Everybody's hands drip with color
everybody loves to smear them on one another
We leave ourselves as duller and duller
Your blue-black soul rubs up against mine
and my purple-y pink hue loses it's shine
as our wispy personalities begin to entwine
Those I meet, we mix ourselves with a simple "hello"
We blend into each shade. Blue! Green! Red! Yellow!
I'm so happy, so happy! Look, I've become a rainbow!
Oh... oh no
From such a buoyant high I've come down
because my vibrant pink has become a muddy brown
With such ugly, drab colors.. how can we ever be happy now?
Why is it we tend to lose ourselves to one another?
When we leave our colors on other people, do we become dull and listless gray-brown or a vibrant and beautiful rainbow? I can't quite tell.