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  Jan 2016 Kaiana Mapp
i saw you for the first time in months
you played with my hair
you told me you missed me
the look in your eyes was as beautiful as the moon that night
i can still feel your hand on my thigh
you made my heart skip a beat
i felt so free
i havent smiled in so long
we sang in the car
it was as if nothing happened
you got mad at me for trying to take my life
i have never felt so important
**** the way you make me feel
you say you're no good
you say you can't do a relationship
but you're in love with me
my heart is breaking
i have never felt so useless
  Jan 2016 Kaiana Mapp
you tell me you don't remember what you said to me the other night
i thought i was the drunk one
i thought i could see it in your eyes
please tell me you love me tonight
  Jan 2016 Kaiana Mapp
That stranger had cheeks stained by berries & a summer's day.
Hihi sunshines!
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