach for her soul,
Only her eyes would know,
What is underneath her clothes.
249 · Sep 2022
Kelly Diaz Sep 2022
Five minutes at night
I wait for you to come home
you never come, though.
237 · May 2022
Kelly Diaz May 2022
Love is tragic until someone comes and changes it; until then you're stuck in a tragic place.
235 · Aug 2022
My Summer
Kelly Diaz Aug 2022
The buzzing of the flies
The trees moving with the endless wind
Tend to stick by my side
With a precious memory on my mind
This is summer to me most of the time.
230 · Feb 2021
Kelly Diaz Feb 2021
sad is an emotion too
so dont be afraid to feel it
you have to let yourself go with sadness
because sadness cures itself and becomes happiness
it may take awhile to get there but you will eventually be there in no time
so embrace because it is also sad.
and people tend forget about that
so hold it in your arms
so tightly because it will eventually leave
and it is always sad to say goodbye
214 · Nov 2023
You don't want to hurt me
Kelly Diaz Nov 2023
You say you don't want to hurt me
but you do things that say otherwise
I know what I signed up for when I agreed to be with you
I know I also signed my fate to never love anyone again
but you don't want to hurt me
and I think you hide behind that phrase like a coward
waiting in disguise
knowing you never wanted to be mine.
200 · Oct 2023
Allowed to be happy
Kelly Diaz Oct 2023
Sometimes i feel like i am not allowed to be happy
that the world is beyond me
that everyone around me is acting a little funny
cause everyone seems to not be happy

Maybe I'm just a little confused
and people got me feeling a little removed
but maybe that just because I've improved
and i just wanna feel moved
by the world who is just misused.
196 · Dec 2023
Kelly Diaz Dec 2023
I threw myself at your feet
while the only thing you ever did for me
was step on me in my sleep
and all i ever did for you was love you so deep.
187 · Jan 2024
Kelly Diaz Jan 2024
constantly being chained
to the memories of our exchange
is something I failed to explain
to others because it is so strange
I've come to complain
of our existence because I wish it wasn't framed
in my head where I'm constantly reminded of what we became
I'm trying to move on but like I said I'm chained.
176 · Nov 2024
Leave me Alone
Kelly Diaz Nov 2024
I'm sad again
let me enjoy it
don't wanna have fun
just wanna lay here
and cry all my tears
until I'm swimming in an ocean
full of my sentiment and fears
I just wanna drown
for couple of minutes
until my mind
can fix itself and become clear
cause only than can I get this feeling off my chest
and let myself rest
176 · Oct 2020
Kelly Diaz Oct 2020
It's hard
so hard not to keep thinking about you.
It's hard knowing that you no longer love me.
It's hard knowing you are trying to get someone else.
It's hard knowing that you will never look at me with the eyes you used to.
It's hard knowing that the only way you will ever look at me is with lust or with friendship.
It's hard knowing that I am not over you.
It's hard knowing that you could care less about me.
It's hard knowing that you gave up so easily.
It's hard knowing that anyone can love you and you will love them back more than you did to me.
It's hard knowing that I will no longer be able to say I love you with all my heart.
It's hard knowing that I worry about you and you don't give me a second thought.
It's hard knowing that you will no longer call me baby.
It's hard knowing that you wont give me good night text or good morning.
It's hard knowing that you will never love me again or that you will never say I love you.
But it's harder knowing that you never loved me.
172 · May 2024
Kelly Diaz May 2024
i pushed him away
while he told he was going to stay
i told him to go on his way
and one night
he finally did what he was told
and went out of my sight
i wonder every day and night
why i pushed him out of my life
171 · Feb 2023
Kelly Diaz Feb 2023
en dias que llueve
llorare menos
porque el cielo me quitarar un poco de mi tristeza
pero cuando el sol brilla aun mas
llorare todo le que me guante asta no resperirar
Porque alguien estará feliz
Y yo queriendo morir
Entonces cielo mio
Deja que las lluvias corren sobre mi
Para que la tristeza se baya de qui
161 · Feb 2023
striving for the stars
Kelly Diaz Feb 2023
I will strive for something better than the stars.
I will strive for a universe beyond the laws.
I will strive for something that is far
and will forever be mine from the start.
158 · Aug 2023
Every week is a long wait
Kelly Diaz Aug 2023
Every week is a long wait
Waiting to see you for at least a minute
A minute that will last forever in my memories
My memories that are now filled with you constantly
Constantly in my mind and now I have to wait again
Again to see you for what feels to be like 2 seconds
Seconds i count to see you
To see you on the weekend
The weekend where I might say I love you, baby
156 · May 2022
Kelly Diaz May 2022
I wish I could text you about all the **** that's happening to me.
You're still my home
I know if i felt that then i shouldnt have left you but I did cause you are toxic and I am toxic to you
We were both in a relationship that was highly toxic for both.
So I took my turn to leave.
And now my heart yearns for you
My heart hates it but it's ok because it's better to love you when you're far away from me.
154 · Oct 2021
Kelly Diaz Oct 2021
Everyday the ocean gives back
Something different,  something new
People think it is out of gratitude
But I know its not
Because every time we talk she gives me a silent plea for help.
Yall are drowning me the ocean says, so evryday I go and take what she gave back.
153 · Apr 2024
Kelly Diaz Apr 2024
I fell in love with you last night,
I couldn't let go of you all night,
I never thought you would be mine,
but now we are here dancing in the moonlight.
140 · Feb 2021
Kelly Diaz Feb 2021
ive cried so many times and ive still have to dins what im crying for
the saddest wont stay away from me
i have no tears left
you know artist have to pay a price for there work to look goo
you give up happiness
at least with me
im good at drawing because ive felt every brush stroke on my canvass
every line tells a story of what i have suffered
ive cried before when i draw because i ask for help in them
but nobody seems to get the memo
maybe i am just good actress
just maybe.
139 · Feb 2021
Unfinished love
Kelly Diaz Feb 2021
You're this ghost in my head
in my heart
you're everywhere
but nowhere
i constantly think of you
And i wonder if you're alright
if you're happy
or if you have found someone new
but i ended it
i shouldn't be asking these questions
you're like an unfinished chapter that i forgot to read
why cant i get over you
your like a painting that was never finished
a sentence that got interrupted and was never spoken of again
you're that person that will forever be in my head
You're my unfinished love.
136 · Dec 2023
Ford Ranger Truck
Kelly Diaz Dec 2023
A Ford Ranger truck has become my demise
For it has ruined my luxurious Mercedes-Benz car
a Ford Ranger truck has become something I despised
because it has ruined my life
because who drove it was the love of my life
but he left me for some other wife.
128 · May 2021
Im tired
Kelly Diaz May 2021
I'm just tired
I'm giving up
I want to go to bed
I wanna sleep forever
I'm just tired
I don't care anymore
But I'm not tired enough
I still act like I'm fine
And if people knew I would win an oscar
For acting so **** good
I mean it's ok
I celebrate in my head thinking everything will be fine but I just keep lying to my face
And I look in ther mirror and see this misery in my eyes.
Only you knew about my dreadful tears that I would shed and my awful thoughts that would come pouring in at night.
Im tired but not enough
I wanna sleep but I won't let myself
I wanna eat but I'll starve myself
You see that's me
I'll try to fix myself but find a way to break me.
As I said im a great actress.
Im so great that I forget that I am hurting myself every **** day just because I wanna win the oscar.
I will continuously try my very hardest to win the oscar.  I will always try my hardest to keep my mask as clean and prefer as possibly.
Im just tired but I'm not tired enough.
126 · Feb 2022
the girl that fell in love
Kelly Diaz Feb 2022
I fell in love with a girl and then she told me she likes this boy.
And my heart shattered into tiny pieces but i just smiled and thought to myself i did this already with my ex i can do this with you.
it shouldnt have hurt as much but my heart knew the truth that i loved her more than him.
so when my hurt shattered with her i didnt pick up pieces because i didnt want to love again if they were all going to leave like her.
125 · Feb 2021
Kelly Diaz Feb 2021
the little hope i had
has now been banished from my life
because you've hurt me again
on valentine's day
the worst day you could have hurt me
we argue now on every single day
no matter where we are
no matter what time it is
how are we suppose to take this any longer
i know you're hurting
but ill be selfish and say
i hurt the most today
119 · Nov 2023
Are we good
Kelly Diaz Nov 2023
I thought we were good
But then I let my insecurities come between me and you
You're a good man but maybe I'm not good enough for you
Maybe we are meant to collide and show the world how beautiful our love is
To only extinguish our flame to tiny bits of dust
I love you but maybe that isn't enough for you.
I dove into our love knowing I liked you more than you liked me
Maybe that's why I get so much in my head because our love for each other Isn't equal
cause mine is far greater than yours ever will be,
But then again this is all in my head and I freak out all the time
Just for you to come and love me
One last time
And leave me all over again
I just wanna know one thing though
Are we good?
118 · Nov 2020
beautiful place
Kelly Diaz Nov 2020
its a beautiful place up here
i wish you could see it though
but you're stuck down there in the real world
and i'm glad i took my ticket to go
to visit this place above the skies
where the plants don't wither and die
where the flowers can grow and bloom forever
i really wish you could see it up here
cause its so beautiful
its like something in a dream
so please don't cry no more
cause ill visit you again
in those dreams of yours.
117 · Sep 2023
I like you a lot
Kelly Diaz Sep 2023
It pains me to know that you don't feel the same
that being with me doesn't make you want to say those words.
you said them today
but you took them back as fast as they came out
and then replaced them with I like you a lot
my heart shattered
as if you had left me
and in a way you did
you rejected me without leaving me behind
cause i love you
but I'm afraid to say it again
since I know you don't feel the same way.
109 · Aug 2023
Someone like you
Kelly Diaz Aug 2023
Loving someone like you
was something that came out of the blue
who knew a Chick-fil-A boy
would make me full of joy
Loving someone like you
is something I never knew
but something told me it was good
like eating your favorite food
when I met him he turned bright red
I didn't even know what I said
Loving you is the best thing I could do
and I hope he loves me too.
103 · Nov 2023
Precious Thing
Kelly Diaz Nov 2023
Dear Precious Thing,
My heart always yearns for you
and chases the feeling you ooze
but something always changes
and you leave me stranded
I strive to be with you every time
but you always leave me on a dime
I forgive and forgive
and give and give
and yet you seem to forget and forget
about how much I want to be with you.
102 · Dec 2020
A letter to depression
Kelly Diaz Dec 2020
You have enchanted me
with weird thoughts
i'm starting to believe that you wont ever leave me
why did you choose me to be your victim
you could've enchanted anyone else
but you chose me was i really that special
Love, me
99 · Dec 2020
The wonders of poems
Kelly Diaz Dec 2020
The wonders of poems
I find them quite hilarious to be honest
You must think i'm crazy
I mean i use to hate poems
They were hard to understand
My mind had yet to learn the wonders and beautiful meanings behind these words
This is why i find them funny
They can mean anything
A poem is words trying to say something but in a jumble
You gotta let yourself be free with it
Cause if you think about in clean cut you will get nowhere
There messy, you got to find your way through them
Its hard but it all clicks as soon as you see them in a different perspective
There wise words these writers write poems to tell story without reading book
To show emotions without seeing them
To feel them once again
Because poems are like life
It hurts, makes you cry at times
Makes you smile
Reminds you of a long forgotten moment
Poem can be confusing and so is life
But the author chose those specific words in that certain pattern for a reason
So you just have to try and understand them as they go
Just like the harsh moments in life and the beautiful ones that come right after it.
99 · Nov 2023
Letting go
Kelly Diaz Nov 2023
I really want to know
why I don't want to let go
I feel like I'm over you
but at times I cry when I think of you
I think I'm attached to wanting someone at my side
and hold me like you did that one time.
I thought I had healed from wanting to feel loved
and the sad truth is that I haven't
and maybe that's the only reason I'm hurting right now
and now I'm starting to think I didn't love you at all
so its my turn to take my bow
and say I'm sorry for all the things I've done
its my fault too that our relationship didn't last that long
but then again I believe that I'm hurting a lot more than you.
98 · Nov 2020
His eyes
Kelly Diaz Nov 2020
How do you now get lost in his blue eyes
They are full of mystery
Like how can you not
They are a maze
If you'll look into them
You'll get lost
And I've been in there so many times
And I haven't found an exit
There is probably a prize at the end
So how do you not
                                                        I don't get lost in his eyes anymore
                                                        Because I've been there so many times
                                                        I learned how to get out of the maze
                                                        There is no prize at the end like you think
                                                        The only thing there is honesty
                                                        Which comes with pain
                                                        His eyes told you that he never loved you
                                                        His eyes told you that you were just a
                                                        game he knew how to play
98 · Sep 2023
high pedestals and you
Kelly Diaz Sep 2023
I've been put on a high pedestal
I need to stay on that high pedestal
have to show everyone how perfect I am
perfection is what I need to be
I've been put on this high pedestal
and I don't want it
I want to be able to fail
and I cant
because I am on that high pedastal
but, but
with you I feel like I can fail
I feel like I can enjoy myself and not care
Being with you is like I can finally be  
be someone with no high expectations of themselves
its like I can finally take a breath and relax
with you, my whole world stops
and I don't have to fight to be on top.
97 · Nov 2020
missing you
Kelly Diaz Nov 2020
i still miss you though
i am not over you like i thought
i still want you to come a hug me from behind
i want you tell me i am pretty
i still think you are a sweetheart
i still want those sweet good morning texts
i still want those eyes to be focused on me
i want you to be mine again
i still love you.
95 · Dec 2020
A letter from depression
Kelly Diaz Dec 2020
i chose you because
you had this light in your soul
that i desperately wanted
so i decided to take it from you
but the brightness of your soul didn't last once it reached me
so i am still in this darkness
and I've brought you to keep me company
i'm sorry and i hope you forgive me
love, depression
94 · Dec 2023
Kelly Diaz Dec 2023
Emptiness floats in my brain
Funny how i say that
cause then that means that their is something in my head
but emptiness is what i want to feel when i mention your name
so i let it float in my head
until nothing remains
94 · Dec 2023
Kelly Diaz Dec 2023
it's scary to let yourself be in embraced
and let go of yourself without any trace
of restraint, we haven't achieved that fear
it has left most of us in tears
for years
but there is a small percentage of us
who have achieved that and more than lust
that percentage wins above all of us
and makes us inspired enough
to try once again the game of love
and there are some of us
who refuses to let fear embrace them
with its warm touch and kisses
just like how i let myself be embraced by you
you were my fear that i wanted to achieve
but im the fear you never wanted.
91 · Nov 2020
The man of my dreams
Kelly Diaz Nov 2020
His eyes are the most precious
it compliments his smile
His whole face brights up
his eyes glimmer
a melodic sound comes from him
and I wish time could stop
this is what I fell in love with
the man of my dreams is someone who I can stare at and melt
we locked eyes
my heart beats a little faster
I cant let you stare into soul
cause then you'll see how much you mean to me
and then you'll walk away.
90 · Sep 2023
Kelly Diaz Sep 2023
that burning feeling in your chest
and tears well up and wet your vest
this is something I hate
mind racing a thousand miles
and thoughts fill up in piles
I know I'm overwhelmed
but why can't you tell
I'm hurting as well
and it hurts like hell
but you can't see
how it hurts me
when you neglect me
88 · Dec 2023
Little dove
Kelly Diaz Dec 2023
wake me up from this dream baby
I feel like you've tormented me enough already
how can I stop feeling this way
and it feels like I'm drifting away
tell me baby tell me
how am I supposed to let you be
if you have already left from my side
and you have left me all alone in this tide
in this whirlpool of people and love
but I have to let you go my little dove
But I'm sad to go
84 · Sep 2023
Kelly Diaz Sep 2023
anxious minds
in heavy binds
timeless time passes
while I stand in ashes
knowing you have something to say
and i having to wait
in this heap of nothingness
baby don't tell me this was meaningless.
83 · Oct 2020
Kelly Diaz Oct 2020
I hate you,
I hate you because you're such a great person to be around with.
I hate you because I love to see your face from time to time.
I hate you because everything you do is so freaking adorable.
I hate you because I'm falling all over again.
And you won't be there to catch me.
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