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Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
Back in my blackout era
I was more agreeable
Things weren't as egregious
Because nothing was in focus,
Now I'm a gaslighter
For finding illumination
And trying to offer you light?

I've stammered down
The starless streets
With hands outreached
And a heart on my sleeve

I've curled up on the tile floor
Behind a locked door
Loaded up with legal poison
Wishing I just wouldn't wake up

Back in my blackout era
I was filled with rage and sadness
Almost teetering on madness
Because I just couldn't heal
While I kept injuring myself
I am not gaslighting you by
Standing by as your street lamp
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
I guess I'll watch you drown
Let me put on my clown nose
Then you can waste my time
Articulating why I'm so awful
For wanting you to be okay

I guess you'll be going soon
Up to the Coors light mountains
Then maybe down to Miami
Where you'll come to realize
I was only speaking the truth

Or maybe you'll linger here longer
And use me as target practice
Because you just could not
Get yourself up out of bed
And immersed into the world

You only ever talk about
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
He echoes
It's quite vivid
For short moments
But then it melts
It evaporates
Scared cloud
Sporadic tears
Soft words
Whipped cream
But salt instead
Of saccharine

How long have you been bitter?
These days drift and collide
With rough deep bellied roars
But some days just a squeak
A ghostly moan in the hallway
Car collision wreckage squeal

He echoes
It's monotonous
For long moments
Seemingly endless
Dismal dreaming
Escape routes
Vision boards
A map to nowhere
It's quite vivid
When I'm alone
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
Particles scattered once again
Humility found beneath debris
High pitched tones in each corner
Sinking quickly down into the sea
Brisk flashes fill the night
A haunted lullaby repeated
Wailing mothers and children
And sirens simply screaming
Chaos ensues and it envelopes
The soul like a gold cast
With prayers ascending
To be immediately ignored
Brought back to the dark ages
Soul torn from flesh
Dripping crimson pleading
Peace is an easy concept
When the only war you've ever known
Is the one that rages deep inside
From when home didn't feel like home
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
Is there an angel here with me
Wallowing in the corner shadows
Where my eyes dart in the darkness
As I plead my lids to hastily close
Before the sun ascends the latter
Shattering through the window
Spilling onto the parkay flooring
Slithering up and atop my comforter
As I try and meditate on comfort
And those who can so easily drift
Into sweet and restful dreaming
While I delve deep into a panic
Over a conversation exchanged
More than five years ago
I guess there is no paradise
If there's nothing to escape
Do you take full notice
Wallowing angel with grace
The things I must face
Even in the warm embrace
Of my own obsessive thoughts
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
There's a door I can not open
Not locked just jammed
Taunting and beckoning
I've been away on a journey
Trying to acquire peace

There's someone behind the door
I hear whispering while I sleep
Soft breathing during the day
To venture onward feels
Somewhat sacrificial

I don't want to lose the rope
Break my fingers and descend
Regressing back to the bottom
Wading in the shallow waters
Of the deep grim well

But the scratching never stops
Curiosity is a rolling boil
There's an axe down in storage
They say peace comes at night
So I'll begin in the morning
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
Just let me dwell
In this old rolodex
Dark circles along
With unkempt hair
Trying hard to hold
To never let it go
Despite me knowing
That it's been gone
For so awfully long
Nostalgia of wholeness
Prior to the cracks
And dispersed pieces
Of young wild smiles
Cigarette smoke
Empty city streets
Running mascara
Childish promises
Childish dreaming
Clouds drifting
Storm brewing
Dreams dying
Just let me dwell
In that old rolodex
Carousel spinning
Tangled in the tangible
Midnight embrace
Twilight kisses
Starlit wishes
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