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Jenna Jun 2021
The struggle, the pain
The fear inside,
Is breaking me, changing me, filling my head with lies,
But you don’t see it. You don’t see the flame, the fight, the tears in my eyes,
They tell me I’m wrong,
And I break down and cry,
But why?

Why don’t you see my thoughts, the worries, when I walk out the door,
To go out in public,
To this judge mental world,
As only a kid,
With these feelings and scorns,

But this is me, a human,
What happened to “equal?”
Just cause I’m different, doesn’t mean that I’m evil.
But Maybe it’s you,
Your the problem, the pain,
The reason I hide,
The voice in my head,
Telling me to disguise,

But why does it matter?
Respect is respect,
It doesn’t need a social latter,
So stop worrying about who I am,
And worry about who you are,
Because United we stand,
And stand, we will, forever.
Jenna Apr 2021
"Talk to me," they say. But why, day after day, does the pain never stray, it blocks out the sunshine ray after ray, I stand alone in the dark. Yet it's hard to get by, when day after day I sit there and cry, because no one is there to say pretty lies or to let out disgruntled sighs, or tell me that I am good enough. You know, as a teenager your expected to talk about your thoughts; your feelings inside but no one around you you trust to confide, your greatest thoughts in. I'm so tired of being told to stop talking, told to start talking, but if all we do is talk, who is there to listen?
Jenna Mar 2021
I wear the mask that shades and hides,
All the pent up tears inside,
It causes pain when I have to lie,
When people ask me, I say, I'm fine.

I have the eyes that see the demise,
Of the people who will never realize,
How words cut and jab like knives,
Bruising and clawing me up inside.
Just a little freewrite
Jenna Feb 2021
"I'm okay," says the teenager with hair covering her face to hide the tears.
"I had a good day," says the tired single dad to his daughters with a big smile.
"I ate today," says the boy with his ribs showing through thin long sleeve.
"I look good," says the man in heels too self conscious wear them in public.
"I'm not scared," says the young girl with anxiety on her first day of school.
Do we lie to convince others, or ourselves? Is it worth it?
Jenna Feb 2021
If you could see what's on the other side of the mental mountain your climbing, would you make it over? Even if it's heartbreak, or the lottery, if you had the option to see what lyes before you, would you look? Or would you let the anticipation of "what if" drag you to the other side? Or would you terry along the mountain, knowing not what lyes before you, dreading what's to come, or having the knowledge of what's on the other side?
Let me know what's on the other side, and keep climbing.
  Nov 2020 Jenna
pony-tailed playmate
head tucked in her shirt
gazing steadily down
at her toes in the dirt

chaos tiptoes around her
naive oblivion
journeys in far away lands
just west of the meridian

watercolor fairy tales
bleeding outside the lines
unaware of the danger
unaware of the signs

let me sit with you, darling
in the dampened flower beds
and paint a new world
for us in our heads
Jenna Oct 2020
Roses hold lies,
Daises hold dreams.
Orchids hold lust,
Thorns hold on by a seem.

Sunflowers hold a smile,
Unique and full of youth,
A pretty face full of love,
Yet there the ones no one's pays attention to.

Bright bold colors that wish of trust,
Dance in the wind without a care,
Shining bright among the others,
Petals fly into crisp Autumn air.
Be a sunflower in a field of roses
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