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236 · May 2019
Kahli Wills May 2019
On the steps of the temple,
a worshipper is slain.

Now tell me,
who's fault is it.

The murderer?
Or the God?
201 · Jun 2019
Love creates life.
Kahli Wills Jun 2019
Since time immemorial,
the stars lay still, in anticipation,
and life started anew.

The sun bled her golden ichor,
she forged great plains of sand,
a daunting place of rage and fire.

Then, the moon cried for jealousy,
she flooded the plains,
forming seas of salt and despair.

Then the sun and moon fell in love,
they danced across the sky,
forever chasing each other, and time began.

Their love begets the earth,
magnificent mountains reaching skyward,
to expand and embrace their creators.

As nature revealed itself, so did their children,
little folk from under mountains and within the trees,
the sun and moon’s last love.

— The End —