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 Jun 2020 JASMINE
Salmabanu Hatim
I learned genetics from my mother,
You have stronger chromosomes of your father than mine,
You are like your father.
 Jun 2020 JASMINE
I'm a tease
I don't really mean to
I just can't help it
when I'm with you
even with bad timing
when we can't touch

I'm a tease
but only for you
 Jun 2020 JASMINE
push you away
 Jun 2020 JASMINE
i drown and drown
yet i never die

maybe i'm just dying
over and over, or
maybe i'm already dead

but if you try to save me
you'll get pulled under

and i can't let you
drown with me because
you will die

and you won't come back

maybe you won't, but i can't take that chance
i don't love myself enough to risk your comfort for my happiness
Dad you were to me
A good father
Although you are not here with us now
you're sitting on a star
with mum there by your side
we'll never forget you
And we still love you dearly!
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