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Jean Sullivan Dec 2014
Hands in love with handlebars, pencils, dirt, food, ash,
Leave me deprived,
Don't be sore,
Things will be good once again.
Jean Sullivan Dec 2014
It was different then,
It was pure then,
It was kind, sweet, new, romantic,
It was good,
Peach lotion,
Distant trees,
Close enough to catch,
Cats, dogs, rats, snakes,
We were part of the world then,
A small part,
But we were in it.
What do we have now?
Nothing but plastic in hand,
Put your shoes on,
Put your virtual toy away,
Enjoy the air,
While there is air to enjoy.
Jean Sullivan Dec 2014
Have no fear,
When we get where we are going,
The tide will let us know,
Smell of the air,
Reminds me of younger years,
Turned so stale as I grew,
It may not seem so,
There is little here for me so I must go,
Don't expect to see flashbacks,
I'm falling.
Jean Sullivan Dec 2014
I love those who are not above me
nor below me.
Jean Sullivan Dec 2014
Low lights in a little room,
Forget the stuff I said,
Too many years for every bad man.
Jean Sullivan Dec 2014
I'm living my life in a sinking ship,
Waving goodbye,
Throw their handkerchief,
I was ****** when I saw the anchor lift,
Lights shining out of their eyes,
I hope my voice can reach past the sky,
Scream! No!
Wait of me lovely,
Don't be ashamed,
Drift into my arms,
And let me pass.
Jean Sullivan Dec 2014
I still look at her an see light,
Even though she was the one to blow out the candle,
I use to be a little girl,
Turned into a mother before I could read,
Rooted in the ground and torn out,
I only expected a gentle uprooting,
On my own now,
I build the fence,
Then the wall,
I cover them with flowers to hide their shadows, now I evade to a windowless room,
To think,
All the doors I left open,
None were walked through.
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