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Jess Brady Sep 2014
You make my day a little bit brighter and your touch makes me feel a little more alive.
Jess Brady Aug 2014
I've tried to explain him but the only thing that comes out is bits and pieces of broken thought.
Its like everysingleword ever made has not, does not, live up to what he is.
I can only explain him through metaphors and similes because nothing can come close to describing someone as magnificent as seeing the sunrise on the first day of summer.
His skin is made of stars and constellations that are constantly being formed.
His eyes are like the vastness of galaxies and space itself; and when I think I can looked away, there's always something more to see.

He is endless, infinite;
and I still have so much to learn about him.
I rewrote an old poem.
Jess Brady Aug 2014
He tells me I'm beautiful like its a fact, not a compliment.
Jess Brady Jun 2014
Everyone always tells me that I need to stop thinking in order to reach clarity.
That thinking too much hurts.

But you know what I think?
I think that sometimes pain in necessary to see how I feel.
That sometimes I need to dig and scratch and claw deep down into my soul to realize.
That sometimes those restless nights in bed where I can't get every single emotion and 'what if' out; I toss and turn in bed with thoughts that never cease to rest; they are crucial.
Because sometimes in all of this, I find more important things.
I have these conversations in my head that 'click'... And I realize why I do the things I do.
And even though this piece of information isn't important or doesn't pertain to the problem I'm having,
it takes me one step closer to having every gear turn together in harmony.
One step closer to having everything about myself be somewhat understandable.
One step closer to understanding myself.

And you know what I think? I think that's important.
Jess Brady Jun 2014
You're on my mind like the whiskey in my blood and the smell of cigarettes on my breath.
Jess Brady Jun 2014
Its 1:30 in the morning and the only thing I can think about is that you are in my veins and I want to clear my body.

Because if doses of you were illegal, I'd be arrested four times over.
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