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Dec 2019 · 1.1k
The Angel and The Temptress
There once was a maiden so utterly fair
Everyone desired to be her lover
With her forest eyes and ebony hair
They came asking one after another

Now Alex had a tainted heart
She didn't care for any lover
She only thought of herself
So God decided to fight for her

He thought one of his children
So completely beautiful
Should be given a second chance
To have a beautiful heart as well

So he sent Victoria to her
An angel of purity
Yet perfectly capable
Of kicking *** if need be

So that very night
Alex was out a little too late
And shadows gave her fright
For they followed her again

Voices echoed behind her
Saying "hey lets have some fun"
Yet Victoria arrived at that moment
And said "I think that we should not"

The men only laughed
Sending anger through her blood
Victoria, the angel of heaven
Decided to have her kind of fun

She did not need her wings
To jump from the rooftop
Landing on her golden heels
She smiled and the men just stopped

They only stopped laughing
They stood in shock and stared
How could she survive a jump
From all the way up there

Now Alex, she was awestruck
At the beautiful savior before her
Now the men thought they were in luck
For they now had two to torture

"Leave now!" the divine angel spoke
Or I swear you'll lose your life"
Not one of the men cracked or broke
She pulled out the Empyrean Scythe

How many men let out a shout
At the woman with the weapon
Their heads no longer filled with doubt
They'd run there was no question

So the men they ran and fled
They were all such petty cowards
They left the woman behind instead
Alex then gazed at that woman, empowered

"Are you alright?" The angel said
Yet Alex only nodded in daze
Victoria placed a hand on her cheek
With a soft and worried gaze

"Are you sure?" Asked the holy one
Alex gave her a soft smile
"Yes but what are you,
and have you been here for a while?"

"Nope this is our very first meeting."
Victoria had simply replied
So beneath the stars they walked and talked
And reposed into the night

"Do you believe in angels?"
Victoria asked as midnight struck
"No, but now I've seen one."
Alex said with a flirty look

Victoria chuckled amusedly
Alex didn't know what she'd said
"Yes, you have, but not the same
Angels are beings to dread."

"You mean you're a real angel"
Alex asked in utter disbelief
"But of course my chosen" Tori said
As she revealed her golden wings

Alex stared in awe at the feathers so soft
"Yup!" Victoria said with a grin
"If you're joking with me, I must say *******."
Then angel didn't like Alex's language.

"Don't take attitude with me!" Victoria snapped.
Her eyes glimmered with golden fury
"What if I do, you're just heaven's brat."
Alex snapped oh so sassily

"Listen little girl,
I've lived much more ages than you.
If you think that you can battle me,
Try it I'll give you a lesson true."

"You are made of ignorance!"
"You are not my mother!" Alex called out
"Mute!" Victoria said in annoyance
But no words could come out

When Alex and Victoria go home
Alex still can not speak
Walking down the silent rode
The beauty felt so weak

In front of this divine being
Her eyes they seemed to dance
Her beauty against Victoria,
Psh she didn't stand a chance.

Alex grew to admire her first
Winking and flirting every chance she got
Victoria resisted knowing of the worst
That could happen if her father was distraught

Now one night a week
they sat among the stars
Victoria was staring at Alex's arm
And all it's scars

Yes, Alex was beautiful,
yes, Alex was vain
However she was dutiful
To giving herself pain

She never believed she deserved love
She never once thought she was good
Then she met Victoria
And instantly knew she would

She would learn to love her
Yes she would become entranced
The cutting all stopped instantly
For her feelings had enhanced

Victoria kept her mouth shut
About the scars that lines Alex's wrist
She could tell there could be more
If the questioning did persist

The night Victoria fell for her
They sat beneath the tree among the stars
Vowing her life and love to Alex
Seeing beauty in all her scars

Slowly months, and a year went by
Victoria loved Alex's eyes
Alex fell for an angel of the lord
Her the warrior, with the sword

They hugged, they kissed
They kept in the dark
Not caring for others
Hiding who they are

Now Victoria was called to the gate
To speak with the father, execution by mace
How dare she fall for his lovely daughter
An angel, how dare she find a lover

Now her God, yes he was displeased
Deciding to cast her from above
He took Victoria's golden wings
And she hurt, in the name of love

Bloodied stubs, of faded wings
A halo dropped from the sky
The day the father was in fury
Was the day an angel died.
Oct 2019 · 222

Whipping at your body
Soft, yet bitter cold
Yes, like a wave of plenty
Within the tales of old

Soaring through the skyline
Yet impossible to see
Lies the wind, a temptress
Drawing you to her breeze

Yet once you get enamoured
And her gust encase you in
You'll find that she's a sly one
Yes that seductress known as wind

She'll sing you a sweet song
Of legends that remain
As her siren snare encasess you
Tornado to a hurricane

Yes, that grand enchantress
Luring people from where they're safe
That coquette 'll leave you homeless
If you give in to her willful wake

So who is this Lorelie
Empress of sin
Why we all do know her
For she calls herself the wind

~Katherine Aclaire
Oct 2019 · 278
A Night In Rhode Island
His magnetic ocean orbs
Uniform a pulchritudinous corbina
The sapphire and lapiz mix
Parellel falling into a piscena

His arms enveloping me
As we repose into the twilight
We never felt more free
Then I a lady, and he my knight

His charismic, enlightening smile
Parents, nowhere in sight
Living a life of sacchrine exile
Just him, myself, and the moonlight

Fireworks alluminate the sky
As we sit in gentle silence
That night on the 5th of July
Eyes glittering like diamonds

Fuming in bittersweet envy
Is the man in the moon staring down on us
My head on his shoulder lying gently, he stares
Feelings of jealousy, for our everlasing love

Our spirits in perfect concord
Shadowing all that we are
The owls cooing harmlessly
Akin the beating of my heart

Sitting beneath that willow tree
On a bench on the precipice
Where we first fell in love
Beneath those branches, pendelous

The waves beating softly
Gripping the sandy shores
Those stones kicking up the water
That crashed against them evermore

The salty scent of the of the breeze
The aquamarine surges
That span accross the ceaseless seas
Our eyes flickering to the night surfurs

The glittering, flamboyant stars
Begging for our attention
Yet nothing can rip our gaze apart
Both our heartbeats in suspension

His hand grasping my chin
Imploring to my tainted lips
His soft ones beseeching to meet mine
Pledging unity in sealing our first kiss

No god above us
Could tell us we were wrong
No hell that awaited us
Could end this siren song

The melody of our everburning souls
Merging into all that we ever were
Nothing could stop our torrid passion
On that Rode Island cliff, above the shore

— The End —