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 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Margareth V
You fear me
Because I am standing on my own.
You see
I am alone.

Without a “pack”
I have sharper teeth
And lack
Of empathy.

A path
Of a lone wolf
Along with wrath
tear enemies apart.
some of us are lone wolfs and we can walk alone.
She shivers as he puts his hand on her forehead.

Ma, you have a fever, he says
and pulls up her blanket.

She closes her eyes to hold back tears.

it's your touch, son, her lips hardly move,
like rain on my arid heart, long awaited,

streams of films roll in her head,
the baby, skin of her skin, blood of her blood,
the umbilical cord never separated,
severed as the baby grew up,
a man of another woman,
the expanding distance
huddling all those cuddles into memories.

It's your touch, my son, it heals.

The son rises to call a doctor.

She knows she has no fever,
only pains of sweet memories.
Hark! Hark! Kenny Rogers,
A lark at heaven’s gate sings
Sail away like galloping rivers
And spread thy gentle wings

To wing from the ****** earth
Unto a realm of opalescent skies
In the mighty land of worth
Where seraphs croon lullabies

Mellifluously day and night,
Where flowers dost shine
Ineffably long and bright
All bedight in colors devine.

In lands of novelty sea shores,
Lands of many a whispering river
That dost serpentine forevermore
With heaven’s sweetest nectar.

In lands of halcyon glassy seas,
Seas as calm as a millpond
With banks of multicolored trees
Yet all veiled with many a diamond.

Lands enveloped by lustrous stars,
Stars painting words of desire
And heaven’s ineffable wonders
Upon chatoyant skies on fire.

Lands where love is woven by
A tapestry of truth not lies,
Lands where love isn't bought by
Sapphires, emeralds nor rubies.

Lands where avenues are all
Paved with green and gold
Come winter, spring, summer & fall,
Such pulchritude is all to behold.

In lands where the only air
There is to inhale is purest love,
In a kingdom all but so fair
Beside the king of heaven above.

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Tacoma, Washington. 3/21/20.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Francie Lynch
I've had a better life
Than a squirrel.
Ask anybody.
But looking out,
I'm envious of that
Mite invested, bushy-tailed one,
Fleeing up my tree.
Day nine. Number nine, number nine, number nine, num...
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