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Jan 2021 · 355
Sahara Rain
Jowlough Jan 2021
Rain gives joy in a humid place
It’s likelihood, a subtle chase
Like a mother’s soup you savor to the drop.

Showering the dessert land
Little as your attention span

It’s rarity, the purity.
Gives excitement to the trees
Oh I miss the windy bliss .

Water traces in the sand
Running palm-lines of your hand

Rain-sun ratio’s one to nine
It’s a summer year day in and out
Longing for the moistened breeze

Like the love you've put in vain
Subtle showers like the rain

Longing for the mist and the cold
Talking weather is plain too old

Watered sand dunes dug a hole
dying heart and shattered soul.
(C) Jan 28 2021 - jcjuatco - dyokar
Sep 2020 · 259
Jowlough Sep 2020
I got a mechanism
Called coping
demons knocking
In the head
Slaughtered by alcohol
All alone
Suffering’s inevitable
This should be the note
In case someone asks
But for all I care
No one should
I am the way
The truth and the temp files
You can always empty
If it’s worth the while
Random access memories
Trying to be fun
Better of recoveries
Secondary free will sun
Mar 2020 · 816
The hidden hustlers
Jowlough Mar 2020
The hidden hustlers.

Most of the time, we question the focus of the people we know who are used to having multi faceted things going on with their lives. Stereotypically, most folks have one track sense of judgement on their failures blaming it on the lack of time because of the multiple things those multi faceted people do. There is a known imperative for the common haters, keyboard warriors and ****-hurts of the judging world of current social media to capitalize on the mistakes rather than what has been accomplished, boiling down to, yes, lack of focus.

These people are low-key hustlers. These are people who have massive amounts of real pursuit in terms of things outside their core jobs. People who are the reasons why charities exist, and the same category of people why art forms in this earth continue to be significant. They are usually those folks who are the outliers of the common society, and what a joy to meet and get inspired by these people.

And yes, they are the ones who has people’s eyes sticked in their backs for most part of their lives. The ones who are often exposed to criticisms and judgement, particularly to things like lack of focus during the event of setbacks and misfortunes. When a failure arises, the first one to blame is the lack of focus. I’ve experienced it myself and to the other people, and some, to the closest circle where I personally noticed the struggle in terms of managing their time and their long-lined patience. More than time actual struggle, it’s the stereotyped judgments that hurt them.

But through the years of observation, I found the idea reversed.

Reversed in a sense that I believe that most of the multi-faceted persons have the most solid and ******* focus someone can get from a person. Over the decade of experience in the workplace, those who have side hustles and passion projects are the people who have actual pedigree on lending an extra thousands of miles when tasked to do something. They are the master of balance. They sacrifice their passions hideously depending on human variables such as timing and use of words. They are over-reactive internally and complicated critical thinkers because they won’t allow slightest of any judgement touch and blame the things they are passionate during an event of delays on the tasks they are doing. They know how to sacrifice and be hurt in the process. These are the people who spends sleepless nights just to save their passion projects and keep them afloat in hectic schedules, they are the hustlers in such a way that any loopholes that lead to destroying the things they love can’t be tolerated, so they better put in the hard work hiding in plain sight even if there are no eyes looking, they are masters of making it effortless in the naked eye. But when you dig further on how they do it, you know that they are always in a brink of dying due to misunderstandings and angry loved ones, families and friends because they have been all juggled inside the 24-hour day. Yes they know their shortcomings, but I say, it’s the reverse in terms of  focus.

Some people might relate to this because, I know that these are the people who has thirst to etch something in the world, but is to busy to market and brag it. They have multiple pockets of insane hours and grit on their focal points of pursuits.

Only people with strong focus can be experts in their multi-faceted fields of pursuit. Without massive amount of focus, you won’t be able to build multiple habits. And without the habits, you won’t be experts. Period.

And the funny thing is, often time, people who are judging them on their slightest mistakes are usually reactions from mediocre individuals who are connected with them and sometimes, the victim character who got the lesser attention time from the multi-faceted hustler, thus stirring up pressure because, looking at it, there is a level of dependence, and any delays or setbacks could be  attributed to the ‘so-called’ lack of focus.

These hustlers are people, who are sometimes, difficult to understand. They give vague reasons why they cannot attend a not so important life event. They mastered the art of matured alibis so they won’t hurt feelings. But true enough - they might be insensitive at times.

They get anxiety when they don’t produce something out of their passions. They are curators of their own products. These are the natural creatives, in which, ironically, the stereotype judgment on their mistakes are usually associated with time management issues, lack of focus and improper spending of money on things that majority of people won’t appreciate, or worst, in some eyes, are not important because it doesn’t profit.

I find it ironic when those people who are multi-faceted are more focused than those who are masters of a singular field. We can say that both has focus, but cancelling out the posers, multi-faceted hustlers have the most low-key grit and grind attribute you can find in any human being.
They won’t anyone touch their joys with one-dimension judgement. But they are not showy and everything seemed to be effortless.

So what I'm telling you is somehow the argument is in reverse. They tend to be targeted because of their vague presence, in which results speak for itself. they are working in the shadows - They are the people who inspires, who are strong, and the ones who deserve any small amount of appreciation. They are the people I call the hidden hustlers.
Mar 2020 · 272
The reversed desire
Jowlough Mar 2020
The reversed desire.

Over years and years of striving and adjusting, adapting from the real life after school, learning, working and building everything from careers to a home - eventually you will get everything most from material things and desires, your pursuit, to stuff and state you’ve initially dying to get.

And when you’re there. Your young self will realize that there might be bigger things in life, but your core self will realize that your contentment is at peak. Now you’re starting to feel rusted, perhaps, sometimes, pragmatically bored.

Through experience you will see light in every darkness, from different kinds of human beings that became, and is part of your life. You’ve known it. You see the motives, you see through everything. Two steps ahead, the outcomes, the results, the fallback and the possibilities. You map the unmapped and if there are new branches of the path you expect and you realized it’s a breeze to know how to navigate it. You will come to a point that there are few things in life that matters to you. A love one, family or a passion. Yes - You achieve it all. You are an achiever. You don’t beg. You have it. You can have  it. You’ve mastered the art of timing, and the art of going to different kinds of war. You got nothing to ask for and you’re not thrilled with life.

But the thing is - you’re just in your thirties. You don’t have the luxury of life like what people see in social media, and you don’t mind. You have a sense that you don’t need anything anymore. It happens. Now there are instances that you mindlessly self destruct. People may view this as a kind of immaturity, but they cannot understand you. You know their stand, all those stereotyped uncle’s and friend’s judgements blow in your face, But still, You’re cool with it - but it ***** that no one understands your state of losing your sense of purpose.

It comes. The bad thing is - you’re young. There are people who reached a state of “Whatever life throws at me, I can handle it” phase where they are millionaires at their 40s, 50’s, 60’’s - Or, the other side, when all other things are well handled, You still can forecast that you can handle everything without any volatility in terms of your physical, mental, financial and emotional health - but what if you’re just in your early 30’s. It will seem that a lot of people will not understand you. You are still in the build phase and still a ‘baby’ essentially in terms of the human lifespan, and yet, you are telling that you are having your peak?

True enough, it sometimes, happens. And it is quite difficult. Mostly, you are a giver. You’ve spent vacation-less years working like a dog, pursuing everything at a high rate of speed, going on to finish-lines earlier than your peers. Taking care of people around you, loving without any expectation of returns at all aspects. You become an eagle. An eagle that roams the bluest skies and stormiest weathers hunting for your self. A wolf, that provides sufficient resources for the pack. A loving human that is always misunderstood yet - you’ve become a person with a wisdom, not caring for things you cannot control, with an indestructible armor of self belief, smashing every goals and roadblocks in the way. And yes - you will reach a point where you don’t lose. You are a super machine adapting and leveraging to every scenarios thrown at you. You are a master of everything. Nothing can bring you down. Not even any lowest point of your life, which you’ve experienced and evaded smoothly because you have an amazing comprehension on everything, both intellectually and in relationships. You pick your battles, and you are a hustler. But when you go home alone, your mind spans big like the universe. You’ve mastered the art of contentment. Whatever is lacking, you supply. So in short, you are young, you don’t need anybody. You are a giver, and you can maneuver on anything - Now there comes a time, what is next and what is the point? Moreover, what makes you happy? What is the next stage? What is the inspiration?

You are reading up to this point because you might be one of them. I’d tell you, there are a few people who can relate, and are self-sufficient. We’ve been too wounded and scratched to worry about anything. Sometimes, too strong for our own good.

Sometimes, we own our own mind too much and overrated as it sounds, we’ve mastered the battles in our wars too much in our own ways that we come to a point that we cannot move forward due to a lack of drive to anything. We tend to misunderstand if this anxiety is some form of mental illness. Maybe? Maybe not? But how will we move forward like you usually do. You solve everything. You are used to failures. Failures are normal and you learn from it. What’s next? What thrills you? What’s the point of living?

Sometimes you will get so consistently efficient in everything significant to you, could it be work, career, passion projects or people - to a point that all you wanted are the reverse of things. You go hard, you achieve it, but then what? There are moments when what matters are those things that you ‘must-not’ have, that you currently have - and you’re thrilled about it.

Wait, what? Yes - sometimes, you will reach a point where there is something called “The reversed desire”.  This is your challenge at the back of your head. This is the hidden martyrdom that triggers fuel from your soul. The what-if’s inside your heart. You know you can get anything you want, and therefore, what if I could lose something valuable? A death maybe? A hard reset?

Just like what is happening right now. We are in the middle of a pandemic. This is the time where all your creative juices should be flowing. You think of silly things. You ideate. We can conclude that anything has a reset button, even the world itself. Now what if you don’t have what you have? Will it supply the needed fire to your heart to continue living? What if you reverse your desires just to make a dent to your cold soul and continue thriving to the given norms?

You don’t get satisfied with anything unless you un-have it. Brings to a point, that man is a pleasure seeking animal. And if you’ve mastered the most stoic approach at life, Your spirit might seek the alternative ways to satisfy your inner life crumblings. It’s always a reset essential that enables you to do more.

The reversed desire.
Mar 2020 · 213
One track mind
Jowlough Mar 2020
The only thing keeping me
from killing myself these days
is the thought of falling into
Disappointments and setback traps,
dimensions, I’ve etched
In my small mind, as you watched me
Flicker my mistakes
With a sleigh of majestic hand,
Round and round towards
A looped circuitry of failures,
Missed opportunities and chances,
Enchanting offers I’ve withdrawn
Tearing myself apart, wasted,
All until, the precious time -
you’ve finally laid
Your beautiful eyes on mine
And now I realized
That there’s more to life
Than being a one track mind.
And there’s always a hope
If there’s some believing,
And it’s so much better
To have the same different kind.
Feb 2020 · 208
My bad
Jowlough Feb 2020
I suppose
you are making
me guilty of things
of the jokes I'm saying
to be someone else
turning me off

I suppose
you are telling
me half baked information
agitation and frustrations
sending me false signals
to my brainwaves
you're altering

But guess what
you've been poked
by a six-inch needle
in the right eye
bleeding and crying
begging for life
in my mind
right now,
my bad.
Dec 2019 · 215
Twenny Twenny
Jowlough Dec 2019
I haven’t reached the farthest goals
Of mastering the inner calmness
Inside the solitude of being alone
Makes my mind wander for more

I needed other trusted channels
More than any art form I can rely on
To free my mind from excruciating slavery
From my own thoughts that I roam.

When all others get their bacon
Nobody loves you when you’re alone
I am somebody’s option
But it doesn’t make sense at all.

New decade is up for living
And all that matters is those that doesn’t
When all your friends are there
As if it they were your friends at all.

And now you’re up to ending your own
As if the end game you got nothing at all?
I’ve given too much and I am tired
From rebuilding up this faulty walls.

This pain is lingering from the inside
I can’t grasp to anything at all cost.
Mediocre moves doesn’t matter
From the intensity that was all, lost.

What it is written I will leave it all here
For ****’s sake, Tina,
Is this the end of the noises
You’ve wanted all along.
Nov 2019 · 216
Immortal Being
Jowlough Nov 2019
Isn’t it the feels that never goes wrong
When you’ve put someone
Immortalized in a song

When every statue perishes
At each tick-tock of the seconds;
The song remains as-is, unblemished.

Isn’t it nicely done
When the words are all said
Like an open book, a spread in a bread.

Sweet belongings you can always own
and listen on a post-**** day
When you’re down and in frown.

Isn’t the one you needed
Was just the song, I am emphasizing
Hyperbolic statements that I am wrong

Isn’t it that I am wrong
To assume that feelings are just for rhymes
A word play to listen as you sip your wine

Isn’t it delusional
That I am feeling this feeling
A song is just a song, and love is just a feeling.
Nov 2019 · 149
Spin Cycle
Jowlough Nov 2019
Spin Cycle

Verse 1:
The tragic tales of your past
which can’t be unheard of
You pick to close your eyes
instead of choosing your path

You never really gave a clue
on what you were thinking
Unspoken words are hidden

By the time my eyes met yours
You send me shivers down my core
I never caught the words to say
Stuck in a spinning cycle

Verse 2:
The blessed curse of the times
you picked to waste with me
are all built from the lies
as you’ve told all your friends

Never wasting anything
never needy
You go buy me a souvenir
when you get here.

Repeat chorus 2x

Stuck in a spinning cycle x4
Oct 2019 · 148
Fuck feelings
Jowlough Oct 2019
I am floating at 2 AM
Puffing smoke
It’s such a shame
I think about you
Despite the mumblings flock
Reserved towards home
So constant in my mind
Memories intertwined
No rhymes generated
Cracked membrane
Are we the same?
Or am I just that plain
No ***** given
Zero attention span living
In my mind I need to free up
Until next year I am keeping,
Sep 2019 · 260
Jowlough Sep 2019
The spark that lights up
the inner tremblings
of my brainwaves
collapsing pride and guard
gentle awakenings.
The future’s uncertain
but are there not any?
of all the people I’ve encountered
You’re the one I want to marry.
Or is it too soon to say
what life has to throw about
I don’t understand
maybe tomorrow’s
Maybe I am just contemplated
Just washed up
and not cemented?
The foundations
are all swept away
by the ideas we’ve created.
Jul 2019 · 192
Jowlough Jul 2019
The numerous number
Of slated slumbers
Stunningly stumped upon
The rightful rifles
Firing worst words
From toasted tongues
Of the shocked showman
Hazing Hazards
Towards towers
Of guilty guides
Of labyrinth laborers
Casting catastrophic
Negative negligence
Of wasteful washed
Mimicking minds
And sinking signals
Decrypting dead-eyes
And staring statue like
Dancing dark side
Gushing guts
Bow-tie bonafides.
Apr 2019 · 1.1k
Flower plower
Jowlough Apr 2019
Pass up until you have it
Wait up until you need it
Tell me the password
I’ll show you and light it up

Give me a valid reason
Inhale until you’re weezing
What are the magic words
Flunked conversations

You have the pedigree
I’ll stay up until your free
Blank revelations
Song inspiration

Pass up until you need it
Don’t rush you’ll have to save it
Tell me the password
I’ll show you and light it up.

They give you lame advices
Trippin’ the lane you’re passing
Timely decisions
They’re on a mission

Talkative boy’s on fire
He gets the double score
He does no picking
Swimming on double rivers

I’m just another option
The secondary mission
When he’s out partying
Practically speaking

Pass up until you need it
Wait up until you got it
Tell me the password
I’ll show you and fire it up

Give me a valid reason
Inhale until you’re weezing
What are those magic words

Stay put your inner spirits
Hit it until you miss it
What is the password
Tell me the magic words

My life is very tragic
One hundred percent logic
No fun and happy games
To feed your spirit

Show me your hidden feelings
Give me a point for living
And convolutions

Pass up until you say it
Wait up until you keep it
Tell me the password
I’ll show you and light it up

Give me a valid lesson
Inhale until you’re teasing
What are the magic words
Dumped conversations

Never to be belonging
Clingy from floor to ceiling
Am I assuming
This love is blooming?

I’ll take you up the mountains
Reserve a room what happens
I don’t initiate
The pathway to heavens

You may be here just wond’ring
Why are we doing nothing
I am a loser
But never a user

Now you’re showing your body
You are getting too naughty
Tell me the password
I’ll keep it then light it up

Igniting the inner senses
Decluttering all the messes
What is the password
Tell me, I’ll act it up

Pass up until you see it
Wait up until you touch it
Tell me the password
I’ll show you and fire it up
Apr 2019 · 226
Spectacle Spectator
Jowlough Apr 2019
Tell me all the things you want to see
Give me spectacles and mere advices
I will listen and I’ll believe
But never, forever

I will stay for as long as you wish
I’ll provide whatever you have missed
I will listen and I’ll believe
But never, forever

Tell me stories about your life
I will force my self with empathy
I will listen and I’ll believe
But never, forever.

I’m the perfect man but you can’t see
I would waste my gas for that long trips
I’ll pencil myself until you’re free
But never, forever

Enticing insights from A to Z
Well everything’s about your fantasies
I am all in, without a doubt
But never, forever.

I’m as old as what your mind can tell
You’re a demon hiding in your shell
Contemplate me more about yourself
But never, forever.
Mar 2019 · 232
Happy ending.
Jowlough Mar 2019
I don’t think I need anybody anymore
Whatever the consequences
The locks are fine whoever is outside my doors.
I’ve crossed the rivers now and I’ve seen it all,
I know what I wanted
This is my direction and the shots I call.
Today I will turn on the safety
I’ve missed this feeling called “hiding”
Tonight I have capped it off,
I don’t trust anyone’s image portraying.
I’m tired of hearing hearsay
I am glad getting off the grid
Well that’s what she said
As I watch her die and bleed.
Mar 2019 · 178
Jowlough Mar 2019
I can still remember
When availability light was faked
You got all your stories
While browsing the lake

Of photos and images
Never a minute you’ve never checked
Advisory pills scheduled
Daily you cannot take

You’ve never put a single
Cent of appreciation you receive
All you were was a blind shamman
All he have to do is leave.

The misfits were the scene
The scene of the misunderstood
It’s where you’ve invested time
It’s where you depend your mood

And all he have to do is leave,
That kid who blew you away
What more can I say
You’ve earned all the prices to pay

And all he have to do is leave
The impression was saved to your brain
Despite of the ill advised belief
You took all the pain.

And all he have to do is leave,
After all the time spent and given
He’d took the easy way out
And odds aren’t just even

Eleven, all I see was tears
From undeserving creature, deceived
You had your time being fooled
And all he have to do is leave.
Mar 2019 · 193
Jowlough Mar 2019
There’s a certain
Chemical reaction
Triggering inside
My brain, sensation
Intimate Relations
Missions and emotions
Fluttering square noises
Synthesizing signals
Massive sensation
Every word processed
I listen and observe
Through the questionable
Glasses, braces
Conscious awareness
That permeates
That feelings flickers
Fluctuates and lingers
In my head
As the heart falters
To the grandiose
Your Appearance,
I ought to snub
But I fail, miserably.
To that approach
Your mantra
I ought to oversee
But I do the opposite
Mar 2019 · 186
Sneak peeking
Jowlough Mar 2019
Would you like to see me
Singing you about stars and magic
Tragic, whimpering haptics
Tricks and tips, kissing lips
Love-handles your hips
Trips, and malt brewed sips
Equips, my amygdala hits
Hots to every bits
You were lit.
Would you like to see me,
sit and chew my teeth
Working hard and grit
With jitters of ideas I rip,
When the heavens sent a gift
My spirits uplift
Shift, my tensions creep
Like a drug it whips
Shivers my wit
Writing poems I keep
Yes, we’re both sick
Pouted lip like a bird beak
Eyebrows on fleek
Wrists on flick
On one two bleeps
You’re personality clicks
The signals are weak
Then his phone beeps.
Now take a sneak peek.
Mar 2019 · 186
Jowlough Mar 2019
Disbeliefs on dogmas
We ride south to pretend,
De-bliss your assumptions
On the ladders we ascend,
Climbing and huffing
We puff our lungs out,
Soldering the bonds
Through malts and stout.
Losing awareness
Baiting but not biting
Whimpers of warm wind
Shivers our feelings
Meeting on outskirts
Trusting guts and instincts
Wavering the solidarity
Of rights and critics
Hovering towards luck
On things we avoid
On things we never spoke of
Illegal and unspoken
Unclear and jokingly rotten
Candid thoughts
You ought to forget
Split second
When eyes are wet
Caressing my mind
As you are all set,
Future scoping
Towards my own death.
Mar 2019 · 208
The Staple
Jowlough Mar 2019
I am the process;
The traversing of mountains
In threadlike loopholes
And narrow passages
Of patient waitings
And trembling muses;
Stronger and sturdier
Than the age old woodwork,
Patient like hachiko
Emptiness was never
A strange phenomenon
That should be pondered
Wandered, instead conquered
Purposely testing
Water depth mocking
The norms and the usuals
People are unusual
Strange as it may be
Talkish boy you come and see
Coastal air and hot tea
Staples of synthwave
Let me be.
Mar 2019 · 163
Jowlough Mar 2019
Baby you’re one of a kind
And I’ll be straightforward
I dreamt about your face
Last night in a courtyard

Free spirits in a haze
Dandelions in your main photo;
Harassing my inner faith
Like I won the lotto.

Like I’ve mastered my art
Like I’ve recovered from hardships;
I worship your beauty
Secretly in public.

Tallying zeroes and ones
Whether your heart is open?
I don’t know baby
But mine is even.

I’m so mushy
And I dont even realize
What you’ve done to me
Is making you immortalized

Through these rhymes
Stored in the servers
Oh god, let me be
A secretful lover.
Mar 2019 · 218
Imagine, Imaginations
Jowlough Mar 2019
I once had one
of the happiest nights
Recurring dreams
of justified universe
Fights I had
with my own mind
Getting the victor
In my own terms
Rigged the realities
Without harm
Imagining possibilities
Redefining norms
Of what could be
A dementia
And a spur of
honest moments
Demystifying hopes
And relations
Imagine, imaginations.
Mar 2019 · 363
Nothingness of nothing
Jowlough Mar 2019
The thrusts of trusts
Hooked upon instincts of crooked flukes
Bloops upon loops of hopes in a rope
Nope, I want to cope walking like an antelope
Broke, sitting on a boat, with a smoke,
Cans of coke, whisky and cup of hoax.
In my mind, blind from the inside.
Slide, coincides the what if’s
Trips and coffee sips,
The leaked tips and tricks, pointed
At the corner of the eye sorted,
Like cards hoarded
In a thrift shop, copped, snapped,
Napped and again, aging,
Doing anything, sinking, sloping
From what I don’t have,
Mic’d overdubs,
Brain scrubs;
Is this love?
No, I suppose
Just a comatose
From raised eyebrows
Daily dose of lows
Trashed roses
My heart, collapses.
Mar 2019 · 171
Slow hands
Jowlough Mar 2019
Transcended filters
Converted to humming and whispers
On a violet sunset kind of evening
All those bagged lifters

Indecisions you ought
Not to drop and decide
Not to hit the road
Less traveled and abide

You take the kinder approach
No shortcuts or take overs,
Patience in your ammunition
Never taking chances ever.

Doing the bad thing,
Is this the real life you’ve wanted
And you’re young enough to **** this ****
But old enough to take things for granted.
Mar 2019 · 243
Studio work.
Jowlough Mar 2019
She’s the girl
That kept on fighting
Despite of the odds
And dimmer lightings

The one who has grown,
Hidden sadness
Behind the smiles
She is burdened.

She’s the girl who’s true
Hiding in plain sight
Shedding new light
When things are never right.

I know the temporary
And I don’t know what’s ahead
For I know I am an absorbing man
Then, off to bed.

I will never get tired
Of our looped talking.
Until you’ve bloomed into a flower
Then you will leave me hanging
Feb 2019 · 203
Jowlough Feb 2019
Free as a bird,
promises marked thy word.
Limitations are switched off,
bounds that were never heard.

If you would just focus,
lenses fixed on a one-shot mind.
I wish you have the decision,
truth can never be blind.

Evaded realities,
reluctant and hidden feelings.
brings joy to the horizon
of jittery nerve endings.

Options are in front of you,
choosing should be easy.
when you're a mere shadow,
past is not necessary.

Choose me if you will
As you've picked the real.
I don't want no sharing
unless you're not completely healed.
Feb 2019 · 133
Reluctant Doctor
Jowlough Feb 2019
You know I am no magician
Not that kind of fool;
Who sings you lullabies,
I don’t use the victim tool.

You make my day amazing
Like the sunset from manila bay,
When I am drowned with sickness
You shone bright I should say

I have the wonder serum,
Exclusive, To heal those wounds.
To seal and recover immensely.
Your precious stolen goods.

To delete random access memories
In your complex mind storages,
Citrus beverage you don’t finish
When you rest those tired hinges.

But when time passes quickly
And we’re cornered in the elbow room,
I must be restraint,
I’ve crossed the waters like a saint.

But before we heal,
I have to carefully check.
If you are willing to give up.
The things that made you sick.
Jowlough Feb 2019
You may not get it
And I don’t say it straight
That the eyes shows it
More than I can fake.
That the heart is pounded
With a heavy mallet
Like jabs thrown at the face
Without the gloves guarded.
Without the tears
Dripping cold on my fluffy face
Withered taste buds
on the raw sashimi’s taste.
Like a dagger triggered
Or a bullet to the head
When your lover and bestfriend
Announced they’re newlyweds.
Like I can say a thousand more
Adjectives and metaphors to tell,
How it cuts like a knife.
How it burns like hell.
Like the shading light
On the stage you take flight
Please don't talk to me
When you are high.
Dec 2018 · 784
Pseudo Sally 96’ Lounge
Jowlough Dec 2018
Sally, the wordsmith, Poet essayist
You’re the childhood road runner
Divine word receiver
Can I take your hand?
Let’s go for a dance.
I’ll carry your luggage, Towards the parking lot
You’re sober, romantic, Unapologetic.
Can I take your bags?
Let’s go for a trek?
Sharing is caring, But except for you Sally.
You’re demanding, free spirited
A flower in restraint
Never a cold day, warming sun giggles
Don’t you hurry, your childhood
Seven Year’s too short.
Don’t you get upset,
Until my eyes are wet.
Well everything’s just a glitch in my head
Time traveling’s a future scope.
You and him’s a proof of concept.
Sep 2018 · 243
Trust issues.
Jowlough Sep 2018
The prudence of the acts
despise your inner motives
Cranks the rusty handles
of your inner steep core
throttles that bespoke
all the omnibuses of hope
ends with a single shyness stroke
ending the tempest
closing all the doors
burning the bridges
of unthankful and unhappy
total erasure of persona
granting peace at last
and I should have known
And be laid back careful
Whom I trusted last
******* cement cast
May 2018 · 336
Staining the sheets
Jowlough May 2018
All those schemes
You look forward to
Becomes a bitter pill
Swallowing is hard to
Getting drunk to the waves
Norms you suddenly
Wanted to alter
As yourself falters
Pitting your soul
To the lowest point of hell
Demons are whispering
Makes you wonder
About the other side
Murmurs and tears
You all keep by yourself
Will make its redemption
Dimming the lights
Knocking on the doors
Waiting for the end
Thirst you cannot quench
In the middle of desert
Inside your rotten boots
You can plead to yourself
Dying inside to the bones
And still no one knows
What tomorrow might bring
No one knows
When the ending is near
And you fix yourself a drink
Puff the smoke in the walls
And the same walls
Barricades your rationale
Asking your self why
Asking why you are buried alive
Grasping and gasping
Until the last breathe succumbs
Ending the suffering
With scattered biscuit crumbs
And spills of coffee
Staining your sheets
When you call it quits.
Apr 2018 · 260
Jowlough Apr 2018
This liquor held hostage in my hand
With no choice but to listen to me
Follow instructions and steps
Easy as one, two and three.

The cigar that burns my lungs
Listens to what's in my heart
Without hesitations
I am validated to the mark

The substance stays with me
Through ups and downs
Right on the spot
Relieves me from frown

Now you're asking me why
I should stop and think about
These vices kept me alive for years
Trusting my will without a doubt

Now you're telling me
That I'm a lonesome bloke
Broke and bleeding
But first let me drink this coke.
Mar 2018 · 380
I can't take you places
Jowlough Mar 2018
Bummed for the joys
Of sunshine and paradise
Lost in the grid
On your visions I bleed

I can't take you places
Being just a rock n' roll kid
I defer to your sight
Flights and mischiefs

The smoke that fills my lungs
Are full of decisions
Withered with thoughts
Failed attempts and secret missions

I am a fool for one
My footprints is your basis
I feel the sun on my spine
I can't take you places

Sored heart bruised arms
Shimmering mind but still a loser
You are the world
And I can't take you places
Mar 2018 · 432
Wake up
Jowlough Mar 2018
I will wake you up,
From your deepest slumbers;
Fill in the gaps and voids,
The blanks and the emptiness.
The fountain and the cracks
Where the rejuvinating juice pours,
The unusual shape of your lips
When the mail man lures.
I will wake you up,
From the spurts of excitement,
Draw a steady line
Of vague resentment,
Turning the tides
Of the tables bringing the whole,
Bring shivers of joy and laughter
Redefining the needed tools.
I will wake you up
From your middle mind dementia
Turn your knobs on
When the spirits takes over
Lover, you foolish creature.
Sleeping from the reality
When your deal breaker's a misser.
Mar 2018 · 357
Absorbing man
Jowlough Mar 2018
Expectations made me
like a rotten corpse
Waiting patiently
Like a dead tired horse

Assumption was a basket
Full of false hopes
Anger control
Put away the ropes

Take me where
There is equality
In taking love
And giving is in duality

When sensitivity meters
To negative factor presence
I summon the spirits
To give me more patience

Cursing I won't drop any
Harsher words I can say
In my decaying will
That I've put into prey

Is this what you've wanted
Is this tomorrow you've dreamt of
Is this the chained cycle
Running in infinite paradox

Is this what I woke up for
Is this where all should I know
Is this the future
How far will you go.

How do birds sing
How do you even sleep
I am a train losing steam
Falling in a downhill steep

The tipping point has been reached
My spectrum of tolerance in a can,
But it's all good everyday
Because I am the absorbing man.

Is this the world you've wished for
You can discard this unending run
Manipulate my feelings
But I am the absorbing man

I've sacrificed my world
My feelings, my needs in one
It's all thumbs up
Because I am the absorbing man

The passion has been petty
By the way you make me feel
But it's just my feelings
And I am the absorbing man.

I've dropped everything
To avoid complications and fuckery
Indulge yourself
Because I am the absorbing man.

I am starving and thirsty
Feeling needy and still existing
**** my existence
I am the absorbing man.

Dimes and good life
Can I take this to my grave
I don't even deserve a grave
Because I am the absorbing man.
Life is a sponge.
Jowlough Mar 2018
Foxy blues I want to hear
Untamed taste for melodies
Calm and endless
Kicking spirits of parodies

Yesterday, is another day
Overloaded and wayward.
Unsung soul, read this downwards.
Mar 2018 · 318
Jowlough Mar 2018
Some prefer tattoos
Others puff smoke
Some look forward to outdoors
While sipping diet coke

Some prefers music
Befriended their souls
Others sweat like buckets
Running through the cold

There are people who dance vividly
In the heat of the morning;
Others lurk upon the shelves
While others enjoy travelling.

Some picked their families
Above everything else
Others decultivated their passion
To proceed on the wedding bells

Faked smiles and friends
Others put agenda above self
But some acts like the sun
And others dwell in asteroid belt

Some shoot all night
While some prefer to pass
Some placed their brains ahead
While feelers put their head last

There are some who aged like wine
Others spoiling like milk;
Some hearts are built like a stone
While some hearts are made of silk

There are polar opposites
But they know how to dwell;
And some similar objects
That oughts to repel.
Feb 2018 · 217
Jowlough Feb 2018
When will you stop
Hiding in the bushes,
Of bannered hourglass
And deal breaker muses,
Of mysterious voyages
And undecoded patterns,
Drenched in your lips
Coated with wine;
Guarded in sublime.
When will you etch
Your lone marches,
Upbeat through spectrum
Of your impulse purchase;
Of the things you dream for
And the extravagant churches,
Of your complaints and pains,
Of your rigid achievements.
It's all mysteries
And twisted verses;
Of all the missed mid weeks
Of all the inside curses;
At the cohesiveness of stories
With all the vague bars
We are at the same range
Fighting different wars.
When will be the endings,
Of should be happy endings;
Of all the struggles and fake friends;
Lurking in your future wedding.
When is the moment,
The blooming of the fields
Your mornings and my night wields
Raising our shields
Improving our builds
With all these crates
We suppose to create
Is it too late
Or is worth the wait
For time's sake
Will you flake?
Feb 2018 · 267
Anti Mob
Jowlough Feb 2018
Inviting Invitation's lurking
But I'm not showing up
It's very enticing
But I reserve my spot

I'm tired of playing normal
In the company you've dwelled,
Everyone is not interesting,
Only you I want, the rest is hell

People's man it is
They say from crowds I blew.
Except on all the events,
When you have your crew.

You are the lone reason
Why my cold body is in presence
I don't care about anyone
You're the only one that has essence

I'm tired of getting along
Just to get a fraction of you
I hope we'll go out
And it's just alone of us two

Don't bring your friends
For they're only be accesories
Hinders and barricades
And additional extra-carries

Let's set the pace
Don't you tell you want it too?
I want it one on one
Shall we make this thing true?
Jan 2018 · 278
Jowlough Jan 2018
The traction of the skids
squeaks into the floor
as your fake smile and kindness
approached me by the door

You said you deserved more
despite your unripe fruits
summoned demons
to climb the stairs for

Your self-centered tendencies
kills the amour for the day
you don't respect authority
it's about what you say

achievements are never just trophies
I almost puked about your hive
I hope I never see you again
please go home to your tribe

You see things revolving around you
as if you're the sun
you seek approval and attention
like a you're dying for one

The threshold for ******* cup
is few droplets from full
the good thing is that my tolerance
is insanely massively cool.

Cooler than your ex
I say ******* if not for obligations
or say humane way of things
catastrophic reasons
Dec 2017 · 290
Corner spot
Jowlough Dec 2017
Black stars on white, thumb and index on lips
rolling with your sports yoyo and red lipstick.
all your visible veins are non-passive,
as I view from your thick lenses behind retrospective.

That filthy container where you're sipping liquid
rebellious crown you're sporting is quite cursive.
hideous mask can't contain your heavy hormones,
when I caught you peeking on the corner wear-ons.

From the corner spot, I can't think of any jargons,
Of words nor dragons I could use, money or mansions
I'm just a steady monkey of potential and future,
Eagled eye but not haunting or never sure.
Nov 2017 · 258
Childish wasabe
Jowlough Nov 2017
He doesn't know
He looks like a ******
To the masculine commune
Never the bro
Never a revolt
He will be slammed with a colt
In the near future
Acts like fifteen
Almost a ******* pristine
Scummy as it may be
A childish wasabe
Nov 2017 · 480
Fake House
Jowlough Nov 2017
Fake house I've invented
To elongate my lift
To play the advisor
And pick up lines
To fullfill satisfaction
For you to hear
The tunes I've lined up
Carefully hand picked
Normalized to hear you to bits
Withstanding the insensitive mob
On the common highway
Just to hear giggles
And shiny sun rays
To the invitation
I won't commit
And I make a long turn
So just you won't hint
That the fake house is ****
And my intentions are equipped
And the light punches
You bored on my shoulders
Stinged and milked my cows
To the point where I came up
With the so called fake house.
Nov 2017 · 284
Off to bed
Jowlough Nov 2017
I'm not the kind of fool
Who goes first on fondues
Wreak havoc on travels
And get lost and bruised

And fight for anything
And anyone of feelings
I am the son of cold
And the grand child of vulgarity

Never the strong man
Nor the spiritual insane
Running my highway
In my own truck lane

Never ink blotted
By the time I felt I'd like to
Overdoing scatterings
Forcing pusses to pop lingerings

Cropped out from photographs
I am the eagle from the south
A day older from my mere shadow
Of dandies and slouch

I am the charmer of ghosts
In this fatigued jacket
Taking charge of bullets
Triggered from your guts

From your sub standards
Pulled from the gauntlet
Off your misfiring ammo
Crash dummied rocket

Murmurs and prophets
Fake gay dimples
Soft brushes
First class test crashes

In the middle of the zone
Blows my head
Leaves my lights on
Off to bed.
Nov 2017 · 342
Jowlough Nov 2017
As I succumb to earthly forces
******* me slowly
Inside the vacuum of
Unlikely desires, calmly

Late evenings
Casted a spell in my lonesome
Presence, flying thoughts
Whether to go undone

Looking for common peace
Mind is under water
I am surrendering
To youthness I cater

But one snap of a finger
I am getting back
To your untarnished image
Suddenly I am back

Not the half the man
I am giving efforts
Joint movements and vision
Insanely positive rapports

I am out of this ride
I am making up for plots
Of lust and neediness
That gave me hurt and cuts

Four in the morning
Recovering sipping my cacao
Thinking of how
Karl kalabao.
Oct 2017 · 312
Hits and misses
Jowlough Oct 2017
You passed me by
With your pupil on the side
Sends shivers down my spine
Like a crime
Whose pleading leads me to vices
In places and all the faces
Your beauty is my basis
Hazes in in your glances
Across the room we fade
And it takes me places
Higher than glaciers
Better than any drugs and laces
Each one of your glances.
Twirling, dances
I surrendered all my cases
All of my history traces
Of all the wisest
And the strongest
The baddest
And the sharpest
The maddest

Of thorns and roses
Retainers that replaces
Your braces
Of fiercest
And finest
You run mazes
Hits and misses.

Tonight, I succumb.
Oct 2017 · 411
The brewing
Jowlough Oct 2017
All the cuts of so called midnight outings
Doesn't seem to count
The Cranium says complains
But the bother's unaware

Those shingalings and twindlings
Was a bust atleast for you
Never locked a stare is it just me who gives a care

You give me a transcendental glue
In my mind you run things that shivers me and woos

A roundabout of shallow ride for you
But a heart attack of all sorts for me
And a leaking faucet of tendencies
All incidentally brewed.

The arrival's like a scene that is embedded in my head
Precision is the name that you game
Never had an interest and had to fool myself
Stories left unclaimed

A roundabout of shallow side for you
But a heart attack of all sorts for me
And a leaking faucet of tendencies
All incidentally brewed.
Oct 2017 · 271
Jowlough Oct 2017
I am not the kind of fool
Who tells you stories of the herd
And draws the moon and stars

You've been far off the curve
And dehydrated on the shore
Flung out the usual norms.

Captivated truly
As my trivial senses got hooked
In your stable who's a custom soil
By the drenched aged farm

Inside the active land and seas
In which you came from
Abundant spills of beauty
In your smile and in your soul

By the name of the french lady
Who gave me cold teas
Under the waitress of the resto
Beside the town of the fleas

She gave me hope, another chance
Another dance in the opposite polars
We trance.

And she gave me things I look forward to, another dance inside the collared cage, we tranced.
Sep 2017 · 253
Jowlough Sep 2017
Shed me a glance
through vices you won't
***** until you savor
gravity's at fork

Idle faced question
she's stuck and bare
opened mouth before
the flick of the hair
Dec 2016 · 594
Jowlough Dec 2016
If I could only take
The pill to reverse,
To take back time
And prevent the hearse

A currency to spend
A time I choose to alter,
A flower to pick
Among millions to cater.

I would choose you,
Beautiful charmer;
Dream chaser
Please recruit me

To your surreal
Lifeline approach and justice,
To kiss and hold you
Flowers and berries

A connection
I ought not to dwell in
Voice I thought
was music I never cherished

If I could only
Replay the process
Of building this puzzle
I could never think best

I could choose you
Maybe I could lure,
Maybe sometime,
Sometime near future.

I could love you
Take care of you;
If only I could alter
The clothing of time

And sequences,
And events;
I would love to choose you,

If you could care
To alter yours,
Even in an alternate universe,
- you would choose me too.
Merry Christmas
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